Ewedu soup is served with the famous amala and stew. Riya Jain | March 7, 2019. But amala lovers will disagree! it is the most beautiful cookbook I have ever seen. Amala and Ewedu soup is classic Nigerian food, mostly eaten by the Yoruba tribes, especially people from Oyo State, but other tribes appreciate it. #3. Subscribe Below to Receive My Free Weekly Recipes. Input your search keywords and press Enter. @Mo- not sure any children like it! look closely at the image, This is nice oh. i don’t even think it’s as yummy as several other foods, and as a child I hated it! Interesting isn’t it? It could be served with a variety of ọbẹ (soups), such as ẹfọ, ilá, ewédú, ogbono or gbegiri ( black-eyed beans soup). Are you married or dating a Yoruba person? I say yummy! I also don’t really like amala but once in a while, i like to ‘taste’ it when someone else in my family is eating it. Amala and Ewedu soup will always stay one of the most popular Nigerian soups, not only among the Yoruba people. Ewedu soup is normally served with Omi obe and Amala or any fufu of your choice. Anyway I looove amala without the frills (no sauces necessary). And I normally eat rice with it in Lebanon, Potash is very bad for the lining of the intestine. Tip: Serve the stew with the Gbegiri and Ewedu. I like my ewedu green. #2. The combination of Ewedu, Gbegiri and stew paperwork a mouth watering slippery vegetable soup that aids the easy passage of Amala … – Don’t add any ingredient to the water before it boils except potash. that ain’t cute looking. , I am a Yoruba man from ekiti, ewedu go well with amala. Amala is an indigenous Nigerian food Serve ewedu soup plus stew and meat with either amala, eba, semo or pounded yam, the exact way a Yoruba man would love it. Ewedu leaves (corchorus olitorius) 300g is there any websites that I can buy Nigerian ingredients from? Ewedu with amala is a kind of food in the Yoruba tribe, and today, we would be explaining with procedures the ingredients to prepare the delicacy. There are simple Nigerian recipes like jollof rice, fried rice, Tomato Stew and White Rice, that is just where to start if you are new to the whole “Nigerian food thingy”. It doesn’t draw like okro but it should draw. Ewedu Soup. To me, it’s kind of tasteless with a slightly bitter flavour. Remember 1 tablespoon of the ewedu would be enough for one person that is just trying out this dish for the first time. I advise a total ban on the use of potash in cooking. ( Log Out /  There are more simple ways to prepare this soup without the use of the mashing broom. Ewedu soup has a greenish color with a slimy texture and it is often enjoyed with amala (ewedu with amala) topped with buka stewand sometimes with Gbegiri (bean soup). I'm from the north but I totally love it. © All Nigerian Foods. Please let me know if you know! majority of members of the Nigerian kitchen are ladies that are either dating or married to a Nigerian man, if you are in this group sit tight too! You can slice the leaves to tiny bits and commence cooking It was not easy! ( Log Out /  I live in Scotland but im housebound and don’t know of anywhere to get international ingredients. My first encounter with this food – ewedu soup amid stew and assorted meat – was a memorable one, it was a Saturday evening, I was siting right at this same spot when I heard a knock by our neighbor’s daughter. Let's get started...How to make Ewedu Soup (With Blender)This method is with the use of a blender. However, it was my grandma’s food and she wanted it to taste perfect, so she took over again pretty swiftly. It’s eaten with stews, naturally with a specific vegetable soup, Ewedu soup (from iron rich mallow leaves). Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. My gran will be eating it with Ewedu soup and a fish tomato and pepper based stew. Serve with your stew and amala. Yes, I am a yoruba man and I like to blend ewedu with other soups like egusi plus stew, it is perfect that way. Any kind of stew will do, normal vegetable-oil-fried stew. Owerri, I love the soup soo much, I cnt find it in the market, oh yes. You are doing a good job here. Return to Other Yoruba Foods – Ewedu Soup. If you are living outside Nigerian you might wanna start looking up the easy to make Nigerian foods, I doubt you would find all the ingredients for preparing ewedu in your location, except of course you know where to look. Transfer back to the pot and add the ground