Set of bronze bowl with base

เขียนโดย พิพิธภัณฑสถานแห่งชาติ สมเด็จพระนารายณ์ on . Posted in Virtual Model 360

Qr 5icon360  icon zoom

Object :
Set  of bronze bowl with base
Art style :
Material : 
Size :
Era age :
Feature :
- Set of bronze bowl was Thin, rounded buttocks with line motif at the outside of brink, worn-out. The bottom surpassed and some disappeared 13 cm. wide diameter brink, 8.5 cm. high.
- Base looked tall base tray with 4 legs and curved handle, peak off handle was 3 heads Naga, complete base with 12 cm. wide and 15 cm. wide.
History :
Venue :
King Narai National Museum
Qr Code :

b m01
icon360 2

b z07
icon zoom 2