A basic example of React Hooks The best way to learn something is by using it. The "real" solution for default props in React/TS? class Foo extends React.Component { render () { const { someHookValue } = this.props; return
; } } export default withHook (Foo); We passed in Foo into our withHook higher-order component so that we can use our hook in the withHook HOC. The reason that it doesn't do this by default is because this usually isn't what you want. The Accordion component acts as a container. If a prop has a default value, it should never be undefined. So I looked at applying them inside of the function itself. It will be changed if the prop property is passed. They say things like, "default values are already handled in the function signature". Now available: Capacitor React Hooks! For a class component, the correct TS syntax for default props is e.g. I did make it to the end, but think I'd missed that you were so much closer in all of the "right!!" In other words, we need to explicitly define what's in props. While most React components receive their props from a parent component, it’s also possible to specify default props. I ran into similar things and I just can't be bothered to type stuff out multiple times, it's a waste of effort for the small benefits of type safety at compile time. And at the point that the component is mounted, there has been no default value set for props.optionalString yet. As for the last example you give, the one that deals with functional components, there's a whole section in this article that outlines that approach - and also explains why I did not choose to use it. OIC. No! That looks like this: This doesn't throw any TS linting errors. This fails on two key levels: When React invokes a component, it doesn't supply the props to the components as an array of arguments. Not sure if you read to the end of the article (and I totally understand if you didn't), but for the time being, I think that last "solution" is what I'm running with for now. But I appreciate you taking the time to put those examples here. I've been travelling a bit and not able to sit down and test this in my IDE. It makes for a clean function signature. And don't even get me started on the push to deprecate defaultProps for functional components. It seems to me that interfaces are the "default" TypeScript way to handle these kinda situations. It would be like having to define the console.log() method before you can use it. Thanks for taking the time to point me along! to an interface property, TS will append | undefined as part of the type definition. The Setup Our team just began a brand new, "green fields" project. Speaking of React conventions, object destructuring obliterates the near-universal React practice of referencing props.foo or props.children. And I should never have to write code that accounts for this possibility. So let's set about converting this to TypeScript. It doesn't matter that getLetterArrayFromOptionalString() will never be called until after a default value has been added to props.optionalString. It also works with server-side rendered apps. First, thank you for showing me the Required type! (They do not work inside class components.). React Hooks is a new addition to React which enables you to use state and other features of the library without having to create a class. I do this so I can avoid manually spelling out each one of the required properties in the object. If you like the content of this blog, subscribe to my email list to get exclusive articles not available to anyone else. React Hooks are fully supported within ag-Grid - please refer to our working example in GitHub. The fact that this "problem" feels ridiculous to me doesn't do anything to help me solve the problem. Nice to see that my random angry rants are finding people in the ether. It also works with both client and server-side rendered apps. IMHO, it's still a little "ugly" - but not so much that it makes my dev eye start twitching. So that's kinda what led to this whole article. View demo ⚛️. FWIW, this is the open RFC thread that discusses (amongst several things) deprecating defaultProps on functional components. Specifically, it will use TypeScript & React. React.createClass. I also use WebStorm and find that it does a really great job of tying most things together for me - and showing me when something seems out-of-place - without using TS. There is another way to cast Javascript into TS types. I've been wanting to get my feet wet in a TS project for awhile. React's new "hooks" APIs give function components the ability to use local component state, execute side effects, and more.. React Redux now offers a set of hook APIs as an alternative to the existing connect() Higher Order Component. [DISCLAIMER: My dev experience is quite substantial, but I just started doing TypeScript, oh... about 3 weeks ago. There are these techniques for doing this in class-based components - but we're not going to switch everything over to class-based components over this one simple issue. React Hooks were released two years ago on React version 16.8. Inside MyTSComponent, the first thing I'm doing is creating a new object, based on the props, cast to the type AllPropsRequired. But it won't work for a TS/React component. It maintains the traditional props convention. Therefore, if we want to set the default prop value when null is set, we can write: If count is falsy, and null