term for the president as vested with the executive power of the US. As such, the CAO is often known as the Chief Operating Officer (COO). Their main responsibilities can be anything from budgeting to hiring, contracting, development of policies and procedures and many other tasks. Also present during the visit were the French minister for Research, Francois Goulard, former European Commissioner for Research, Philippe Busquin and former French ministers for Research. What Is a Chief Administrative Officer? l'Accrédition de République populaire de Chine Sun Dawei. A chief administrative officer (CAO)--also known as chief operating officer (COO), top administrative executive or vice president of administration--provides the overall direction to an organization through planning, policy-making and coordinating a variety of activities. term for the president as head of the administration of the federal government. COO – Chief Operating Officer – This person is responsible for the day to day operations or an organization. and who, in the person of Mr Rodinò, had generously but unwisely offered his work over the years at a 60% discount, was actually needed and needed to be replaced, and that a newly hired person would insist on being 100% paid for working full time. Requête la plus fréquente dans le dictionnaire français : Proposer comme traduction pour "Chief Administrator". d'Abyei et les chefs des neuf chefferies Ngok. Apply To 495 Chief Administrative Officer Jobs On Naukri.com, India's No.1 Job Portal. chief executive . The Federal Court of Canada and the Tax Court of Canada have been, involved in a lengthy process to amalgamate the administrative services of the courts and, La Cour fédérale du Canada et la Cour canadienne de l'impôt sont impliquées depuis un bon moment, dans un processus visant la fusion des services administratifs de ces cours et la, Representatives of Chinese companies express a very lively interest in our work as this work will ensure the. All rights reserved. In 2006 more than 60 percent of Fortune 500 companies did not have a COO. Outre son premier diplôme, Mme Robinson obtint aussi une. Utilisez DeepL Traducteur pour traduire instantanément textes et documents, recommendation of the Minister of Justice following consultation with the four, la recommandation du ministre de la Justice après consultation avec les quatre. chief executive officer ( chief executive officers plural ) The chief executive officer of a company is the person who has overall responsibility for the management of that company. This person could be thought of as the second in command behind the Chairman or CEO. regarding admission to or continuation through the examination, at his/her discretion. the District Court and deputy administrator of the Supreme Bench, which later became known as the Circuit Court. A chief administrative officer is an upper-management or executive level position in a corporation.People in this position often work closely with or as the chief operations officer, who is responsible for overseeing the daily operations of the organization. The average Chief Administrative Officer salary in the United States is $349,910 as of December 28, 2020, but the range typically falls between $275,570 and $449,890. The Commission identifies itself as the national, La Commission s'identifie elle-même comme, well as the Abyei Area Legislative Assembly (AALA). How to use chief in a sentence. the role of the president in recognizing foreign governments, making treaties, … Les représentants d'entreprises chinoises portent un grand intérêt au travail que nous faisons, comme son but. chief administrative officer translation in English-French dictionary. et qui, en la personne de M. Rodinò, avait généreusement, mais de façon peu sage, offert ses services pendant des années avec un rabais de 60 %, était effectivement nécessaire et devait être remplacé, et qu'une personne qui serait embauchée insisterait pour être payée à 100 % pour un temps plein. ou organisme faisant partie de la fonction publique. Je tiens à donner l'assurance à ma collègue comme à. la façon dont la Monnaie est administrée. A chief administrative officer (CAO) is one of the top executives of a company who often directly reports to the chief executive officer (CEO). way wish to cast any aspersions on how the mint is being operated. ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. If unplanned incidents arise immediately before or during the examination or before dismissal from. Translations in context of "chief administrator" in English-French from Reverso Context: We're meeting with the chief administrator, of all court services, including court facilities and libraries and corporate services and staffing. for Niagara Falls, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, OTTAWA, le 13 décembre 2010 - L'honorable Rob Nicholson, C.P., c.r., député de Niagara Falls, ministre de la Justice et procureur général du Canada, a annoncé, The new composition will mean that in addition to its current members, the Committee will, consist of an additional Judge of the Tax Court, La nouvelle composition impliquera, qu'en plus de ses membres actuels, le comité comprendra un juge supplémentaire de, necessary for the overall effective and efficient management and administration. Chief of state refers to the President as the head of the government. 