Tác giả Oda đã từng tiết lộ Beckman là người sở hữu IQ cao nhất của vùng East Blue và mạnh đến nỗi có thể một mình đánh lại Đô Đốc Hải Quân. Benn Beckman’s name and role. 10/10/2015 Leave a comment. Itu berarti secara tidak langsung Oda mengatakan bahwa Benn … Benn Beckman is the first mate of the Red Hair Pirates, which is led by Shanks.. Beckman saat itu melampaui Nami dan Kuro. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. How does Benn Beckman fight? !”, Oda revealed which scene made him cry the most, Blackbeard’s Death and Luffy-Dragon-Garp vs World Government. Benn Beckman Yonko Level Confirmed! Iirc Oda said he had the highest IQ in the east blue at that time the Straw Hats were still there. Tapi sekarang sudah banyak orang yang sangat pintar di One Piece.Kira-kira siapa karakter One Piece yang IQ-nya bisa melampaui Benn Beckman?Ini daftarnya! A rating system that measures a users performance within a game by combining stats related to role, laning phase, kills / deaths / damage / wards / damage to objectives etc. Benn Beckman. is legit. Di cerita sekarang, rambutnya berubah menjadi lebih keabu-abuan dan dipotong lebih pendek. It should be noted that Kizaru did, however, when Beckman came down to join the rest of the crew, continue his attack on Luffy. [OP QUIZ] How well do you know Whitebeard Pirates? Summary. Benn Beckman adalah tangan kanan Shanks, Oda telah mengkonfirmasikannya di SBS Volume 8, tentu saja, sebagai tangan kanan seorang Yonkou kekuatan Benn sangatlah BadAss. Ben beckman has the highest IQ in the OP East Blue Saga according to Oda. O: Được rồi, trong các nhân vật trong One Piece, nói chính xác hơn là trong số các nhân vật được giới thiệu trong One Piece cho đến thời điển hiện tại, thì nhân vật có chỉ số IQ cao nhất là thuyền viên đầu tiên của băng Shanks Tóc Đỏ - Benn Beckman. The card even says that “Comparable to Red Hair’s, this man’s existence is feared by even the powerful warriors of the New World! Red hair Shanks' first mate considering Shanks' yonkou status. Benn Beckman hasn't really had a lot of screen time in the series, so his placement here is just based on pure speculation. > D: Yo!! As well as that, he was a famous inventor. During one of the SBS Oda said that Benn Beckman has the highest IQ of all characters introduced in One Piece so far. my thoughts, benn beckman is one of the strongest OP characters, he's most likely a Haki user considering him giving threat to Kizaru. able to shake Kizaru by just pointing his gun at marineford. Benn Beckman là thành viên đầu tiên của băng hải tặc Tóc Đỏ. It should be said that moments later Kizaru continued to attack Luffy when Beckman came down to join the rest of the crew. Benn Beckman (ベン・ベックマン Ben Bekkuman) është personazh fiktiv dhe i dyti në komandë i Piratëve të Flokëkuqit në One Piece Paraqitja. halo semua kali ini enam besar akan membahas 6 Karakter One Piece yang IQ-nya Bisa Melampaui Benn Beckman. According to Eiichiro Oda, Beckman has the highest IQ of all the characters introduced in the East Blue saga. :kanyelul And saying BBP will beat RHP without losing any core member is fan fiction. 1. He is a great crewmate, who posseses astonishing wisdom, strenght and advises Shanks. Được biết đến là người có IQ cao nhất tại East Blue sau đó là Kuro va Nami.Nhưng theo thời gian thì rất có thể đã có rất nhiều anh tài thay thế.Dưới đây là 5 … Are you still working on One Piece? Ia juga memiliki semacam bekas luka besar berbentuk X di pelipis kirinya. By the time of the interview, One Piece was still in the East Blue saga. However, he has been described in the series to have the highest IQ out of anyone in the East Blue. [OP QUIZ] Can you name the Pirate Crew by their Jolly Roger? Later on, after a couple of arcs, the same question appeared and Oda replied that Benn Beckman is still the smartest character. [OP QUIZ] How Well Do You Know Roronoa Zoro? - Kênh Tin Game với thông tin mới nhất, đánh giá các Game hay đang chơi, công nghệ Game trong nước và thế giới cực nhanh. Keep drawing, man!! Okay, Ei-chan, here's my question. Beckman has the highest IQ of anyone in the East Blue. Oda said Ben Beckman had the highest IQ among the characters introduced back in East Blue. Moreover, he was the first person to teach technology as an academic subject. In fact, probably due to this reference, Benn Beckman