Amazing random stuff, useless knowledge, interesting trivia, odd historical facts, weird news, funny jokes & totally useless information you probably don't know 30 Interesting facts and health benefits about watermelon ... They have shallow lobes. Tags: Ag Fun and Facts. No matter the melon, it is still a tasty summer treat. Read this article and find out the great watermelon facts for kids that make them happy. Fun Facts. It is also rich in Vitamins A and E, flavonoids and minerals. 8 Interesting Facts about Eggplant Eggplants are an excellent source of fiber and nutrients. Green leaves are oval or circular in shape. The first harvest of watermelon took place in Egypt some 5,000 years ago. Wrong! The very first recorded watermelon harvest happened nearly 5,000 years ago in the Egypt and is portrayed in . Each part of the watermelon can be eaten also its rinds and seeds. Use your &leftarrow; &rightarrow; (arrow) keys to browse. Watermelon has only 40 calories per cup, yet it has more lycopene than any other fruit or vegetable. Posted by Karyn Moyer. Watermelon is a Fruit. A . Learn Fun Facts About Watermelons - Fruit Facts - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. You probably already know something about this fruit, but there is more to learn. Also benefits of watermelon. The words, which she wrote, are all about how much she digs the watermelon man. How about we get right to it? ME TOO. Seedless varieties are preferred, accounting for the vast majority . Use your &leftarrow; &rightarrow; (arrow) keys to browse. Before you thought you knew everything about the food on your plate, consider this list and . In the year 2008, a watermelon fruit was sold at a very exorbitant price. Potassium is a mineral necessary for water balance and is found inside of every cell. 2. The good-health news: Watermelon is especially high in lycopene. For more delicious watermelon ideas, visit our recipe page! 11 Fun Facts About Pears. 1. Eggplant is a perennial plant, although most producers grow it as an annual (they plow and destroy the plants after… All Rights Reserved. Are watermelon rinds edible? Tehmena's Silly Watermelon Punch! Most expensive watermelon. For instance, it may surprise you to find out that watermelons are not always round. These square watermelons were created to save space and to ensure that the watermelons fit in the refrigerators more easily. Here we will take a closer look at the watermelon tourmaline benefits, meanings, and properties. Summer is the single season almost everyone loves, the beaches are more beautiful to be at there are always events ready to spice up the summer season. If the past few months have taken a toll on your stress level, as well as your waistline, a fresh, healthy snack is only a farm stand away. 28 Interesting Facts That You Didn't Know About Watermelon: Watermelon fruit is 91% water and has many health benefits such as fighting cancer. The species originated in southern Africa, with evidence of its cultivation in Ancient Egypt. Posted by Karyn Moyer. PicFacts(1-500) PicFacts(501-1000 . August 3rd is National Watermelon Day. Like the pepper, tomato, and pumpkin, watermelon is a fruit, botanically. At 92% water, watermelon is an excellent and delicious way to . There is nothing better than biting into a watermelon to kick start the summer fun. This information can help you understand how much watermelon you can include in your diabetes, or limited carbohydrate meal plan. People called the plant "eggplant", because certain cultivars produce white fruits of an oval shape, that they look like chicken eggs. To be more specific, the Kalahari Desert is believed to be the place where watermelon first originated. Watermelon is best planted in rows 8-12 feet apart. Watermelon is also rich in dietary fiber and potassium. 32 Fun Facts About Watermelon Watermelons, hence their name, are made up of 92% water A watermelon is one of the only foods to be classified as both a fruit and a vegetable Wild watermelons are native to South Africa The novelty of a cubed watermelon began in Japan where they would grow them in glass boxed to hold their shape Tags: Ag Fun and Facts. They are associated with pumpkins and became a part of the dictionary in the year 1615. Pears are a refreshing summertime fruit but can often be overlooked. Watermelon . August 3 is National Watermelon Day, but that doesn't stop us from eating it through the entire summer. But did you know that, in addition to being delicious, watermelons are chocked FULL of health benefits? Current Facts Watermelon radish is an heirloom Chinese daikon radish and botanically a member of the Brassica (mustard) family. The origins of watermelons can be traced all the way back to Southern Africa where wild watermelons first grew. This is 10 Amazing H. Watermelons are 92 . Check out this carved piece that I did for a picnic five years ago. The insides of watermelon come in a range of colors: red, yellow, pink, orange, even white. It has round stem that produces lateral tendrils. 