Gallus: "Goodbye, Karliah.". Though this vindicates her, she is just as angry as the rest of them and refers the Dragonborn to Brynjolf, who asks them to find evidence of Mercer Frey's whereabouts and will have to infiltrate his house to get his plans. Look at that monstrosity." We're right behind you. It appears that Gallus had suspicions about Mercer Frey's allegiance to the Guild for months. The Dragonborn meets Karliah and faces the guild with her. Now, before leaving, loot all the chests that are here. He stabs the Dragonborn, attempting to kill them, but because of the poison on Karliah's arrow, made to slow the victim's heartbeat and stop them from bleeding out, they survive. Once inside, follow the halls into the first room, where there’s a chest and two Draugrs that come out of the walls. Delvin: "Do what he says, Vex. Come on, Karliah. The last few pages seem to describe "the failure of the Nightingales" although it doesn't go into great detail. Brynjolf: "Woah there, lass. Karliah: "Beyond this gate is the first step in becoming a Nightingale." ", Brynjolf: "So, this is Nightingale Hall. After reaching the destination, speak to the Guild Leader - he will tell you some important facts regarding the organization and you will also learn more about Karliah herself. The Archmage is the first to break the silence. Karliah is the only Dunmer in the game whose eyes are violet. Don't get up so quickly. Enthir: "Hmm. Farewell, Enthir... words can't express..." Now, if you'll both proceed to the armory to don your Nightingale Armor, we can begin the Oath. Karliah: "Please, lower your weapons so we can speak. You are here: Home > skyrim the pursuit ramp bug skyrim the pursuit ramp bug January 17, 2021 by Uncategorized by Uncategorized Mercer Frey: "You're a clever girl, Karliah. Fight it, Brynjolf... he's taken control of you!" After the Dragonborn regains their strength, Karliah sends them to Winterhold to figure out how to decode Gallus's Encoded Journal. ", Karliah: "Mercer must have triggered these pistons. Thieves Guild Quest: Speaking with Silence. We do this for Gallus and for the Guild. Post navigation the pursuit skyrim bug. Karliah hands over Gallus' journal as proof of her innocence and joins Brynjolf and the others as the vault is opened to reveal that Mercer robbed it dry. There are bugs related to Karliah not been there or not following, but i don't know how to solve this other than reloading a save before the … ... Is there something we didn't discover? The Dragonborn learns about the Nightingales and is taken to the Nightingale Hall by Karliah and Brynjolf to become a Nightingale. Karliah: "We have to find another way out of here before the place fills with water! That was never discussed." Karliah: "This must be their hive. Karliah: "He didn't need to pick the lock." Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. How did the dwarves find their way around? Gallus had begun to uncover what he calls an "... unduly lavish lifestyle replete with spending vast amounts of gold on personal pleasures."" have tried mod free, different saves, waiting, sleeping, fast travel, etc. ", "Mercer's been here, I hope we aren't too late. Brynjolf: "Aye, there's always a catch. I'm not sure how to fix this problem exactly. It helped avert attention from our true nature. Using the information obtained from Gallus's journal as proof, I hope to convince Brynjolf of Karliah's innocence and Mercer Frey's betrayal. Nothing's getting by me." We must prepare ourselves." I'm no priest, and I'm certainly not religious. After you have successfully completed Taking Care of Business, … I need to know the terms." Enthir: "It's alright Karliah. [Book 1] Skyrim: There's Something About You, Lass (EDITING) Fanfiction {Reader Insert: Reader x Brynjolf} {Sequel: Hell of a Life (Being re-written)} You hear the gossip of the Thieves Guild, and are curious as to why it has recieved such word. Base ID Have you ever seen anything like it in your life, lass?" ; Scoundrel's Folly: Squeeze a reluctant informer for information. This is Nightingale Hall. !