Report/Evaluation Type. A global drop in the number of children under-five deaths from 12.7 million in 1990 to nearly 6 million in 2015, despite the population growth in developing regions. Context: The child mortality rates in Kenya are as high as 126 males per 1000 and 120 females per 1000 live births. This is a very ambitious goal but we know it is possible as long as the public health community can work together and garner political support. Order. The achievement of MDG 4 by most developing countries shows that it can be done. The incredible drop in preventable child deaths in the last 25 years is truly one of the most significant achievements in human history. Diarrhea is one of the leading causes of child mortality in Nepal, with 12 percent of children five and younger experiencing the condition. The indicators for monitoring progress include under-five mortality rate, infant mortality rate, and proportion of The proposed SDG target for child mortality aims to end, by 2030, preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age, with all countries aiming to reduce neonatal mortality to at least as low as 12 deaths per 1,000 live births and under-5 mortality to at least as low as 25 deaths per 1,000 live births. How to Reduce Child Mortality. Despite of all good efforts still malnutrition is the threat among children of five years of age in African countries, Despite of good efforts malnutrition is still among of the life threat among African countries, Your email address will not be published. Experts have concluded that these kinds of rapid advances in reducing child mortality accomplish more than saving the lives of children. developing regions as a whole, the under-five mortality rate dropped from 103 in 1990 to 74 in 2007. Zinc supplements have decreased child mortality rate in Nepal. WHO strategies That said, mortality among the poorest households has been declining rapidly, probably due to the improving equality. Another 1 million will die in the first week, and around 2.8 million will die within their first 28 days of life (the neonatal period). Goal 3.2 is to reduce the child mortality rate to at least as low as 2.5% in … Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a144053da52f40cdcae718f1bb4f7aa2" );document.getElementById("b5eabd3aca").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Access to nutrition and micronutrients. Minister of Health, Isaac Adewole. The universal advance in child survival is still elusive to many of the globe’s youngest children – as well as those in the most vulnerable situations. The global Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) for child mortality represents a renewed commitment to the world’s children: to end preventable deaths of newbornsand under-5s by 2030, with all countries aiming to reduce neonatal mortality to at least 12 deaths per 1,000 live births and under-5 mortality to at least 25 deaths per 1,000 live births. In sub-Saharan Africa, the annual rate of reduction of under-five mortality was over five times faster during 2005–2013 than it was during 1990–1995. Precision mapping to end child deaths. Substantial global progress has been made in reducing child deaths since 1990. Goal 4: Reduce child mortality Target 4A: Reduce by two-thirds between 1990 and 2015 the under-five mortality rate (U5MR) Africa continues to show progress, albeit slow, in reducing the under-five mortality ratio . Report Type Keywords. But around the world, too many children are still dying because of a vicious cycle created by poverty, conflict and a lack of adequate health care. Reaching the MDG on reducing child mortality will require more rapid scale up of key effective, affordable interventions: care for newborns and their mothers; infant and young child feeding; vaccines; prevention and case management of pneumonia, diarrhoea and sepsis; malaria control; and prevention and care of HIV/AIDS. The official website of the Baha'i Faith is: Sign up for our newsletter and get all our latest content, © 2021 All Rights Reserved. Can you imagine it? General living conditions, such as nutrition and water supply, have an impact on child survival, as do specific preventive health interventions, such as sleeping in bed nets and being immunized. UNICEF, EU reducing maternal, child mortality in Kebbi — Village Head On September 19, 2019 9:56 am In Health , News by David O Royal Kindly Share This Story: Vaccinations, antibiotics, oral rehydration therapy, proper feeding and breastfeeding, and insecticide-treated bednets would save eight million children every year. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. There are fellow-beings who are weaker than we are, let us strengthen them; there are those who are more ignorant, we must teach them; some are as children, help them to develop; many are asleep, awaken them; others are ill, heal them; never despise them. Your message was successfully sent to Within the next generation, if we put our minds to it, we could conceivably wipe out child mortality, disease and starvation. Remarkable Progress in Reducing Child Mortality and Improving Maternal Health. Mothers who don’t receive prenatal care are three times more likely to die in childbirth than women who do receive prenatal care. It encompasses neonatal mortality and infant mortality. – from the UN’s MDG 2015 Report. The conclusion is inescapable. Reducing Maternal and Child Mortality . REDUCE CHILD MORTALITY Target 4.A: Reduce by two thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the under-five mortality rate Reduction of child mortality is reflected in several of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. –, These are staggering statistics, but they’re even more impressive when you look at them this way: in 2015, 19,000 fewer children died, than in 1990. The vast majority of children who don’t live until the age of five die from four main causes—diarrhea, malaria, malnutrition and pneumonia. 97-98. The SDG Goal 3 is to end preventable deaths of newborns and under-5 children by 2030. It incorporates three major principles which include full assessment of a sick child, counseling of caretakers, and healthcare facility support. Scroll down. MDG#4 is called "Reduce Child Mortality," which is to improve the life expectancy of children. Millennium Development Goal 4: Reduce the under-five mortality rate by two-thirds. Reduce Child Mortality by 2015 Q: How does building roads reduce child deaths? KUALA LUMPUR, 27 May 2013 - Some of the world’s poorest countries have managed to cut maternal and young child mortality rates by half or … Perhaps the most effective way to reduce infant mortality would be to encourage uptake of two readily available resources: maternal vaccinations and breast milk. Not quite. The parlimentarians should take keen interest to budgets from MoH and ensure that they are responsive to … In September 2006, the governments of India and Norway launched the Norway India Partnership Initiative (NIPI), to support the existing National Rural Health Mission. MDG 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, MDG 2: Achieve universal primary education, Top 5 Donation Apps – ShareTheMeal, Charity Miles and More, MDG 8: Develop a Global Partnership for Development, MDG 7: Ensure environmental sustainability, Top 5 Donation Apps - ShareTheMeal, Charity Miles and More, MDG 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other major diseases. Skilled attendants for antenatal, birth, and postnatal care. This is mostly attributed to the mother’s education, with children born of mothers with secondary or higher education nearly 3 times as likely to survive as those of mothers with no education. There is evidence of collaboration between several parties in the creation of the programmes to reduce child mortality. Share. Babies born to mothers who do not receive prenatal care are five times as likely to die and three times more likely to have low birth weight. So, efforts to improve household food security and nutrition have increased the chances of children growing to adulthood. The vast majority of children who don’t live until the age of five die from four main causes—diarrhea, malaria, malnutrition and pneumonia. Research and experience has revealed that out of the almost 11 million chil-dren deaths per year, more than half could be saved by measures such as vaccines, antibiotics, micronutrient supplementation, insecticide-treated bed nets and improved family care and breastfeeding practices (Goal: Reduce Child mortality, Unicef). Child mortality is the mortality of children under the age of five. 17,000 fewer children now die each day compared with 1990. The U5MR declined by 21 percent from 168 deaths per 1,000 live births in 1990 to 132 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2008 (Danzhen et al ., 2009) . Donate today and reduce child mortality rate to zero. It includes indicators to measure the under-5 mortality rate, the infant mortality rate and the proportion of 1-year olds immunized against measles. We’ve made enormous progress in eradicating childhood deaths from diseases like polio and malaria, too. Another one million of the 6 million children who die before their fifth birthday take their first and last breath on the day they’re born. Since 1990, the global under-5 mortality rate has dropped by 58%, from 93 deaths per 1 000 live births in 1990 to 39 in 2017. In 2000, the UN General Assembly adopted the Millennium Declaration, which embodies eight Millennium Development Goals: (1) Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, (2) Achieve universal primary education, (3) Promote [...] gender equality and empower women, … It is not a dream, or an empty wish, or a do-gooder’s illusion. One must always be kinder to the weak and ill and to the children. Country. Improve Access to Quality Prenatal Care. Rapid expansion of programs to prevent HIV transmission to babies and vaccinate children show how results can be achieved in relatively little time . Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "reduce child mortality" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. Since 1990, however, the world’s governments, NGOs and volunteer agencies managed to cut the overall percentage of the chronically hungry almost in half, from the previous level of one in five people a quarter-century ago. Let us be ready to give our lives, our fortunes, positions, achievements, in order that a new state of existence may be diffused throughout the earth. 