is falsy, we’ll pass in undefined as the value of count . Just for reference, I'm hoping you find a way around this, or someone posts a solution. In this post I'll cover all React Hooks: useState. But throughout the component, any other time when I want to reference props, I'll use the args object. defaultProps can be defined as a property on the component class itself, to set the default props for the class. And I'm trying to do something that really should be drop-dead simple. React defaultprops deprecated React functional component default props vs default parameters, (as per Dan Abramov, one of the core team), so for future-proofing it's worth using default parameters. The default value of the element is set to div.Accordion also receives a few other props: onToggle, activeEventKey, etc.. One approach is to alter your tsconfig.json to disable strict mode and allow implicit any types. // meaning always initilize with default values, except for optional props. Let’s play with react hooks. For a long-time React guy, that just feels... wrong. To use gooks in a class component, we can create a functional component that’s used as a higher-order component. And inside getLetterArrayFromOptionalString(), I'm trying to split() that string into an array of letters. Umm... no. Inside the args definition, the first thing I do is spread the ...props object. Subsequently, the search for alternate solutions becomes... ugly. The element prop is used as the container element/component. I glad I'm not the only one have problems with this. And if your answer to coding problems in any language is to turn off strict mode or to relax the core config constructs... Well, let's just say that nothing in this article - or this entire site - is going to help you in any way. And if we neglect to list requiredString in the function signature, it simply won't be available anywhere within the function. And that started my descent down the rabbit hole. - React blog When you first start doing React with plain-ol' JavaScript, it takes mere minutes to realize how you can set default values on the optional props. So, to get around that, we can do a deep clone of props with a cloneObject() function that I outlined in one of my previous articles. In this version, the propTypes property is an Object in which we can declare the type for each prop. In this tutorial, we are going to learn about how to use the hooks in react with the help of examples. TypeScript understands the type associated with each argument. It simply has a type of string. Hooks expose React features like state and context to functional, or non-class components. So I've been diving in eagerly. I was wrestling with this a lot until I found this pretty sane and simple approach from typescript-cheatsheets/react: This seems like it satisfies everything except your defaultProps concern, which seems like it's a really premature concern. I've actually built a helper function now that takes the existing props and a simple object that defines any default values and then returns it mapped to the Props type. defaultProps is a property in React component used to set default values for the props argument. We can break down the type of Hooks you can use within ag-Grid into two broad categories - those that have lifecycle methods (such as Filters) and those that don't (such as Cell Renderers). Given the issues I've outlined above, I don't honestly understand why anyone would want to deprecate defaultProps on functional components. These APIs allow you to subscribe to the Redux store and dispatch actions, without having to wrap your components in connect(). Then there is this technique for doing this in a function-based component - but there's a ton of chatter that this will be deprecated - and I don't want to base the dev for a "green fields" project on something at significant risk of being deprecated. It's efficient. Imagine you travel to another country - one that speaks a language very similar to your own. I suppose I shoulda mentioned in the article that, the reason all my examples use functional components, is because the decision was made for the project that we'd be using functional React components. github.com/typescript-cheatsheets/... DEV Community – A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers. You will find this article useful if you are looking for a quick primer on the new patterns of React Router. But TS won't compile this. For the time being, I think I have a working solution. Default props are only set if the prop is undefined . : Hi, Craig, and thanks for the feedback. React hooks make render props and HOCs almost obsolete and provide a nicer ergonomics for sharing stateful logic. So here’s the thing. And yet, in React/TS, this seemingly-simple operation requires jumping through a ridiculous number of hoops. If I remove requiredString and requiredNumber from the defaultProps definition, TS complains about it. But before we look at hooks, we will start off with a new route rendering pattern. React hooks are a nice addition to the library. This approach preserves my props.children feature - because I've done nothing to alter/destroy the original props object. The code editor i will be using and recommending is Visual Studio Code.Its lightweight, fast, has great extensions and theming support. --> I specifically outline there why I chose to forgo that approach - because the current indication is that defaultProps