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="//";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); Welcome to Skyrim Forums! Vex: "That son-of-a-bitch! Level Every word. Snow Veil Sanctum; The Ragged Flagon; Walkthrough []. Chapter 6. This leads the player to Snow Veil Sanctum and plays out mostly like Speaking with Silence, except Mercer Frey isn't accompanying the player. ", "Remember, speak only to Enthir. ", "I can't believe it's over. Always Karliah: "Farewell, Gallus. As long as we get to Mercer." Brynjolf: "I'm trying to understand why I'm here, lass. After this is done, The Dragonborn can go back to the cave and choose a power each day. Brynjolf: "Vex! But at this point, I suppose there isn't much to lose. Mercer: "Karliah, when will you learn you can't get the drop on me? Karliah is a Dunmer thief, a member of the Nightingales and a former member of the Thieves Guild. He needs to die." "Let's get moving. Delvin: "Wait just a blessed moment, Bryn. Once the translation is acquired, Karliah will be present at the Frozen Hearth inn with Enthir who will translate the passages, confirming that Mercer not only stole vast amounts of gold from the Guild but desecrated something called the "Twilight Sepulcher." (function() { Karliah in Nightingale Armor without her hood on. Speak with Karliah. ", Karliah: "There's a mass of the Falmer in this chamber. googletag.enableServices(); He wants us to follow." Ref ID It is offered by Mercer Frey immediately upon completion of " Scoundrel's Folly " in which the Dragonborn must accompany Mercer Frey, guildmaster of the Thieves Guild to Snow Veil Sanctum to find and confront Karliah . I have proof that you've all been misled!" If you see Mercer, come tell me right away. Wait until Vald walks near the back gate and talk to him instead. Karliah was trained in the art of thievery by her mother, Dralsi Indoril, and is the granddaughter of Queen Barenziah, as well as Drayven Indoril, who is rumored to be a descendant of the Dunmer saint Indoril Nerevar. Nocturnal seemed quite pleased with your efforts. Brynjolf: "It says Mercer's been stealing from our vault for years. gads.src = (useSSL ? If it means the end of Mercer Frey, you can count me in. This can't be true. Now what's this so-called proof you speak of?" Mercer Frey: "Enough of all this mindless banter! Brynjolf: "I'll bet my last septim that there's a mechanism around here somewhere. Kill them too and soon you’ll find Gulum-Ei with another thief at a campfire. Karliah: "Lady Nocturnal, we accept your terms. Let us know! When asked about the Pilgrim's Path, she says, During the quest "Speaking With Silence," if the Dragonborn uses the shout. The Dragonborn must return the Skeleton Key, and in order to do so, they have to follow the Pilgrim's Path inside the Twilight Sepulcher. PC×1 (10–50) We're going to have to search for a way to open them." Look... down there!" It was the first lesson Gallus taught us." Crossing blades with you would be a death sentence. She was Gallus' - Mercer's predecessor - lover, which didn't however stop her from killing him. 'https:' : 'http:') + Once Karliah finishes talking, the “Speaking with Silence” quest will be marked completed. All he had to do was look the other way." Essential ", "Please, there isn't much time. ", Enthir: "Hmm. You’ve just found Karliah. No, it... it can't be. We can't afford to lose our heads... we need to calm down and focus." They want the Dragonborn to meet them there. Brynjolf has also gone missing and you will meet him in the further part of the story.. After getting out of Snow Veil Sanctum and speaking with Karliah, head to Winterhold - there you will … Brynjolf: "Let me see. I name your initiates Nightingale and I restore your status to the same, Karliah. Objectives: Meet Mercer Frey outside Snow Veil Sanctum; Enter Snow Veil Sanctum; Find Karliah; Speak to Karliah; Mercer has already left for Snow Veil Sanctum, so travel there by whatever means you choose. No I can't...", Karliah: "Damn! What is it? Total: 570 (members: 0, guests: 542, robots: 28), Xeno Gamers is lurking in your source, powering your sites :D, (You must log in or sign up to post here. The room he told her he had never shown another living soul. Karliah: ""To ensure an enemy's defeat, you must first undermine his allies." What is it? Speaking With Silence Chapter 6: Speaking With Silence. ", "I can't think of a better person for the job, Nightingale. After having saved the Dragonborn from Mercer Frey betrayal at the Snow Veil Sanctum towards the very end of Speaking with Silence, Karliah explains that it was Mercer who killed the previous Guild Master Gallus Desidenius framing her for the crime. Karliah will express utter shock at this but cannot elaborate just yet. Unlike other Guild members, Karliah does not wear matching. She will then tell you more about Mercer Frey and why he stabbed you. ", Brynjolf: "So this is what we heard. If she's to accept you as one of her own, an arrangement must be struck." Mercer Frey: "Gallus had his wealth and he had you. However, just past the door, Karliah will shoot you with a paralytic arrow, and you'll fall down unconscious. Karliah then takes them back to her camp outside the Sanctum to nurse them back to health. Whatever you (referring to the Dragonbrorn) want to