crayfish, maggi, salt and pepper to taste. Nigerian Gbegiri Soup [Video] Gbegiri Soup (the yellow one in the image) takes a bit of getting used for those who are not used to eating soup cooked with beans. Amala and Ewedu soup is extremely popular in Western Nigeria. make sure you dont cover the pot while cooking. I love cooking and also like trying new things even if it’s not my tribe soup. Thanks for this simple guide, today, I made my first perfect ewedu soup, the best amongst all previous trials. Actually, I just stumbled on this website, and I have loved every minute of my being here. Haha, Laka, absolutely love this blog. Add a little bit of water, cover to steam together for 5 minutes and stir round with wooden spoon until it becomes soft then make dough. How can you cook ewedu without locust beans. The aim is to mix boiling water and powder together to get a consistency that is thick, not too sticky and draws. Not drawing at all? The potash softens the leaves but I think you can totally do without it. it’s called kerenkere. This is mostly the western side of Nigeria. Served assorted meat from a well-seasoned Signature Amala Stew. Remi. No point, it could turn dark once it is overcooked. Amala and Ewedu soup will always be one of the most popular Nigerian dishes, not only among the Yoruba people but to the entire West African people at large. In d case of ewedu, its neva complete widot ur brown locus bean, fish( whc u mashed wt d broom once d leaf is soft) . The pair of this gives a sumptuous taste. This recipe post covers all the four (4) different ways ewedu can be cooked and served.Ready? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Change ). Did you overcook it? But if you are only keen about the ewedu improving your haemoglobin level particularly for a convalescent person , the green soup is okay since you have added the Maggie, salt and dry pepper. We use very little, doctors can tell us more. On its own, it looks like baby food but it comes alive when you add Ewedu Soup and meat from your Beef & Chicken Stew. but I did pound for about……a minute. Dr. Aduroja. 1.5 cups of water Amala is the soft, thick grey food in the picture. Transfer back to the pot and add the ground crayfish, maggi, salt and pepper to taste. don’t mix in water at any stage unless it is boiling. A portion of Amala, wrapped in a transparent cellophane wrap and Egusi soup and Tomato stew. Or can one eat it with the regular stew made with vegetable oil. I also like other yoruba soups like efo riro and gbegiri (beans soup), they are my favorites. you just didn’t know it’s same as ewedu. As for me o, if i want to eat any swallows,I blend it stew and gbegiri if available but if I want to drink ewedu, I don’t add anything. If the amala is too soft because there’s too much water, adding powder will ruin it unless you’re very skilled. This surge around Oyo Alafin town is due to the fact that they use potash to cook everything including ewedu, beans and other things. Ewedu should made and eaten the same day. LOL @ your brother putting chunks of Amala in his pocket I hated it too! I have a question – do you eat this soup as is (that is just ewedu) or you blend it with other soups? This takes about an … Actually, you can make efo using just normal spinach from the fresh food section or frozen spinach from supermarkets. The combination of Ewedu, Gbegiri and stew forms a mouthwatering slippery vegetable soup that aids the smooth passage of Amala down your oesophagus. It leads to ulcer. Sprinkle the yam flour into a boiling water and stir, till solid or texture is smooth. Most Nigerians will agree that this classic is a highly savoury dish. Amala and Ewedu Soup is one of the popular food in the western part of Nigeria. You have to pound with lots of energy and the fire was hot! Ewedu soup is locally prepared by mashing it with a small bunch of broomsticks (ijabe) is used to crush the Ewedu leaves to liquid and forms a light slimy texture of the soup. It’s eaten with stews, naturally with a specific vegetable soup, Ewedu soup (from iron rich mallow leaves). Reason: the leaves will never draw! Thanks for the guidance. Put a two cups of water on the hob, when boiling remove a cup of water (to be kept in a cup next to the hob for later) Add two cups of yam flour and use a wooden stick to pound and mix the water and powder together. Many Nigerians will agree that this conventional is a especially savoury dish. Amala, wrapped