31 Juicy Facts About Fruit. Watermelon fruit is 91% water, contains 6% sugars, and is low in fat. Watermelon tourmaline, with its unique mix of red and green, is indeed a remarkable stone which manages to grab the attention of anyone just at a glance. It has no cholesterol and only 0.007 oz (0.2 g) of fat, which is negligible . Are watermelon rinds edible? History of Watermelon: The origin of watermelon is believed in the Kalahari Desert of Africa. 28 Interesting Facts That You Didn't Know About Watermelon: Watermelon fruit is 91% water and has many health benefits such as fighting cancer. Fruits are filled with nutrients, vitamins, and fiber. Interesting Facts about Carbs in Watermelon . America Has Native Wine Grapes. Prev 1 of 10 Next. 13 Fun Melon Facts. Watermelon Has Been Cultivated for About 5,000 Years The first records we have found of watermelon being grown indicate that it was being cultivated in Egypt as long ago as 5,000 years. Fun Facts. Below is the nutrition information of the watermelon fruit. It is sweet-tasting and can be eaten entirely. The . One of the first things free blacks could grow, eat and sell were watermelons. Despite all of these, there are still lots of facts about summer you don't know, these summer facts are sure interesting and would make you appreciate every summer season that comes by by. ***For fun you could serve the salad in halved and hollowed limes, in hollowed out watermelon, or inside half a coconut, hollowed pineapple, etc. Watermelon is also high in vitamin C and a good source of fiber. When watermelons are grilled or baked they lose their granular… PicFacts. For more delicious watermelon ideas, visit our recipe page! There are however some facts that you need to know about the big green fruit and this article will highlight these facts. Its constitution of around 20 popular anti-oxidants makes it the most sought-after beautifying product. It's time to celebrate! 30 Healthiest Superfoods. Watermelon Facts. By nature, seedless watermelons are smaller and rounder. 13 Incredible & Fun Facts About Watermelon. Among many of us wait for summer to eat a sweet juicy watermelon. These varieties can be sorted into just four categories: seeded, seedless, icebox, and yellow/orange. 7 Interesting Facts about Watermelon. Watermelon is low in calories (it has 46 calories per cup) and high in vitamins A and C (it provides 17 percent of your daily Vitamin A intake and 20 percent of your daily Vitamin C intake.) Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant which can reduce inflammation and destroy free radicals. That means you can take your seedless watermelons camping with you, or on that weekend roadtrip without fear that they'll go bad before you devour them . The rind of watermelon can be stewed or served as pickles. Largest recorded watermelon had 262 pounds of weight. 25 Interesting Summer Facts and Trivia. Love watermelon? The radish is an edible root vegetable of the Brassicaceae family, that was domesticated in Europe, in pre-Roman times. 1. It's time to celebrate! 44 U.S. States grow watermelon for commercial use. 07 Jul 2020 By: Diane Gottsman. Did you know you can actually use the whole watermelon? There are many ways to . An Anti-aging Agent! Watermelons must be harvested by hand and not by machine because they are very fragile. I have found myself indulging in a few too many sugary treats lately and I can no longer reasonably . August 3rd is National Watermelon Day. Watermelons are a medicinal marvel supposedly helping in an array of different ways. Prev 1 of 10 Next. 10 things you might not know about watermelons. A watermelon is named as such because it is composed of 92% water. Watermelons originated in West Africa. The high water and electrolyte content of watermelons make them ideal as a refreshing summer thrust quenchers. ), and with roughly 92 percent water content, it's the . There are over 1200 varieties of xigua fruit available in the world. It's probably not surprising that watermelons are 92% water. Early explorers used . The farmers put the watermelons in a square tempered glass box, when the watermelon is still growing on the vine. How? The clue is in the title: Camille revealed to Elle in 2017 that Richard Brautigan's post-apocalyptic novel In Watermelon Sugar is one of her favorite books. 