do, we're with you. He is certain that Karliah is inside the ruins, and that she can't easily escape since he killed her horse. There's also a LIGHT ARMOR skillbook on a table near where you came in at called "Ice and Chitin". Vex: "That door has the best puzzle locks money can buy. ", Gallus: "Karliah?" *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. i cant walk past the first pillar after going down the stairs (any direction/speed)- it freezes have to force quit. I woke up outside and she explained everything. She was a member of the Thieves Guild and the Nightingales along with Gallus Desidenius and Mercer Frey. Inside they need to locate and eliminate Mercer and take the Skeleton Key he has stolen from Nocturnal. ", Brynjolf: "The stench... this place reeks of Falmer." Speaking With Silence is obtained from Mercer in the Thieves' Guild hideout. Apparently the poisoned arrow was meant for Mercer, and was not intended to kill but to paralyse the target. Karliah: "What will you do now, my love?" The entire tower collapsed." Services Locations []. Imagine the riches hidden within these walls. Mercer Frey and the Dragonborn hunt for Karliah in the dungeon Snow Veil Sanctum. Dunmer There … Mercer's been stealing from the Guild for years, right under your noses." She was also involved romantically with Gallus Desidenius, who called her his "Little Nightingale." Nocturnal: "Very well. Damn it! ", Karliah: "I call upon you Lady Nocturnal, Queen of Murk and Empress of Shadow... hear my voice!" I was afraid you'd become like the others." Gallus: "Nocturnal calls me to the Evergloam. Put it away... right now. Buying Goldenglow Estate and funding Honningbrew Meadery was inspired." What's wrong, Brynjolf? Mercer opens up the doors to the catacombs. Eyes open... walk with the shadows." Meet Mercer Frey outside Snow Veil Sanctum Enter Snow Veil Sanctum; Find Karliah; Speak to Karliah; Walkthrough . Brynjolf: "Then it's all true... everything I heard in the stories. Loud and Clear: Send a message to a former Thieves Guild client. As it turns out the quill was transported by boat from the western end of Lake Honrich, but the boar hit some rocks and sank somewhere between the Goldenglow Estate and the Riften docks. I can't stop myself." The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine,, When Karliah appears to teleport or disappear in her confrontation with Mercer, she actually drinks an. I curved my lips down, not liking his command. This offer is definitely weighted in my favor." Brynjolf: "No luck there, lass. It's gone, everything's gone! After some talk, we need to get back to Mercer. Karliah: "We have to be very careful, Brynjolf. The Nightingales, their allegiance to Nocturnal and the Twilight Sepulcher." Note! [1] She was also involved romantically with Gallus Desidenius, who called her his "Little Nightingale." It has not been reported has a bug yet. Brynjolf: "There's only one way to find out if what the lass says is true. I'm on my way back to the Ragged Flagon to meet up with Karliah. My contract has been fulfilled." Nocturnal: "Revenge? This is intriguing, but highly disturbing. ", Karliah: "He's close. He will not let them in, so the Dragonborn has to gain entry to the museum in another way. "With the Skeleton Key missing from the Twilight Sepulcher, I'm afraid Mercer's seen to it that none of us can benefit from Nocturnal's gifts. Make your way to Snow Veil Sanctum and have a chat with Mercer who is waiting outside. Karliah was exiled from the guild for 25 years after Mercer framed her for Gallus' murder. re: STUCK Thieves Guild, Speaking with Silence I don't have any of the ones before I've entered, and even if I did I've found three Word Walls and killed two dragons so it wouldn't really be worth it. I'd ask you both meet me there. Let's keep moving. Trust no one else.". Ask anything you want and head towards the entrance of the ruins (Mercer has a LOT of backstory to tell, so be sure to talk to him). Brynjolf: "Delvin, Vex... watch the Flagon. 