in a transparent cellophane wrap with Egusi soup and Tomato stew. I really miss all of this delicious Nigerian foods, you don’t get to see a lot of them here in NYC. ( Log Out /  Allow to simmer for just five minutes and you are done with making ewedu soup. Like a said, I love all your recipes. Can you please help…. it turns dark, even in the fridge. Salt to taste Allow to simmer for just five minutes and you are done with making ewedu soup. Bt all yoruba stew or soup is as rich as u are. Please the stew that is added to the ewedu soup,was it fried with red oil or groundnut oil. Amala (Yam flour stiff porridge) with Ewedu (Jute mallow soup) and fish is a great Nigerian meal for your infant.. Boil on medium heat for about 2-3 minutes. I give u kudos, its a nice try. Some other people also know Ewedu soup as jute soup across Nigeria. 1/2 teaspoon of powdered potash Over the months that followed I learned more about Yoruba foods and even added some of them to my menu, I learned to make the ewedu soup and lots of other Yoruba recipes. #1. Ewedu soup is indigenous to the people of Yoruba, a very popular Nigerian ethnic group. Tks. Ewedu is made from the leaves of a jute plant. Thank you. The magic in the trio blooms when they manifest together. (I currently only make one type of stew that I either put chicken or fish in, it’s edible but needs major improvement to be truly enjoyable) So watch this space! I just got a copy of the ultimate Nigerian cookbook. What a delicious soup when u add stock fish; This is nice but I think ewedu soup is not complete without ground egusi and locust beans(iru woro)take note. not in the fridge just warming it morning and night. Made from Jute/Saluyot leaves, ewedu is an amazing leafy vegetable condiment that complements Amala and other swallow foods nicely. Let me know if there’s anything in particular you’d like me to make. Pls is there any special recipe for ewedu stew? It improves the taste a lot. Love dis page bcoz I love to cook good foods, Please can one find dis ewedu leaf in d east? This face of African magic is here to stay and stay it will. You can always experiment wildly on Nigerian foods to find your favorite combination. Your Amala should be ready. If you have studied the prevalence of ulcer in the western part of Nigeria, you will notice a very high prevalence of ulcer in parts of Oyo Alafin. Ewedu is a delicious soup mostly associated with the Yoruba people of Nigeria. Very quick and easy. Can Ewedu soup stay for like 2 or 3 days? When all the water is gone, add some more hot water from the cup, wait for that to boil before mixing it with the mixture. You might also like to add iru (locust beans) after using the broom. I like to blend with stew and it would be even better if you add cooked fish to the combination, that is – ewedu soup plus cooked fish from tomato stew, that is my best combination and that is how my wife does it. Ingredients 1/2 measure yam flour 10 tomatoes 3 bell peppers 5 atarodo 500g of goat meat 6 pieces of cowskin 1 large onion 1 tablespoon of Iru 2 handfuls […] When Amala is made from Yam that has been dried and blended into flour, it is often referred to as Amala Isu.This usually comes out dark brown in colour. Thanks. Ewedu Soup OK, this image was taken on a distinct occasion and not the precise one she bestowed to … Maggi (1 or 2 cubes) (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Using yam flour, bean soup, and jute leave; we will be making this dish. Then u add a lil bit of blended crayfish & den ur seasoning & salt to taste. Ewedu soup is known among the western part of Nigeria (the yorubas) and its equally enjoyed by the other parts of Nigeria. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Health benefits in eating ewedu include: protection from heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer due to the high percentage of micro nutrients and Vitamin A, C, E … I’m so so proud of you- i’m tempted to cook something different every weekend as a break from studying. Mentioned below is the whole procedure of how to make this delicious dish. Then use the cooking broom to mash (more like pound) continuously inside the pot, this will turn the leaves to tiny bits after mashing for about five minutes. It’s made from a white powder which comes from dried and pulverised ‘okorondo’ (mini yams). What foods did you hate as a child but like now? ( Log Out /  Amala (Yam Flour) and Ewedu Soup is a popular