11 health innovations to drastically cut maternal and child mortality rates This article is more than 4 years old. For example, by 2008, only 5.5 percent of children slept under insecticide-treated mosquito net. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window). Programmes to improve household food security and nutrition information increase children’s chances of growing to adulthood. If Millennium Development Goal 4 -- reduce child mortality by two thirds -- is to be achieved, Africa has the challenge of accelerating the narrowing of this gap. Only Oceania has not achieved over 50 percent reduction in under-five mortality compared to other developing regions. Almost every 5th child born in that year died in childhood.Over the last decades we have seen a very rapid decline of child mortality globally. The global Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) for child mortality represents a renewed commitment to the world’s children: to end preventable deaths of newbornsand under-5s by 2030, with all countries aiming to reduce neonatal mortality to at least 12 deaths per 1,000 live births and under-5 mortality to at least 25 deaths per 1,000 live births. Since 1990, the global under-5 mortality rate has dropped by 58%, from 93 deaths per 1 000 live births in 1990 to 39 in 2017. In 1967, there were 285 deaths per 1,000 births that has decreased immensely to only 34 deaths per 1,000 births. Substantial global progress has been made in reducing child deaths since 1990. About 16,000 children under five continue to die every day in 2015, mostly due to preventable causes like pneumonia, malaria, and diarrhea. The ultimate kindness to children? Reducing the mortality of children-under-five requires sound strategies, adequate resources, and political will. One commentator, Angus Hervey at FutureCrunch, noted that this is “one of the most astonishing news stories of our time, and yet it was outnumbered 100-1 by stories on terrorism.”, The conclusion is inescapable. Since 1990, maternal and childhood deaths have fallen by 47 percent globally. Many of these deaths are attributed to malnutrition, lack of safe drinking water or proper sanitation and diseases. 8 The NICHD-led Safe to Sleep® campaign (formerly the Back to Sleep campaign) describes many ways that parents and caregivers can reduce the risk of SIDS and other sleep-related causes of infant … Next: The Triple Tragedy of Maternal Mortality. Part of the NICHQ and Maternal and Child Health Bureau-led Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network to Reduce Infant Mortality (Infant Mortality CoIIN) involves state teams determining where there are opportunities to improve systems so they can better reach underserved women and infants. Tweet. Therefore, the intensification of the health system to provide … MDG 3: Promote gender equality and empower women. Since the early 1990s, the rate of reduction of under-five mortality has more than tripled globally. Child Mortality 2000-2017. Uncovering inequalities in child survival to accelerate progress. In Southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, many deaths are also attributed to preventable infectious diseases and could be avoided with simple, high-impact, and cost-effective interventions. Results of Goals 4, to reduce child mortality; 5, to improve maternal health; and 6, to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, of the recently rested Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) programme were just short of dismal for Nigeria. 1. Report. Search Reset. The Millennium Development Goal 4 has only one target: Undernutrition is estimated to contribute to more than 33 percent of all deaths in children under five. In the UN’s Millennium Development Goals, nations agreed to try to reduce child mortality by two-thirds—primarily because public health experts estimate that we could save that many children with easily-available, inexpensive and low-tech interventions. The total number of under-5 deaths worldwide has declined from 12.6 million in 1990 to 5.4 million in 2017 – 15 000 every day compared with 34 000 in 1990. The number of deaths of children under five, however, have dropped precipitously, from 12.7 million a year in 1990, to less than six million in 2015. At … Be kinder to them than to the stronger ones. A global drop in the number of children under-five deaths from 12.7 million in 1990 to nearly 6 million in 2015, despite the population growth in developing regions. Q: How does building roads reduce child deaths? The global average child mortality rate (weighted population) was 43.3% in 1800 and now fell to 3.4%. To put you in touch with a Baha’i in your area who can answer your questions, we would like to kindly ask for a few details about yourself. The results were produced by the Local Burden of Disease (LBD) team at IHME. Nearly 84 percent of children across the globe received at least one dose of measles containing vaccine in 2013 – a 73 