0001B07F. Kill the thief and speak to the Argonian. I think some of these people are beginning to suspect who I am. Could he pick his way in?" With the evidence in hand, Karliah asks the Dragonborn to meet her in The Ragged Flagon to confront Mercer and reveal the truth to the guild, awarding them with an item which once belonged to Gallus: a Nightingale Blade. Karliah: "Absolutely." honors us all." Nocturnal: "Ah, Karliah. Faction ", Karliah: "Brynjolf, the time has come to decide Mercer's fate. Gallus was looking into it before he was murdered." Brynjolf: "I'm on it, lass. We've got these getups on... now what?" "All I can tell you for now is that he's abused his authority as a Nightingale. What's Mercer Frey done?" Now everyone get back to work. Brynjolf: "What sort of arrangement? Karliah: "He's toying with us. Take the lead." You may proceed." Her armor has a dagger strapped on next to the left shoulder. We'll open it up and find out the truth." googletag.defineSlot('/3886806/RW_skyrimforums.org_300x250btf1', [300, 250], 'div-gpt-ad-1361480025445-3').addService(googletag.pubads()); Parts of it can appear purplish in some light, and it also appears to have a unique dagger strapped to the left shoulder, though it is for aesthetic purposes. Speaking With Silence is obtained from Mercer in the Thieves' Guild hideout . ", "This place, it's like a maze. ", Brynjolf: "You better have a damn good reason to be here with that murderer." Karliah: "It's true, Brynjolf. Vex: "Fine. Awakening again, their vision is blurry, and Mercer and Karliah are heard talking. We will honor our agreement in this life and the next until your conditions have been met." ; Blindsighted: Stop Mercer Frey. Enthir: "Yes. Nocturnal: "You're already mine, Karliah. Community content is available under. Delvin: "What's she on about?" There is more but I am honor bound to secrecy until you take the oath." Karliah wanted to keep Mercer alive, and to have him pay for his crimes in front of the Guild. Karliah: "It's the Key, Brynjolf. Oh. Home » Haiti Relief Fund at Work in Haiti » skyrim the pursuit not starting. ; Quest-related Events Loud and Clear. ", Brynjolf: "Shor's Bones! ; Speaking With Silence: Track down the Dunmer behind the Guild's misfortunes. Nocturnal will allow you to become a Nightingale and use your abilities for whatever you wish. Mercer Frey tried to kill both of you, he betrayed the Guild, murdered Gallus and made us question our future. All that remains is to ensure the safe return of the Skeleton Key.". Karliah was trained in the art of thievery by her mother, Dralsi Indoril, and is the granddaughter of Queen Barenziah, as well as Drayven Indoril, who is rumored to be a descendant of the Dunmer saint Indoril Nerevar. Karliah Nocturnal: "You surprise me, Karliah. In the meantime, perhaps you and Brynjolf should get better acquainted." Brynjolf: "Then this is it. Karliah: "The assumption that the Nightingales were just a myth was seeded within the Guild on purpose. She was a member of the Thieves Guild and the Nightingales along with Gallus Desidenius and Mercer Frey. ", "Now that you've transacted the Oath, it's time to reveal the final piece of the puzzle to you; Mercer's true crime. Did you expect him to simply ignore your methods?" I think you'll find its contents disturbing." Thieves GuildNightingales I feared I would never see you again. I'm certain of it. var node = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; Class Now use yours." Brynjolf: "No tricks, Karliah or I'll cut you down where you stand. What's in that book? Karliah: "My appetite for Mercer's demise exceeds my craving for wealth, Your Grace." Chapter Text. You may now register with your Facebook or Steam account! ", I don't feel stronger. So it's true..." There's no way it can be picked open." New main objective: Speak with Enthir. But I can promise the next time we meet, it will be your undoing. Why pick me?" I heard about this place when I joined the Guild, but I never believed it existed." Speaking with Silence Walkthrough. Description. }); Follow @SkyrimForums I hated being led during any kind of partnered job, but there was something wrong about him asking me to lead the way. I've known Mercer too long..." Her armor is a lighter shade of gray than the Guild Master's Armor Set and has the same brown-colored straps and satchels of the Thieves Guild Armor. Elder Scrolls is a FANDOM Games Community. Delvin: "Agreed." ", Brynjolf: "Look at the size of this place. Despite the "misunderstanding" with Mercer Frey, you will still be able to visit the Thieves Guild headquarters, though you won't find the Leader there. ― Mercer Frey [src] Speaking With Silence is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Are you ready to face the Guild? And in the future, I'd suggest you refrain from disappointing me again. '//'; ", Karliah: "He's here and he hasn't seen us yet. Speak to Karliah Once the Dragonborn wakes up again, speaking with Karliah will fill in the missing information. Brynjolf: "By the Eight! Karliah: "Damn you, Mercer! "Easy, easy. All that matters is we deliver your translation to the Guild immediately. Karliah shoots the Dragonborn with a poisoned arrow, and the Dragonborn passes out soon after. I don't care. Karliah: "I have two others that wish to transact the Oath; to serve you both in life and in death." "I need you to trust me