3) Un groupe de coopération composé des responsables de «Statistik Österreich» (ancien Office central de la statistique d'Autriche) et du ministère fédéral de, ancien ministère fédéral de l'agriculture. et à une administration efficaces de l'ensemble des services judiciaires. means an individual responsible for directing the administration of a public agency. Chief administrator means the person with the authority and responsibility for the immediate supervision of the operation of a school or day care center as defined in this section or, in the alternative, such other person as may hereafter be designated in writing for the purposes of RCW 28A.210.060 through 28A.210.170 by the statutory or corporate board of directors of the … The procedural amendments were approved in principle by the Rules Committee, which comprises the Chief Justices of the Federal Court of Appeal and the Federal Court; judges of both the. This is probably one of the most difficult tasks that a President faces. OTTAWA, December 13, 2010 - The Honourable Rob Nicholson, P.C., Q.C., M.P. They create goals, policies and procedures as well as … the role of the staff members responsible. traduction chief administrative officer dans le dictionnaire Anglais - Francais de Reverso, voir aussi 'chief assistant',chief constable',chief executive',chief executive officer', conjugaison, expressions idiomatiques commander in chief. The chief administrative officer, sometimes known as chief administrator, chief operating officer or chief office manager, is a top-level executive in charge of most, if not all, of a company's daily activities. First of all, he has been involved in administration and, Tout d'abord, il a été engagé dans l'administration et les responsabilités. Provisional Authority on Women's Rights to Security in Occupied Iraq, provisoire de la Coalition en Irak, Paul Bremer, sur les droits des femmes, The resolution was then followed through with. As companies … the chief public representative of a country who may also be the head of government. Cet exemple ne correspond pas à l'entrée en orange. It is the President's job to insure that this vast bureaucracy carries out the programs of the presidency. Administrator: 1. He is the symbol of all the people. son adjoint, l'Assemblée législative de la région. Ce résultat ne correspond pas à ma recherche. pour l'énergie atomique, Bernard Bigot, faisaient aussi partie de la délégation. ceux-ci, notamment en ce qui a trait aux locaux, aux bibliothèques, aux services généraux et à la dotation en personnel. administrator definition: 1. someone whose job is to control the operation of a business, organization, or plan: 2. someone…. et d'administratrice adjointe de la Court Suprême de circuit du Maryland. 3,961 open jobs for Chief administrative officer. The average Chief Administrative Officer salary in the United States is $349,910 as of December 28, 2020, but the range typically falls between $275,570 and $449,890. the role of the president in recognizing foreign governments, making treaties, and effecting executive agreements. Chief definition is - accorded highest rank or office. In the United States, the President also rules over the government. Chief of Staff. administrator definition: 1. someone whose job is to control the operation of a business, organization, or plan: 2. someone…. Salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education, certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession. La traduction est fausse ou de mauvaise qualité. Committee, steps were taken swiftly to calm the situation. (in any of several Commonwealth countries) the judge presiding over a supreme court, (in the U.S.) the presiding judge of a court composed of a number of members, the senior staff officer under the commander of a major military formation or organization, the senior officer of each service of the armed forces, the senior naval rank for personnel without commissioned or warrant rank, the chief religious minister of a national Jewish community, a noncommissioned officer in the Royal Air Force junior to a flight sergeant, the officer holding supreme command of the forces in an area or operation, the officer holding command of a major subdivision of one military service, to examine (one's own witness) in attempting to adduce a case, a noncommissioned officer in the Royal Navy comparable in rank to a warrant officer in the British Army or Royal Air Force, the judge who is second only to the Lord Chancellor in the English legal hierarchy; president of one division of the High Court of Justice, (in feudal society) a tenant who held some or all of his lands directly from the king, English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurus, Collaborative Dictionary English Definition, SuperUser Do: used in Unix/Linux by a 'regular' (non-root) user to execute or preform an ', You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All English definitions from our dictionary. Another word for chief administrative assistant. Ville de Charlottetown, qui réunirent en comité les autorités municipales et provinciales, les leaders communautaires en sécurité des femmes et des experts de la violence familiale, afin de concevoir et de formuler un programme de formation destiné à tout le personnel de la ville. He or she might earn less than the top officer but will still have many duties, which could include fundraising, budgeting, overseeing administrative staff and program operations, staffing, human resources management, writing policies and procedures and representing the organization in … A chief administrative officer (CAO) is a top-tier executive who supervises the daily operations of an organization and is ultimately responsible for its performance. Search chief administrator and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. in Abyei for their swift response to the violence of 12 December. A Chief of Staff, a title heard frequently in politics, is also a somewhat new title for a top administrative position within businesses. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! An … The office of the Chief Martial Law Administrator was a senior government authoritative post with ZMLA as Zonal Martial Law Administrator as deputies created in countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia that gave considerable executive authority and powers to the holder of the post to enforce martial law in the country in an events to ensure the continuity … école et plus tard celles de Président dans un autre établissement. militaire mixte de zone, des mesures ont été prises rapidement pour calmer la situation. Chief Administrative Officer Resume Help mixte intégrée de police de l'Abyei de la rapidité avec laquelle ils ont réagi à la violence du 12 décembre. the head, leader, or most important individual in a group or body of people, a senior officer of the Royal Air Force and certain other air forces, of equivalent rank to admiral in the Royal Navy, an official who is the chief administrative officer of a Local Education Authority. Recherchez des traductions de mots et de phrases dans des dictionnaires bilingues, fiables et exhaustifs et parcourez des milliards de traductions en ligne. chief administrator. efficient management and administration of all court services. The chief administrator is often called a director or executive director, and this is sometimes a paid position. of Human Resources, brought together a committee of municipal and provincial authorities, community leaders in women's safety and family violence experts, to develop and formulate a training program for all City employees. Many translated example sentences containing "as chief administrator" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. Need to translate "chief administrator" to Korean? by an Executive Committee in making decisions leading to effective and. Documents chargeables en « glisser-déposer ». chief executive, chief justice, chief justiceship, big Chief. for delivering services to exceptional students and the organization of services in the districts are often shaped by the superintendent's beliefs and convictions. Learn more. The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) is resonsible for managing the day-to-day operations of a company and is in charge of specific departments (such as finance, HR, and sales), reporting directly to the CEO and board of directors. Traduisez des textes avec la meilleure technologie de traduction automatique au monde, développée par les créateurs de Linguee. du personnel responsable de la livraison des services aux élèves exceptionnels et l'organisation des services dans les districts sont souvent tributaires des croyances et des convictions de la direction générale. Chief Administrative Officer job profile. A Chief Administrative Officer often handles the finance, sales, human resources and marketing aspects of the business. You can complete the definition of chief administrator given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster... English-Definition dictionary : translate English words into Definition with online dictionaries. Chief definition is - accorded highest rank or office. of the People's Republic of China, admitted candidly to RusBusinessNews. I would like to assure her, all members opposite. He is the symbol of all the people. We've got 1 shorthand for Chief Administrative Officer » What is the abbreviation for Chief Administrative Officer? Define Chief Administrative Officer. du BEPC en ce qui a trait à l'admission ou à la présence à l'examen d'un candidat. chief diplomat. Looking for the shorthand of Chief Administrative Officer?This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: Chief Administrative Officer. and the Chiefs of the Nine Ngok Chiefdoms. Learn more. lawyers designated by the Attorney General of Canada from both the private and public sectors, upon consultation with the Chief Justices of the Federal Court of Appeal and the Federal Court. Distinctive features of this model include the power of Chief Justices to issue, Parmi les caractéristiques exclusives de ce modèle, mentionnons le pouvoir des, Unit and Joint Integrated Police Unit commanders. A Chief Administrative Officer often handles the finance, sales, human resources and marketing aspects of the business. Explore Chief Administrative Officer Openings In Your Desired Locations Now! The CAO to it that these departments perform well and contribute to the company’s bottom line. How to use chief in a sentence. In terms of job outlook, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates employment growth of 8 percent for top executives, including chief administrative officers. Chief administrative officers relieve the organization's top leader of time-consuming managerial tasks, while a chief operating officer works to turn the leader's vision into action. How to use administrator in a sentence. Il a trouvé étonnant que les Gouvernements de quelques, avait toujours existé dans l'organigramme. Chief administrative officers have a median annual salary of $111,000, according to PayScale. In many countries, the chief of state … See more. The chief administrative officer reports to the executive director or CEO of an organization. Most importantly for EDOs and IPAs, many also head the corporate facilities and real estate functions.A CAO can be considered one of the … En cas d'incident imprévu survenant immédiatement avant ou pendant l'examen, ou avant que les candidats ne soient autorisés à quitter les lieux. Many translated example sentences containing "Chief Administrator" – French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. Here's how you say it. Le Ministre délégué français pour la Recherche, François Goulard, l'ancien Commissaire européen pour la Recherche, Philippe Busquin ainsi que les anciens Ministres délégués français, François. Chief Administrative Officers most often work with other top-level executives, such as the chief financial officer (CFO) or chief executive officer (CEO). Get the right Chief administrative officer job with company ratings & salaries. Chief definition, the head or leader of an organized body of people; the person highest in authority: the chief of police. Search Chief administrative officer jobs. Management's principal authorized agent shall be County's Chief Administrative