percent increase since 2000. Millennium Development Goal 4 is to “Reduce child mortality” and is measured against a target to “Reduce by two-thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the under-five mortality rate”. Be kinder to them than to the stronger ones. The Integrated Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia and Diarrhea goal is to reduce mortality from diarrhea in children under 5 to fewer than 1 per 1,000 live births. Reduce Child Mortality. Three-fold increase in the rate of reduction of under-five mortality since the early 1990s. One must always be kinder to the weak and ill and to the children. Goal 4: Reduce child mortality. China for example reduced its child mortality from 28.4% to now 1.3%. Child mortality was given impetus by Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 4, which aimed to reduce the under-5 mortality rate by two-thirds, between 1990 and 2015. Despite the achievements in most developing regions, the current trend is not sufficient to meet the MDG target for at least another 10 years. The Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Program (MCHEP) assigns epidemiologists and fellows to states, localities, and tribes to support epidemiologic research and provide scientific information to … Tweet. A decrease in worldwide rate of mortality in children under-five by over 50 percent, reducing from 90 to 43 deaths per 1,000 live births between 1990 and 2015. Photo by: Khadivi / UN. Rapid expansion of programs to prevent HIV transmission to babies and vaccinate children show how results can be achieved in relatively little time . – Abdu’l-Baha, Divine Philosophy, pp. Browse more videos. and the existing evidence undergirding current policy making for reducing maternal and child mortality, and to add value by underscoring areas where causal attribution of programs is beginning to be better understood. 4.4 Reducing child mortality in South Africa The internationally agreed quantitative target with regard to child mortality is to reduce by two thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the under-five mortality rate. Let us be ready to give our lives, our fortunes, positions, achievements, in order that a new state of existence may be diffused throughout the earth. There are a lot of great ideas on how to reduce maternal and childhood mortality. Since the year 2000, when the MDGs took effect, the world has collectively saved the lives of almost 50 million children. Share. In 2015, the world began working toward a new global development agenda, seeking to achieve, by 2030, new targets set out in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Kindly Share This Story . Love lights a fla, Strive ye with all your hearts, raise up your voic, How can faith-based individuals and organizations, My hope for you is that you will ever avoid tyrann, Finding Beacons of Hope in Monuments and Public Art. The government of Nepal has taken significant steps towards decreasing child mortality in their country.. National Vitamin A Program There has been some reduction of child mortality in recent years, which can be attributed in large part to preventive efforts. Reuse our work freely. There are two targets: 1. reduce newborn mortality to at least as low as 12 per 1 000 live births in every country (SDG 3.2); and 2. Thank you so much! Mother’s education and residence – children in rural areas are 1.7 times more likely to die before their fifth birthday compared to those in urban areas. commitments and initiatives has pledged to reduce maternal mortality. to reducing child mortality (MDG 4), and reducing the population without access to improved water and sanitation (MDG 7). About 84 per cent of children worldwide received at least one dose of measles-containing vaccine in 2013, up from 73 per cent in 2000. Reduce under-five mortality to at least as low as 25 per 1,000 live births in every country (SDG 3.2). Share. Learn how your comment data is processed. A: Roads make health facilities more accessible to poor families in rural areas, which allows for more frequent and less costly visits for their children—plus better access to antenatal/postnatal care, helping to prevent infant and maternal deaths and illness. The number of globally reported measles cases declined by 67 per cent for the same period. REDUCING MATERNAL AND CHILD MORTALITY IN SINDH The Untapped Potential of Family Planning Family planning is recognized as a necessary tool for faster fertility decline leading to accelerated economic development. And with 11 children dying every minute around the world before celebrating their fifth birthday, more needs to be done to improve child survival rates. About one in nine people on Earth currently experience chronic hunger, and malnutrition underlies more than half of child mortality. The measles vaccination helped prevent almost 15.6 million deaths between 2000 and 2013, translating to a 67 percent decline in the number of cases of measles reported globally. The world made remarkable progress in child survival in the past three decades, and millions of children have better survival chances than in 1990—1 in 27 children died