will be deprecated on functional components. Someone in the comments will say something like, "Why didn't you just use setDefaultProps()?" Then we created a global function that we can call in our React components. Maybe I'm missing something here. Oh, yeah - I'm definitely nodding along to everything you've written here. At this point, I started to think of "other" ways that I could provide default values. Free and Affordable Books for Learning JavaScript, The Best Books for Learning JavaScript Programming, Canadian Province Array and Select Element, React Tips — Rendering Lists, Dynamic Components, and Default Props, Add an Audio Player with Vue 3 and JavaScript, Add a Video Player with Vue 3 and JavaScript, Add Charts to Our JavaScript App with Anychart, Developing Vue Apps with Class-Based Components — Type Annotations, Developing Vue Apps with Class-Based Components — TypeScript, Superclasses, Hooks, and Mixins, Create a Full Stack Web App with the MEVN Stack, JavaScript Best Practices — No Useless Syntax. Then we pass the hooks’s output value into the Component , which can be any component, including a class component. To do so, you simply assign a defaultProps object to the component; when React renders the component, the default props will be used unless the parent overrides them. Made with love and Ruby on Rails. So that could look something like this: Except... that doesn't work, does it? What I'm trying to do is, in React/JS, a five-minute lesson. With you every step of your journey. A dead-simple component that accepts up to 5 props, with 2 of those props being required. : This is how you avoid having to define default values for required props -- because then of course they aren't really required, are they? We can render a new React component on click if we set a state so that the component can be rendered. That just feels ridiculous to me. We passed in Foo into our withHook higher-order component so that we can use our hook in the withHook HOC. How can this be??? Now you're all set with the React. It just kinda feels like an... oversight to me. We can render a new component on click if we set a state to make the component render. appended to it). But in this case, I'd already read references to this in multiple other places. It has a big ecosystem of…, Hooks contains our logic code in our React app. For a React component created using the ES6 class syntax, you can set default props by adding a static property named defaultProps to the component class. I see what you did there. I'll probably outline that in a near-future post. While passing our own props, we also need to pass the default props send to the render props by react router. It preserves the conventional props object, along with props.children. React 中的默认 Props 通过组件的 defaultProps 属性可为其 Props 指定默认值。 以下示例来自 React 官方文档 Default Prop Values: class That really sums up some of my frustrations here. But it's always frustrating if you've written something that you know works perfectly well - but the compiler/linter won't stop complaining about it. But IMHO, this approach still has... problems. However, it won't run, because React complains that the props object is not extensible. It doesn't throw any errors because, in the args object, optionalString doesn't have a type of string | undefined. The Props interface is fairly "standard" - nothing too magical there. I'm doing this because every property either had a value passed in (if it was required), or it will have a default value added to it. It will be written in React. Maybe, in the next week or two, I'll realize how silly this whole little journey was. This is necessary because, if we neglect to list, say, requiredString in the interface, then TS won't know what type to assign to it. I hope that's the case. To be clear, it's obviously just an RFC and it may never come to pass. It supplies them in a single object - the props object. I believe that, in TS, whenever possible, it's best if you can define your data types right in the function signature. If I'm writing "bad" code, or buggy code, then of course, I'd love for any tool to be able to point that out. Built on Forem — the open source software that powers DEV and other inclusive communities. But I know that I'm not entirely alone in this. yuck.). Then, for each of the optional properties, I'm checking to see if something was passed in. That was one of the big problems that I was trying to solve. So to use React Hooks, we’ll build a component that by default shows some information and lets us update that information by clicking a button. This may seem like a good thing, but it can cause headaches later on because TS will expect you to write a whole bunch of code that's tolerant of undefined values - even though you know that you manually set a value for the variable, and it will never be undefined. It has to do with implementing default values for component props in React/TypeScript. So is this the end of the article? Hi @aweary, do you mind to justify this?I think that is is very unintuitive, because the primary reason I wanted to use hooks is because I want to get rid of those syncing state with props when using class components with componentWillReceiveProps, componentShouldUpdate etc, those are nightmares to … Consider this example: I've set a default value of 'yo' on props.optionalString. It has to do with implementing default values for component props in React/TypeScript. Honestly, I've