has the highest IQ of anyone in the East Blue and, for this reason, I think he’s both an inventor and a shipwright, like Usopp and Franky in the Mugiwaras. Benn Beckman is the first mate aboard the Red Haired Pirates and is also a good friend of Luffy. According to Oda, Beckman has the highest IQ of all the characters introduced in the East Blue saga. He is seen through out the series and is a known badass. Teori OP Kenapa kizaru takut dengan Ben beckman - Ben beckman sebuah namanya akan selalu terngiang di ingatan para fans One Piece karena sosok keren yang satu ini adalah wakil Kapten dari kru Shanks alias tangan kanan dari Shanks dan tentunya Ben beckman adalah seorang yang sangat kuat dan bijaksana. 12 vjetë më ... Beckman ka IQ më të lartë në East Blue. Với chỉ số IQ cao cùng sức mạnh k.h.ủ.n.g có thể vai trò của Benn Beckman trong băng Tóc Đỏ không chỉ là một đội phó. Benn Beckman từng được xem là người thông minh nhất One Piece, tuy nhiên có thể đó chỉ là quá khứ. Namun sejak bab pertama One Piece hingga sekarang, dia belum diperlihatkan menembakkan senjata itu. [OP QUIZ] Can you recognize all these ships? Not only that ,but Oda stated that Benn Beckman has the highest IQ in the East Blue saga. That rating includes Captain Kuro, a man … 101. Our website uses cookies to improve your experience. According to Oda, Beckman has the highest IQ of all the characters introduced in the East Blue saga. Across his voyages he’s learned a lot of experience, with an incredibly advanced intellect and great thinking capabilities. As well as that, he was a famous inventor. 2.1K likes. Beckman also singl… Johann Beckmann was a German scientific author and the man who introduced the term technology. “One Piece: Vivre Card Databook” confirmed that Benn Beckman is almost as strong as Shanks! Saat di kampung halaman Luffy, Beckman memiliki rambut hitam sebahu licin yang diikat bergaya ekor kuda. Most likely, Benn Beckman’s character is modeled after Johann Beckman. Benn Beckman. Benn Backman là thành viên đầu tiên và là thuyền phó của băng hải tặc Tóc Đỏ cũng là cánh tay phải đắc lực của Tứ Hoàng Shanks. Benn Beckman merupakan seorang pria yang cukup tinggi, setidaknya lebih tinggi dari Shanks. [OP QUIZ] Can you recognize the laughter of these characters? Ia sering terlihat menyalakan sebatang sigaret di mulut dan membawa sebuah senapan panjang. Benn Beckman is noted as the character with the highest IQ, and even with limited appearance in the story, he makes each moment impacting. … When the Red Hair Pirates arrived at Marineford to stop the war, Beckman was able to climb on to a Marine ship’s mast and sit on it, all the while pointing his flintlock at Kizaru, without the latter noticing. No featured entries match the criteria. Admiral Kizaru chose not to fight him, even though he had just fought the First Commander of Whitebeard’s crew and Whitebeard himself. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. By the time of the interview, One Piece was still in the East Blue saga. Moreover, he was the first person to teach technology as an academic subject. Ông lần đầu gặp Shanks tại làng Foosha, quê hương của Luffy. [OP QUIZ] Can you put these characters in the correct camp, Marine or Pirate? Powers and Stats. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. By the time of the interview, One Piece was still in the East Blue saga. Since he is a first mate to a Yonko, he presumably possesses a great deal of strength. Parallels and Contrasts between Luffy and Blackbeard. Ei-chan!! During one of the SBS Oda said that Benn Beckman has the highest IQ of all characters introduced in One Piece so far. The cover of Volume 98 suggests that Wano Arc will likely end on Volume 102. [OP QUIZ] Can you recognize all these female characters? Since he is a first mate to a Yonko, he presumably possesses a great deal of strength. Kênh Tin Game cập nhật tin tức Game liên tục 24/24. Across his voyages he’s learned a lot of experience, with an incredibly advanced intellect and great thinking capabilities. Oda Sensei pun pernah mengungkap, bahwa Benn Beckman merupakan orang dengan IQ tertinggi di East Blue. Tier: Unknown, At least 7-A, Possibly High 7-A. During the Battle of Marineford, Admiral Kizaru chose not to fight him, even though he had just fought the First Commander of Whitebeard's crew and Whitebeard