8 Fun Facts about Watermelon. The rind of watermelon can be stewed or served as pickles. America holds the records for high consuming watermelons, an average person consuming about 7 kg of watermelon every year. This is one of the best nutritional benefit of watermelon. If it's been awhile, here's 8 surprising facts about kiwifruit that may make you reconsider your produce picks. Seeds make cute bracelets and necklaces, and people with a talent for woodwork can make the most amazing and artistic watermelon carvings. Watermelon facts include that watermelon isn't just a sweet fruit that can tingle your taste buds, but it can also supply your body with some vital nutrients. Xigua seeds were found in the Pharaoh Tutankhamun's tomb suggesting that the fruit was grown in the Nile Valley in 2000 B.C. So remember to eat plenty of watermelon on this day! 1,2 Vitamin B6 is used in protein metabolism and plays a role in cognitive development and immune function as well. Interesting And Fun Facts About Watermelon Watermelon was first produced in Egypt before 5000 years and presently China is the world's biggest producer of watermelon. by Nikhil Rajpal 2017-09-17 in Facts, Food & Drink, Fruits, Nature, Society, no comment. How long have watermelons been around? FUN FACTS Watermelon Worksheets Complete List Of Included Worksheets A watermelon is both a fruit and a vegetable. Check out my posts on facts about cinnamon, facts about grapes, facts about bananas, facts about Guinness, fun facts about watermelon, facts about apples, facts about Mexican food and facts about French food. Interesting Melon Facts: Size of melon depends on the variety. Watermelon is a scrambling and trailing vine in the flowering plant family Cucurbitaceae. Loosely considered a type of melon (although not in the genus Cucumis), watermelon has a smooth exterior rind and a juicy, sweet interior flesh. It is in the Cucurbitaceae family and related to melons, cucumbers, pumpkins, chayote and zucchini squash; It comes in 5 types: seeded; seedless; mini or personal; yellow; and orange; It is >90% water so it's a great choice for a hot day; It's standard serving size is 2 cups cut-up ; It has only 80 calories in 2 cups; It has 14 grams carbohydrates per 1 cup . [4]. There's a great section for kids with fun ideas and games here. These are the facts according to the Watermelon Promotion Board: The first recorded watermelon harvest occurred nearly 5,000 years . But did you know that there are more than 1,200 varieties of melon? Here are some pear facts to satisfy your hunger. Watermelon Facts: 1-5 1. We all love to eat them and its simply everyday fruit. - Source 2. Useless Daily: Facts, Trivia, News, Oddities, Jokes and more! By weight, a watermelon contains about 6% sugar and 92% water. Jun 21, 2017. A phytonutrient called resveratrol found moderately in grapes contributes a lot towards long . Watermelon is grown in tropical and subtropical areas worldwide for its large edible fruit,. It's a day to enjoy a juicy cool slice of watermelon and check out some fun facts . Whether eaten raw, cooked, or as a smoothie ingredient, fruits are pretty amazing and fascinating. Posted by Unknown at 3:53 PM . There are approximately 11.5 grams of carbs in watermelon for a cup of diced pieces. It's summertime and the living is easy. Other charts like watermelon facts and trivia. Melon grows as vine. This particular watermelon, the first of its kind that was harvested in Hokkaido, is a . This lesson will teach you about watermelons, where they grow and some cool facts . Often radish crops (along with other Brassica plants) are planted by growers for this attribute as they release . 3. Watermelons are always red, right? Interesting Facts about Watermelon. The kiwi . Watermelon is one of the most popular and delicious summer fruits that almost everyone loves. Are there other ways to enjoy watermelons? Yellow and orange varieties can be found in the summer at your . Watermelon contain a good amount of potassium which helps in curing heart disease keeping heart healthy. These grapes are the most . Can I tell you that my kids . 