gotta spend some more time looking into that exclamation operator. When we switch components, we can switch the title of the document. Our team just began a brand new, "green fields" project. : React.ReactNode to your props so no need to handle that prop yourself. For a function component, if you assign defaultProps inline, TS seems to infer all the correct things, e.g. Oh, dear! What about the exclamation mark typescript operator? Hooks are supported in @types/react from v16.8 up. React Hooks. document.title can be updated with plain JavaScript or with a package. But have you tried this approach? Open VS Code in the project root and navigate to It's easy for other devs to "grok". As you've pointed out, you can get them back into one object, but you'd have to manually add requiredString and requiredNumber to that object as well. But doesn't this leave the optional properties still defined with type string | undefined?? With a good interface, you can definitively type all the values that are expected in React's traditional props object. Why does it do this?? It will be written in React. null! Born as an RFC in November 2018 they caught up quickly and landed in React 16.8. We haven't defined any of the arguments as props, and therefore, there is no props.children to render. I just ran into something very... odd. I'm new enough to TS that I'll freely admit not being aware of it. It complains that the props.optionalString object is possibly undefined - even though I clearly defined a default value at the top of the function. When you add ? And because I was just getting into TS, I thought, "Well, if there's even a minor chance that it goes away - how do I accomplish this without the feature?" We can create higher-order components with hooks if we want to use hooks with a class component. That's not insurmountable, but I gotta play with it for a bit to see if there's a slicker way of handling that... You could try something around these lines, whit this you would get a fully typed props object that you could use as you used to. But for me, it's huge. One thing I don't like about this approach is that I couldn't seem to get it to work unless I also defined default values inside defaultProps for the required props. Except... that doesn't work, does it? React hooks props. I'm not sure that it addresses the issue - but it's definitely intriguing. (Umm... OK. It's not like I'm trying to migrate from JavaScript to Objective-C, or from JavaScript to C++. I'm right back to the drawing board. It would look like this: There's a lot to like here. It was dynamically added by TS because the optionalString parameter is defined as optional (i.e., with the ? Therefore, the default prop value will be set. Honestly, at this point, I started getting pretty annoyed. I'm burning many many hours trying to solve this most-basic of questions. we are going to see how functional segments can be used with React hooks to reduce the length of code used in writing class-based components, while still obtaining all their features. (Great! The React 17 RC has just been released, and defaultProps are still here, and I'm struggling to find references to discussions about it being deprecated soon. Run the following commands in your terminal to create a new react app. And in TS, just as in JS, we can supply default values for optional parameters - right in the function signature. That's my specialty.) But yeah, not if I'm going to spend hours of my life trying to explain to a compiler my perfectly logical structure. Templates let you quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. While you're there, you say to your tour guide, "In your language, how do I say 'thank you'?" Let's discuss Effect Hooks in particular and their life cycle though. I'm just starting to learn React and use Typescript for work and am doing a little research on Proptypes and I came across this article in the vast sea of articles. The full list of properties is spelled out twice - once in the interface, and once in the function signature. Lets see it in our example, Pass props to a component rendered by React Router v4, Its very easy to achieve in react router, Lets create a new route for passing props to the component. By simply spreading ...defaultProps first, those default values will be overridden by any real values that were passed in. Setting a Default value … (Great! Hi Adam. You probably have more C# experience than me, but I've done a good bit of it and enjoy it. We can use it to add any element we can add in the head tag, including the title tag. But if your solution to TS problems is to disable the power of TS, then... don't use TS. So when you click on ️, the code execution "pauses" for a little while before continuing to the this.context.toggleLike(this.props.post) call. Then run npm i. Hi Adam the closest I came to a solution that could satisfy your need is following and everything is nicely typecheck, with this solution you could put the destructured props inside an args object inside your component, And typescript has a Required type that does the same as your AllPropsRequired type. Then we can make the Foo component show when this.state.showComponent is true . Over time, this API was deprecated and finally removed from React in favor of ES6 classes. The following is known about it's life cycle: By default, React runs the effects after every render Like this: A number of javascript folks don't like the new keyword, no problem create a factory... 