on this. Very tough and very deadly." Posted on January 17, 2021 by January 17, 2021 by Brynjolf, watch the door." ", Mercer Frey: "Do you honestly think your arrow will reach me before my blade finds your heart?" Brynjolf: "Vex?" Karliah: "To hold any hope of defeating Mercer, we must have Nocturnal at our backs. Gender There are like 4-5, so take everything you can. Race If we have any hopes of intercepting Mercer, we … The quest, The Pursuit, is part of the Thieves' Guild main questline, … Brynjolf: "Mercer was able to knock this thing down? For now." After getting the mission, head over to Tonilia.She will let you exchange and upgrade one of the Thieves' Guild Armor Set pieces.. Now you need to get to the Snow Veil Sanctum.This is very easy to by Fast Traveling to Windhelm … Karliah's chest rose and fell dramatically, signalling that she was taking a few deep breaths to calm herself. Mercer will meet you outside the Sanctum. Answer however you want and he’ll say the name Karliah. })(); Brynjolf: "Aye. Kaiya approached Karliah cautiously, not wanting to anger her further. Karliah: "Will I ever see you again?" At the end of that path is a clearing and an old standing stone. "Thank you, Karliah, I mean it" "Okay then," Karliah nods, her voice cracks a bit and she furiously beats down a … I appreciate the armor, but becoming a Nightingale? From their dialogue, it is learned that Mercer is guilty of committing many crimes against the guild. The problem was that i heard the quest sound of the next one beginning and this one ending but it was never added to the journal. Your terms were struck long ago. She is involved in five of the Thieves Guild quests, during which she becomes a temporary follower. They stand there for a few awkward seconds; Karliah feels like digging herself into a hole and dying right there. The Dragonborn is sent to Calcelmo by Enthir to duplicate the writings on Calcelmo's stone, in Calcelmo's Tower. After Karliah's conversation with Gallus: "Farewell. Brynjolf: "Use your key on the vault, Delvin. var gads = document.createElement('script'); var useSSL = 'https:' == document.location.protocol; Mercer will inform you that Karliah is hold up inside Snow Veil Sanctum, so lead the … She also stated that she owes her skills to Gallus saying "He honed my skill to a razor sharp point." She also stated that she owes her skills to Gal… It's time for you and Gallus to become reunited!" We'll have to keep silent if we want to avoid drawing their attention. The Pursuit is a Quest in Skyrim.. I was wondering when I'd hear from you again. Gods..." Quick, get the Skeleton Key and the Eye and lets get out of here!" First go speak with Enthir at The Frozen Hearth in Winterhold.After speaking with Enthir, you'll be directed to the wizard, Calcelmo, at Understone Keep in Markarth. Delvin: "I've used my key, but the vault's still locked up tighter than a drum. Karliah: "Yes. Objectives . Vex: "Sure, why not." Are you ready to transact the Oath with Nocturnal? Discussion in 'Skyrim Help' started by Tyrania, Jan 31, 2016. var googletag = googletag || {}; Karliah: "The only reason to do that would be to block pursuit. Karliah: "Shadows preserve us. googletag.cmd.push(function() { Karliah: "It's a Dwarven Centurion. I've scouted the ruins and I'm certain Karliah is still inside." Once Mercer picks the dragon claw door, the Dragonborn walks in first. There she stood in the secret office that Mercer had brought her to just days before. Yes, here it is. Respawn After returning to Brynjolf in the quest The Pursuit you will automatically acquire this quest. Delvin: "How can Mercer open up a vault that needs two keys? Get in here, all of you!" Gallus: "When your debt to Nocturnal has been paid, we'll embrace once again." Brynjolf: "Everyone is in agreement, so all I can do now is name you (referring to the Dragonborn) Guild Master and wish you good fortune and long life. Karliah: "Can't say that I have. With that in mind, I propose that the position of Guild Master should be yours (referring to the Dragonborn). I'll kill him!" Brynjolf: "Aye, lass... and I've come to a decision. Karliah: "Anything else, Enthir? ... (#6), and Frey will open it for you despite not having a claw. Temporary follower ", "Choose your path and your journey will be complete.". Until a new Guild Master is chosen, the decision falls to you." skyrim the pursuit not starting. node.parentNode.insertBefore(gads, node); Upon returning to Karliah after speaking with Enthir: "We must hasten to Riften before Mercer can do any more damage to the Guild. You're the first of the uninitiated to set foot inside in over a century. You don't have to say a word. Brynjolf: "Aye, lass. Haiti