4. The first recorded watermelon harvest occurred nearly 5,000 years ago in Egypt. The watermelon fruit consists of about 90% water, making it an excellent choice for staying hydrated on hot summer days outside. Many studies have proved the Anti-aging property of grapes. So, to educate you on your seedless watermelon knowledge, here are a few fun facts! Water Content. With summer right around the corner, what better time to learn about this refreshing fruit? Watermelon is an ideal health food, because it doesn't contain any fat or cholesterol, it is high in fiber and vitamins A and C, and it's a good source of potassium. The United States' first cookbook, published in 1776, contained a recipe for watermelon rind pickles. It's red (yellow and orange), it's green, it's sweet, and it's packed with vitamins A, B and C. It frequently masquerades as dessert (successfully! Watermelon contains 92% of water content. Size and Characteristics of the Seedless Watermelon. Yes, you got it right! The Japanese grow square watermelon. Now that's a wacky watermelon! The What About Watermelon website has a lot of interesting facts about our favorite summer fruit. Of course, we all love to eat the juicy flesh, but did you know there are even some uses for the rind? Watermelon Fun Facts. Watermelon Tourmaline Facts - Formation, Properties and Meanings . Watermelon is a very good source of vitamin C. It is also a good source of pantothenic acid, copper, biotin, potassium, vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids), vitamin B1, vitamin B6 and magnesium. They are grown and consumed throughout the world. 1) Watermelon is a vine-like flowering plant that originally came from southern Africa. The word "watermelon" first appeared in the English dictionary in 1615. " [By weight], on average, watermelon has about 40% more lycopene than raw tomatoes," according to reporting by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture). 1. Come learn about the watermelon! The watermelon contains over 91% water, this level is the same as that found in the human brain and this means the fruit is recognized as one of the best in the world for hydration. 20. 2 Minute Read. 1-5 Watermelon Facts 1. There are 30 calories in 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of watermelon. Hi guys , this video is about how to treat someone who is covid positive . It is the fruit of a plant originally from a vine of southern Africa. It takes about 3 months for a watermelon to be ready to harvest. Watermelon is a Vegetable. Watermelons are found in varied shapes and sizes and the latest addition is a 'square' watermelon grown by the Japanese. Watermelon is a fun and nutritious solution to ensure busy children get dehydrated; it is 92% water. He also sang "Lights Up" on the show. The delicious, refreshing summertime fruit is actually a gourd that produces a fleshy fruit inside and has a thick outer rind. It's widely accepted that many of the wine grapevines growing in North America today are Vitis vinifera or European grapes. It is technically a fruit and a vegetable; It is a highly nutritious food; Every part of a watermelon is edible (rinds, seeds, flesh) Ancient Egyptians are believed to be the first nation producing watermelons at a larger scale, mainly using them as a water sources during the dry periods. So if you want to know more about watermelon tourmaline, then continue reading. The watermelon is the official state vegetable of Oklahoma. We all know that watermelon can be used in a variety of sweet and savory recipes but in this article we will explore some fun watermelon themed craft, activities and visually appealing food for kids! And they do grow like fruit, originating from flowers that have been. Nutritional Facts of . Watermelon is a quite popular fruit. Pink watermelon is also a source of the potent carotenoid antioxidant, lycopene. 13 Incredible & Fun Facts About Watermelon. # 10: Protection against infection. Here are 24 Interesting Watermelon facts. Watermelon Facts and Fun. The . When was the last time you enjoyed a kiwi? Pictures are courtesy of the Watermelon Promotion Board. Source: National . It's a mainstay at backyard barbecues and picnics. Early explorers used watermelons as canteens. Here in this article, I am going to go through important watermelon tourmaline facts together with its benefits. How long have watermelons been around? It's a sultry vocal . One cup, around 5.36 oz (152 g), of diced watermelon contains 46 calories. 2) In the 19th century, Alphonse de Candolle thought the watermelon to be indigenous to tropical Africa. For all of you out there who are health conscious, here are some interesting facts about watermelon: 1. A Tonic for Our Brain! Watermelons are a medicinal marvel supposedly helping in an array of different ways. Thanks to their sweet taste, watermelons are most commonly considered a fruit. Royalties from "Watermelon Man" gave him the freedom to experiment, and he did, moving into fusion in the '70s and taking a turn at electronic music in the '80s, which resulted in the hit song "Rockit." The soul singer Gloria Lynne added lyrics to this song in 1965, taking the song to #62 US. 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