'PropsWithChildren' only refers to a type, but is being used as a value here. Default props are only set when undefined or nothing is passed in as the value of the prop. When using hooks and functional components, we no longer have access to React lifecycle methods like componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and so on. It doesn't require explicitly defining props.children. I'm merely moving from React/JS to React/TS. Where did that | undefined come from in our props.optionalString type? Another "challenge" with the approach you've outlined here is that the requiredString and requiredNumber values only exist under the props object - but optionalString, optionalBoolean, and optionalNumber exist as standalone variables. We strive for transparency and don't collect excess data. It could just be that something's not "clicking" right in my brain... [NOTE: A few days after this was posted, I came up with an improved/revised method. They also make it easier to share “stateful logic” between components, such as accessing […] I got some learnin' to do.) indicator on every one of the properties. (I use WebStorm, it can already autocomplete everything and JSDoc will already provide me types and indication of using the wrong ones while I code). Hope all is going well with you. By ‘hooking into’ React’s existing features, you can significantly reduce the number of concepts you have to grapple with, and you can create custom hooks to share all kinds of non-visual logic, making your code much more reusable. If you try typing this out in your IDE, you'll notice that it does, for the most part, work - until you reach the point where you're trying to define default values on the optional properties. This means that when you change the active post, this.props.post is pointing to the wrong thing and the toggleLike call goes to the new post, not the one … There's an entire section in my article that covers defaultProps. So now that we know that we must specifically define the props object being passed in, maybe we can do this? Suffice it to say that AllPropsRequired is a type that will make all the properties of some other generic interface required. The most important are useState and useEffect. Hmm... From looking at your example, one of the problems with my prior approaches was probably that I wasn't consistently leveraging React.FC<>. And the tour guide points you to a dozen different web pages that all explain ways that you can try to say 'thank you' - with no definitive answer. If nothing was passed in (i.e., if the property is undefined), I set the value to its default. Makes a lot more sense than doing it manually with my own custom partial. After tinkering with many different configurations, this is what I came up with: Unlike the other attempts shown above, this one actually works. I'm using it in combination with MyFunctionalComponent.defaultProps whenever the compiler is complaining that the prop might be null or undefined.. but I'm sure you could combine it with one of your solutions. React Router 5 embraces the power of hooks and has introduced four different hooks to help with routing. React ships with a bunch of pre-defined hooks. I only want to spell out the optional properties, and spreading ...props allows me to do that. But in the last week-or-so, something really threw me for a loop. Props. React hooks helps us to implement the stateful functional components. Or maybe it's not - I dunno. To illustrate the issue, I'm gonna take something from a plain-ol' JS component, and convert it into a TS component. If there were plans to deprecate it, I think we'd see something in the docs, or the usage signature would change to Greet.UNSAFE_defaultProps in advance, as is the team's habit with things like UNSAFE_componentWillMount. Howdy, Jannaee! And that’s why you’re probably going to be using a darn lot of hooks in … That's my specialty.) Regardless of the twisted reasoning behind this, it does seem as though this deprecation might happen. From many of the examples I've been looking at online, it's not at all clear that this should be used whenever creating a functional React component - but I'm starting to think that's the case. I'm not gonna go through a tutorial on that here. Second, I do like your approach. We have to list children in the function signature. Cuz in my (final) example, my interface is defined as: But I think I like the React.FC way better. We can call external JavaScript functions from React components. at the end of null!?. [Yeah, yeah - I get it. We can make the state dynamic by passing in the state variable into the title prop. You may be thinking, "If you want default prop values, why don't you just use the built-in functionality for defaultProps??" ). The nice thing about the React.FC is that it defines the return type of your function and it add children? In TS, it's something called a partial. The important bit here is the canLike utility that takes a while to run. The defaultProps static property should be set to an object representing the default props for the component. What a surprise! So with a big sigh, I moved on to search for other solutions. Once you destructure the props out of their original object, you lose that clear scoping. And I'll feel really silly for having burned several days trying to reinvent the wheel. Good to hear from you! We have a button that runs the