before reaching age five in 2019, compared to 1 in 11 in 1990. Children are our future, it is often said. Many translated example sentences containing "reduce child mortality" – Chinese-English dictionary and search engine for Chinese translations. Give them the chance to live through their childhood. Operator. Efforts include the provision of training materials, community-centred initiatives, training programmes for local and national staff, nutrition education programmes, and promotion of forums on community nutrition and household food security. Every country in the world agreed to reach the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). According to the latest Millennium Development Goals Report (UN, 2009), “for the . The MDGs have led to amazing, unprecedented gains in reducing child deaths, through improved service delivery, effective and affordable treatments, and political commitment. In the last 25 years, the universal neonatal mortality rate has dropped from 33 to 19 deaths per 1,000 live births, though this rate has been slower than the decline in mortality for children aged 1-59 months. Millennium Development Goal 4 - Reduce Child Mortality. Target 3.2 is "by 2030, end preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age, with Our planners at MoH need to be more objective and clear on targets. Sort by. GHDX Viz Hub. The majority of children’s deaths are caused by diarrhea, acute respiratory infections, measles, malaria, dengue fever, and malnutrition. A: Roads make health facilities more accessible to poor families in rural areas, which allows for more frequent and less costly visits for their children—plus better access to antenatal/postnatal care, helping to prevent infant and maternal deaths and illness. He and his wife Teresa live in the Sierra foothills in Northern California. Estimates suggest that nearly 15.6 million deaths were averted by measles vaccinations administered between 2000 and 2013, though sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia are still the most affected by measles deaths. It seems counter-intuitive, but increasing the child survival rates actually lowers overall population growth. Vaccinations, antibiotics, oral rehydration therapy, proper feeding and breastfeeding, and insecticide-treated bednets would save eight million … The child mortality rate, also under-five mortality rate, refers to the probability of dying between birth and exactly five years of age expressed per 1,000 live births. If Millennium Development Goal 4 -- reduce child mortality by two thirds -- is to be achieved, Africa has the challenge of accelerating the narrowing of this gap. In sub-Saharan Africa, the annual rate of reduction of under-five mortality was more than five times between 2005 and 2013 compared to between 1990 and 1995. Topic. Reducing the child mortality rate in Nepal has been a top priority for the past several decades. The data featured in this visualization were published in the journal Nature. Child mortality rates throughout the Motherland have plummeted since the turn of the century, falling below the 6 million mark for the first time since the World Health Organization (WHO) started collecting data, a new report shows.. The total number of under-5 deaths worldwide has declined from 12.6 million in 1990 to 5.4 million in 2017 – 15 000 every day compared with 34 000 in 1990. This translates to a major decline from 12.7 million deaths of children under five in 1990 to 6 million in 2015. Countdown to 2015: Maternal, newborn and child survival tracks coverage of health interventions proven to reduce maternal, newborn and child mortality… However, its unique and potent role in preserving mother and child health is less well understood. Give yourselves a rousing round of applause, world. Most neonatal deaths are caused by preterm birth complications (35 percent), complications during labor and pregnancy (24 percent), and sepsis (15 percent). In fact, child mortality, for the most part, is intensely preventable. 1. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015 were developed to promote healthy lives and well-being for all children. They also help familial average income increase; and they cause the the average fertility rate to decrease. The consequence of the faster progress in former developing countries is that global health inequality has fallen since the 1950s. Reducing merternal and Child mortality are indispensable needs. In fact, child mortality, for the most part, is intensely preventable. How can they best reach you? Playing next. Preliminary estimates suggest that universal under-five mortality has dropped by more than 50 percent – from 90 to 43 deaths per 1,000 live births in that period. David Langness writes and edits for and is a journalist and literary critic for Paste Magazine. Using Data to Reduce Infant Mortality The Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) was established in 1987 to reduce infant morbidity and mortality. Protecting children from early deaths begins before they are born. In places where children survive and grow to maturity, mothers and fathers actually end up having fewer children. Unfortunately the country of Pakistan is off track in their progress of this goal. In this regard, FAO programmes, in combination with efforts by the Renewed Efforts against Child Hunger and Undernutrition (REACH) and WHO, WFP, and UNICEF have helped communities and households secure access to nutritionally adequate diets to minimise child undernutrition. Solutions that save lives, reduce child mortality. 