Relief Fund at Work in Haiti. Such a ruthless person cannot live and threat the Thieves Guild - you should therefore enter the Sanctum and … Very well, the conditions are acceptable. Mercer’s outside waiting for you, so speak to him. "Look, Karliah. ", Brynjolf: "Okay, lass. Mercer Frey: "You always were a quick study." Gallus seems certain that Mercer had been removing funds from the Guild's treasury without anyone's knowledge." Being Guild Master means more than just getting a cut of all the loot, it's about being a leader and keeping this rabble in order. Brynjolf: "We can take the beast on or sneak around. What could you possibly offer me now?" Karliah escapes and Mercer notices the Dragonborn is still alive. That explained the dead equine on the outer edge of Snow Veil Sanctum. This place is coming down! ", "What about you? Karliah: "I'm sorry Enthir, I can't say. So the problem is that after i finished the "Speakign with silence" quest where karliah shoots you with the arrow and mercer is revealed as the bad guy. To prove Mercer's betrayal Karliah hopes that Gallus's Encoded Journal will be a key piece of evidence against Mercer. Karliah: "Does the journal say where this wealth came from?" Something must have fallen on the other side of the door because it isn't moving!" Basic Info I can almost hear your brow furrowing." Gallus: "If it were not for the actions of this Nightingale (Referring to the Dragonborn), your fears would have come true. “Speaking With Silence” is a Thieves' Guild Faction Quest in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Karliah: "My Lady, I've come before you to throw myself upon your mercy and to accept responsibility for my failure." Karliah and Brynjolf have traveled to Irkngthand in their pursuit of Mercer Frey. 22nd of First Seed 4E203. Anything about... the Nightingales?" Karliah: "This isn't about religion, Brynjolf... it's business. It must be Mercer. And in return, both in life and in death, you must serve as a guardian of the Twilight Sepulcher." Karliah: "I have Gallus' journal. gads.async = true; 00058F1A Just outside of Riften, beyond the Southeast Gate is a small path cut up the mountainside. googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || []; It's your call, lad (or lass, referring to the Dragonborn). Karliah: "Gallus! ", How could Mercer have gotten into the Vault? I want to catch her inside while she's distracted. Enthir: "I'm not familiar with the Twilight Sepulcher. Karliah: "I'm no fool, Mercer. Brynjolf: "Aye, lass... and we'll be ready for him. It's Mercer! Eyes open and walk with the shadows. ", Mercer: "Karliah, I'll deal with you after I rid myself of your irksome companions. Are you able to go back to a previous save file? Journey to Snow Veil Sanctum southeast of Winterhold or north of Windhelm on the cold tundra. It's impossible. Thank you Gulum. Delvin: "The gold, the jewels... it's all gone." Register now to participate using the 'Sign Up' button on the right. Note: There is a bug that dictates you cannot talk to Enthir if you have started, but not completed the quest The Staff of Magnus, as Enthir believes Winterhold to be in danger and will continually repeat "This is going … Karliah: "Give me a reason to try." This isn't helpin' right now." Karliah: "The terms are quite simple, Brynjolf. Karliah: "Climb down that ledge and see if you can..." That's why we need to prepare ourselves and meet Mercer on equal footing. After the game screen resumes display, you’ll find your character waking up and being tended to by Karliah. Karliah: "Not quick enough, otherwise Gallus would still be alive." ", Karliah: "Wait a moment... what's that? Twenty-five years in exile and just like that, it's done. gads.type = 'text/javascript'; Mercer is a Nightingale, an Agent of Nocturnal." Speaking with Silence LuceTheGoose. After returning the Skeleton Key to the Ebonmere: "I'm glad you were able to bring the Key back safely. What did it say?" Lose something did we?" ", "I'm glad you're here. She wants them to be prepared for the task of killing Mercer Frey for his betrayal. ). We do it your way. Gallus also repeatedly mentions his strong belief that Mercer desecrated something known as the Twilight Sepulcher." There's no way through." Congratulations! Female So im doing this quest : speaking with silence and I've worked my way into the Veil Sanctum to the puzzle door: after coming back, and dismissing my follower and a few reloadings he opened the puzzle door, but after i enter ( with weapon drawn) Karliah shoots me with the poised arrow, i fall down and Mercer Frey comes in and just stands there doing nothing, the cut …
skyrim speaking with silence karliah not there 2021