this.onClick method on click. It's not so common to see the usage of all of them but they might be very useful to simplify a feature or improve the performance in our application, so, I'd like to explain and give some examples of usage of all React Hooks. Nevertheless, I pushed onward. And they all run into the same limitations. TS doesn't fully grok that. React Hooks are a new addition in React 16.8 that let you use state and other React features without writing a class component. Well, TS sees the function as being bound at the point when the component is mounted. And I love the description of "trying to explain to a compiler". DEV Community © 2016 - 2021. React is a popular library for creating web apps and mobile apps. In this article, we’ll look at some tips for writing better React apps. Example. useEffect. But props.optionalString is type: string | undefined. So TS will complain about the above code because it will realize that the props object does not correlate with the requiredString type of string. To make updating the title of a React app easy, we can use the react-document-title package to do it. No sooner did I start researching this pattern than I found out that there's a big push to deprecate defaultProps on functional components. 2 comments Open Bug: [eslint-plugin-react-hooks] Constructions should be caught in default props/args #20248. Hooks replaces the needs for many life cycle methods in general so it's important for us to understand which ones. Hooks flatten things out. We can create our own hooks…, Your email address will not be published. But I'm just outlining a progression-of-thought here.]. I'm with you :) I saw your post because I also think the removal of defaultProps on FCs is a mistake, and saw your link on the RFC comments. ... > Click me )}} export default App. In React, children is supposed to be something that you just get "for free". While using defaultProps is the best practice at the moment, it looks like this will change in the upcoming versions of React. (OK, not incredibly close - but, Asheville.) My sis now lives in your region. It's entirely possible that, in several years, I'll be shaking my head over the time I wasted on this, because the RFC was never adopted and defaultProps are still readily available. So with an extra line to clone the props object, the code looks like this: This approach... works. Thanks for this write up. (Until I find some other edge case where everything gets borked up...) It looks like this: The first thing you see is the AllPropsRequired type. There are important changes in how we use and declare default props and their types. It will look something like this. That may not be a big deal to some. In other words, Hooks are functions that let you “hook into” React state and lifecycle features from function components. It changes the showComponent state to true . That all said, I'm a dyed in the wool C# programmer and would love to be pulling across the great parts of that to the JS world with TypeScript. Still - that's not really that big of a deal. Class itself, to set the page just wanted to say that AllPropsRequired is a type that make... Optional properties, and website in this your components in connect ( ) that string into an array letters. Next week or two, I started getting pretty annoyed the split ( )? the function as bound... Helps us to understand which ones to do with implementing default values component! 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Dev Community – a constructive and inclusive social network for software developers started getting pretty.... Clear, it ’ s also the react-helmet plugin which lets us set the title of a deal it... While passing our own props, and once in the comments. ] obviously just an and. Nodding along to everything you 've written here. ] because React that. For transparency and do n't even get me started on the component Objective-C, or someone posts a.! So does that mean that when React hooks: useState spelled out twice - once in the state into. Our component react hooks default props the title of the twisted reasoning behind this, right? ''... To clone the props are only set when undefined or nothing is passed in, maybe we infer... Look like this: with all of your function and it add children arguments props! Make render props to understand which ones get `` for free '' C # experience than,... 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Migrate from JavaScript to C++ be published but with hooks if we want spell! Defaultprops static property should be set having to define the props interface is defined as optional ( i.e., the... To split ( ) method before you can definitively type all the values that were in! That I 'm not the only one have problems with this these kinda.. Stumbled into a different way to handle that began a brand new, default... And thanks for the time being, I 'll use the hooks ’ s output into! 'Ll feel really silly for having burned several days trying to explain to compiler! We passed in as the container element/component is set to an object representing the default props React/TS. Spelled out twice - once in the args object the args object lifecycle features from function components. ) should. Since last update you “ hook into ” React state and reactions to that state far. Ts because the split ( ) to div.Accordion also receives a few other props: onToggle, activeEventKey etc...

react hooks default props 2021