3:26. The world made remarkable progress in child survival in the past three decades, and millions of children have better survival chances than in 1990—1 in 27 children died before reaching age five in 2019, compared to 1 in 11 in 1990. Check your email for the latest from IMCI is an approach to taking care of sick children and thus reducing instances of child mortality and morbidity. Zinc supplements can reduce the time of persistent diarrhea by around 25 percent. The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the official views of the Baha'i Faith. According to the World Health Organization, six solutions to the most preventable causes of under-5 deaths include: Immediate and exclusive breastfeeding. We now know that the “new state of existence”, Close your eyes to racial differences, and welcome, "Love is heaven’s kindly light... Love is the on, The happiness of mankind will be realized when wom, Masud Olufani welcomes his father for a conversati, Love gives life to the lifeless. For the first principle, IMCI stresses thorough assessment of the major childhood symptoms and a complete physical examination of the child, checking of … That rate was mostly focusing on the mortality rate of children under five. Learn how states are using PRAMS data to help inform efforts to reduce infant mortality at PRAMS Data to Action Success Stories. Did the MDG’s achieve that two-thirds goal? One commentator, Angus Hervey at FutureCrunch, noted that this is “one of the most astonishing news stories of our time, and yet it was outnumbered 100-1 by stories on terrorism.”. Through a unified plan and set of goals at the international level, we have determined to save our children, no matter where they’re born, and we have, through our joint efforts, actually saved fifty million. Published December 28, 2016 December 27, 2016. Content Type. One reason why we do not see progress is that we are unaware of how bad the past was.In 1800 the health conditions of our ancestors were such that 43% of the world's newborns died before their 5th birthday. Reducing maternal and child mortality. KUALA LUMPUR, 27 May 2013 - Some of the world’s poorest countries have managed to cut maternal and young child mortality rates by half or … We now know that the “new state of existence” Abdu’l-Baha encourages us to diffuse throughout the Earth can actually happen. Sit back for a moment and contemplate this incredible human achievement. Organization. As part of efforts to reduce maternal and child deaths in the country as well as meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) targets, Kano State … The health care systems must be prepared for the task ahead and this can best be demonstrated through adequate resource mobulisation both financial and human resources. Since the year 2000, when the MDGs took effect, the world has collectively saved the lives of almost 50 million children. These estimates are shown in the visualisation below.In 1960 child mortality was still 18.5%. UNICEF provides help in 190 countries and territories to help children reach their full potential. Required fields are marked *. On the basis of the most recent data on child mortality, Hans Rosling showed how countries like Kenya and Ghana are now reducing child mortality at an accelerating speed – “Time has come to stop talking about Sub-Saharan Africa as one place”. Content type. “NIPI is run by a partn… Polio, now gone from every country but Afghanistan and Pakistan, could be entirely wiped out in a decade. Every minute in today’s world, eleven children under the age of five die from causes we could prevent. Implementing the goals regarding universal primary education for both boys and girls will also help in reducing child mortality. In aggregate, the world’s altruistic, humanitarian efforts saved the lives of almost seven million children last year—by any measure a huge and unprecedented success, dropping the global child mortality rate to its lowest recorded percentage in human history: The global under-five mortality rate has declined by more than half, dropping from 90 to 43 deaths per 1,000 live births between 1990 and 2015. Children five and younger experiencing the condition work freely stronger ones since the 1950s in nine on. Two billion people to the children Promote gender equality and empower women at IHME wiped out in a.! That these kinds of rapid advances in reducing child mortality rate of reduction of child mortality '' – Wörterbuch! Literary how to reduce child mortality for Paste Magazine children now die each day compared with 1990 poorest households has declining... Be entirely wiped out in a decade the world agreed to reach UN! 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how to reduce child mortality 2021