food in western Nigeria, it is a common food amongst the yoruba tribe, as it is well respected infact it is their traditional meal. it’s in the east. My greatgrandma insisted on the powder from mini yams, because although the powder can come from fully grown yams too, the mini yams have a distinct flavour. A combination of Ewedu leaves and Amala gives a unique taste to this dish. Warning! Àmàlà is from Western Africa and eaten mostly by the Yoruba people in Nigeria. Ewedu with amala is the staple food of yoruba people. This soup is usually garnished with caw skin (canda) and meat, red or dry meat, with pepper source. They were having a dedication ceremony and the foods was making rounds, the usual Yoruba way. Eating a dog’s soup in a dream means presiding over a loathsome and a despicable business, working with evil people and earning black profits. So if you are looking to make a delicious pot of ewedu soup follow me, let’s get started already. Amala and Ewedu Soup. I’m an Igbo girl and I love ewedu soup. Eating a lion’s soup in a dream means presiding over heartless and inhumane people, along with mistrust and fears. haha! Amongst the above listed ingredients needed which is not available in Indian? Haha, about your grandma taking over, so typical, my mum used to always do the same thing when she was teaching me how to cook and she wondered why it took me longer to learn. is it cooked same way with eating with swallow, Yes it should me and you may choose to blend it if you’re going to drink it, I f you want a bright looking soup, you can add the stew . Feel free to indulge in more if you feel confident in the taste. This gives àmàlà its colour. Boil the ewedu leaves in a pot for about15mins; Add the potash to help in softening it, a pinch of salt and the seasoning cube; When it is soft, you can use the local broom to whisk it or you blend it with a blender; Serve it with stew and amala Continue reading to know the recipe. God bless the tutor.. For me i love cooking than eating outside, Hello, is it possible for the ewedu to not draw? I would never have thought Amala would be the first Nigerian dish I’d learn! But mostly mixed with stew. Discover (and save!) Serve ewedu soup plus stew and meat with either amala, eba, semo or pounded yam, the exact way a Yoruba man would love it. it must be greyness and slipperiness. From the bottom of the mixture to the top. INGREDIENTS – 300g or 4-6 cups Yam Flour(Elubo) – 100g Beans – 400g Ewedu vegetable – 8 0r more Red pepper My ewedu isn’t drawing .Thanks. Dorcas. How to Prepare Amala, Gbegiri, Ewedu and Stew. I’m an Indian and my fiance is a Nigerian, I love him so much that I want to be able to atleast one Nigerian dish when he comes to visit me again. As an original Yoruba wife, whose husband loves ewedu soup, i think i should add a few detail. Drop in small balls of egusi paste into the boiling ewedu soup, do not stir. With this i will love to prepare my ewedu soup someday with alot of smoke fish in it. Ewedusoup is a slimy vegetable soup prepared by the Yoruba’s and it is known to have so many nutritional benefits. Two of the most popular soups used in eating Amala are ‘Gbegiri’ and 'Ewedu' soup with Tomato stew for taste. One of the qualities of the the ewedu leaf is the ability to draw, perhaps the reason you can not make this soup with any other leaf. Its not jst a leaf, seasoning & salt affair. Pour 1.5 cups of water to a cooking pot and heat to boiling point, add the washed ewedu leaves, soak the half teaspoon of potash in half cup of water and filter into the pot (to soften the leaves), cook for 7-10 minutes. But it’s my grandma’s favourite- and i’m depending on her to teach me stuff- so why not start with her favourite food. To me, it’s kind of tasteless with a slightly bitter flavour. Some Yoruba People, especially from Ogbomosho like to add egusi (Melon Seeds) to the ewedu after it is done! Also you can use turkey instead of the fish… Delicious!!! Cook the soup soo much, i just stumbled on this website and. Through out the process stumbled on this website, and i normally eat rice with it in Lebanon potash... Ground crayfish, maggi, salt and pepper based stew believed to best. However, it could turn dark once it is that it just glides your... Are correct a dedication ceremony and the foods was making rounds, the best amongst all previous trials the.! 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ewedu soup and amala 2021