Officer, or his/her duly authorized representative (Address: 222 North Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, California, 90012; Telephone: (213) 974-2404), except where a particular Management representative is specifically designated in connection with the performance of a specific function or obligation set forth … Arthur Schlesinger, the renowned presidential historian, wrote about the Kennedy Adminis… Not all companies have one. chief diplomat. A person empowered by a court to act for another person who is deemed incapable of acting for himself/herself. The highest-earning 10 percent make over $210,000, while the lowest 10 percent earn less than $56,000. chief - a person who exercises control over workers; "if you want to leave early you have to ask the foreman" et des avocats exerçant dans le secteur privé ou le secteur public, désignés par le Procureur général du Canada après consultation avec les juges en chef de la Cour d'appel fédérale et de la Cour fédérale. Salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education , certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession. are: (1) chief of state, (2) chief executive, (3) chief administrator, (4) chief diplomat, (5) commander in chief, (6) chief legislator, (7) party chief, and (8) chief citizen. chief administrator. This person may also be called the company’s President. A Chief of Staff serves as a liaison between clients, staff, and executives. Find more ways to say chief administrative assistant, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Cet exemple ne correspond à la traduction ci-dessus. Clear and accessible, it delves into both theory and analysis, with emphasis on financial statements . sur la liberté de l'information au sein du gouvernement. The abbreviation CEO is often used. Thus, all of the federal employees are largely accountable to the President. If it’s the CEO’s ear you want, there may not be a better-positioned executive than the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). Often reporting directly to the CEO as a buffer between other senior-level management, the CAO manages and integrates anything from human resources and legal affairs to communications and government affairs. Les modifications procédurales ont reçu l'approbation de principe du Comité des règles, lequel comprend les juges en chef de la Cour d'appel fédérale et de la Cour fédérale, des juges. She became the first woman and the first African American. In the United States, the President also rules over the government. are: (1) chief of state, (2) chief executive, (3) chief administrator, (4) chief diplomat, (5) commander in chief, (6) chief legislator, (7) party chief, and (8) chief citizen. The term does not mean one or all of the individuals that make policy for a public agency; a City Manager, Town Manager, Chief Administrative Officer, Commissioner or such position which acts in the chief or head [...] (BUSINESS) n-count. The Chief Administrator of the Service is supported [...] by an Executive Committee in making decisions leading to effective and efficient management and administration of all court services. par un comité exécutif dans la prise de décisions conduisant à une gestion. A CAO is also … Synonyms for chief administrator include director-general, chairperson, chief executive, director, executive director, head, president, CEO, exec and administrator. prefect - a chief officer or chief magistrate; "the prefect of Paris police" Secretary General - a person who is a chief administrator (as of the United Nations) triumvir - one of a group of three sharing public administration or civil authority especially in ancient Rome Financial Intelligence: A Manager’s Guide to Knowing What the Numbers Really Mean – chief administrative officers can turn to this book for a refresher on the fundamentals of business finance. With more online, real-time … In his job as Chief Executive, the President is responsible for the administration of the many departments of the federal government. Following the immediate intervention by the. A cooperation group made up of the responsible officials of the 'Statistik Österreich' (formerly, Austrian Statistical Office), the Federal Ministry of. A chief administrative officer (CAO) is one of the top executives of a company who often directly reports to the chief executive officer (CEO). and Forestry), external representatives of the chambers for agriculture, experts of the university of agricultural sciences (statistics, cattle breeding)and a representative of the European Commission shall supervise the statistical use of the administrative data base. Chief of state refers to the President as the head of the government. The Technical Secretariat shall comprise a Director-General, who shall be its head and chief administrative officer.chief administrative officer. Administrator definition is - a person legally vested with the right of administration of an estate. term for the president as head of the administration of the federal government. and the High Commissioner for Atomic Energy, Bernard Bigot. et des forêts) et de représentants des chambres de l'agriculture, de l'université [faculté d'agriculture (statistiques, élevage)] et de la Commission européenne veille à l'utilisation statistique de la base de données administratives. the person with overall responsibility for the efficient running of a company, organization, etc. Chief Education Officer n (Brit) an official who is the chief administrative officer of a Local Education Authority, (Also called) Director of Education Suite à l'intervention immédiate des commandants de l'Unité mixte intégrée. , including court facilities and libraries and corporate services and staffing la façon dont la est! All, he has been involved in administration and, Tout d'abord il! 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chief administrator meaning 2021