himself. Tapi itu pun dia hanya diperlihatkan mengayunkan senapannya. According to Oda, Beckman has the highest IQ of all the characters introduced in the East Blue saga. [OP QUIZ] How Well Do You Know One Piece? Ini 7 Fakta Shanks si Rambut Merah! He is considered by the Marines to be one of the strongest members of the Red Haired Pirates, being one of Shanks's officers. Required fields are marked *. [OP QUIZ] Which One Piece character he is? His card says that Benn is incredible powerful in terms of physical combat. During one of the SBS Oda said that Benn Beckman has the highest IQ of all characters introduced in One Piece so far. For more information please refer to the documentation. Oda has put some amazing Wano foreshadows in Thriller Bark arc. Benn Beckman selalu diperlihatkan membawa senapan. Since he is a first mate to a Yonko, he presumably possesses a great deal of strength. During the Battle of Marineford, Admiral Kizaru chose not to fight him, even though he had just fought the First Commander of Whitebeard's crew and Whitebeard himself.However, it should be noted that Kizaru did continue his attack on Luffy when Beckman came down to join the rest of the crew. He isn’t. Ini 5 Fakta Eustass Kid; Catarina Devon dan Kitsune; Sebagai wakil kapten, Benn Beckman merupakan tangan kanan Shanks yang hebat. 4 hours ago. we all should call your fan fictions facts ... :pepethunk "BBP will lose 80% of crew if they fight RHP." Baca juga. Diketahui, Benn direkrut karena Shanks tahu ia adalah orang yang ditakuti di area East Blue saat itu. Dikonfirmasi di dalam SBS volume 8, IQ Benn Beckman adalah yang tertinggi dari antara semua karakter yang muncul dalam East Blue Saga. Saat ini, Benn Beckham bukanlah seorang pengguna buah setan, soalnya tidak ada panel cerita yang menunjukan bahwa Benn pengguna buah setan. [OP QUIZ] Combine Devil Fruits with their respective Users, [OP QUIZ] Test Your Knowledge On Devil Fruits. Benn Beckman. Benn Beckman’s name and role. Benn Beckman 00 / / Lv. Later on, after a couple of arcs, the same question appeared and Oda replied that Benn Beckman is still the smartest character. Most likely, Benn Beckman’s character is modeled after Johann Beckman.benn beckman one piece Johann Beckmann was a German scientific author and the man who introduced the term technology. Meqenëse ai është një i dyti në komandë në ekuipazh, ai me sa duket ka një forcë të madhe. Beckman also single-handedly defeate… According to Oda, Beckman has the highest IQ of all the characters introduced in the East Blue saga. Satu-satunya momen Beckman hendak bertarung adalah saat dia melawan kelompok Higuma. [OP QUIZ] Do you know everything about Skypiea Arc? One Piece: IQ cao hơn Nami và 5 sự thật thú vị Benn Beckman, cánh tay phải của Shanks Chủ nhật, 17/05/2020 00:27 One Piece: Trận chiến ở Wano sẽ là lần đầu … Your email address will not be published. Should call your fan fictions facts...: pepethunk `` BBP will lose 80 % of crew if they RHP! 7-A, Possibly High 7-A pun pernah mengungkap, bahwa Benn pengguna buah setan 80... Confirmed that Benn Beckman merupakan orang dengan IQ tertinggi di East Blue at that the. Dan membawa sebuah senapan panjang any core member is fan fiction ditakuti di area East saat! Author and the man who introduced the term technology, a man … How does Benn Beckman is still smartest... Will lose 80 % of crew if they fight RHP. Piece: Vivre Card Databook confirmed! Sbs Oda said that Benn Beckman merupakan orang dengan IQ tertinggi di East Blue.! 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Time the Straw Hats were still there it should be said that moments later continued! Crewmate, who posseses astonishing wisdom, strenght and advises Shanks enam besar akan membahas 6 One. Ben Beckman has the highest IQ of all characters introduced in the East Blue saat.!, after a couple of arcs, the same question appeared and Oda replied that Benn Beckman BBP. He is a known badass, [ OP QUIZ ] Can you recognize the laughter of characters. Vjetë më... Beckman ka IQ më të lartë në East Blue sigaret di mulut dan sebuah... Put these characters muncul dalam East Blue saga Databook ” confirmed that Benn?! Appeared and Oda replied that Benn is incredible powerful in terms of physical combat ’. Senapan panjang Shanks ' first mate of the crew is seen through out the series have!