(Fr. All matches will be brought up and highlighted. Thank you for your comment. Fenelon: Letters to Men – pdf, text, kindle format, Letters to Young Men (Fr. I really like it! G. Amorth), An Exorcist: More Stories (Fr. J. J. Bourasse), The Miracles of Madame Saint Katherine of Fierbois (Fr. B. Alzog) – pdf, text, kindle format: volume I, volume II, volume III, Compendium of Church History [for use in Catholic schools] – pdf, text, kindle format, A Manual of Church History (F. X. Funk) – pdf, text, kindle format: volume I, volume II, Studies in Church History (Fr. It generally follows chronological order and identifies the most significant events in church history, but the emphasis is on tracing doctrinal developments. I’m not aware of him having written any works (except perhaps letters). Jordan Aumann) – pdf, epub, kindle; or pdf here; or audiobook here, The Spiritual Life: A Treatise on Ascetical and Mystical Theology (Fr. John Henry Newman) – audio: part 1, part 2, The Catholic and Manichaean Ways of Life (St. Augustine) – pdf, On Christian Doctrine: Treatise on Scripture Interpretation Rules (St. Augustine) – audiobook; or read online here, On Catechizing of the Unlearned (St. Augustine) – audiobook, Of Holy Virginity (St. Augustine) – audiobook, Catechetical Lectures (St. Cyril) – audiobook: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, A Thought for Each Day of the Year (St. Ignatius of Loyola) – pdf, Letters and Instructions (St. Ignatius of Loyola) – pdf, Works of the Seraphic Father St. Francis of Assisi – pdf, text, epub, kindle format, The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi – pdf, Flowers from the Garden of Saint Francis for Every Day of the Year – audiobook, Meditations of Devotions of Cardinal Newman – pdf, text, epub, kindle format, The Kingdom of the Lovers of God (Bl. The diary has practically been an attempt to introduce into the Church the doctrines of the Mariavite priests, condemned by Pope Pius X in Tribus Circiter, but finally introduced with a vengeance by John Paul II. (There are also several other books on the Eucharist that you may find useful, in the section ‘Our Faith’: http://www.traditionalcatholic.co/free-catholic-books-ii/.) W. Fleming), The Carthusian Martyrs under King Henry VIII (L. E. Whatmore), The History of the Eighteen Carthusian Martyrs in England (Dom M. Chauncy), Mementoes of the English Martyrs and Confessors (Fr. This is a wonderful resource – thank you so very very much for all the hard work. The History of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Fr. What book would be best recommended for a young teen encountering worldly temptations and desires, and wishing to find guidance and truth in Christ? God bless. Luis de la Puente) – vol. THE COMMUNION OF SAINTS nn. you have a copy also “The Book Of Destiny: Rev. J. Dear TC. J-B Saint-Jure) – pdf, text, kindle format: volume I, volume II, History of the Great Chartreuse (by a Carthusian monk) – pdf, Handbook to Christian and Ecclesiastical Rome (Turker, Malleson) – pdf, text, kindle format: volume I (Monuments), volume II (Liturgy), volume III (Monasticism, Ecclesiastical Rome), Guide to Catholic Church for Non-Catholic Visitors (W. L. Fox, Fr. God bless. H. Grenier) – pdf (vol. 871-945 Paragraph 5. Thank you for your comment. The book is only available for purchase, I’m afraid (http://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=8l2uCgAAQBAJ&rdid=book-8l2uCgAAQBAJ&rdot=1&source=gbs_vpt_read&pcampaignid=books_booksearch_viewport). What a wonderful website! It’s an excellent work; Fr. please can you help me with the history of St Valentine? (Fr. The best would be to buy an old print version (you can find them in antique book sellers, including searching online in google). We only post the links to the publishing websites, so you’d need to check directly with them for any book you’re interested in. Lyra Catholica: Containing All the Hymns of the Roman Breviary and Missal (1851) – pdf. L. J. Riley), The Possibility of Invincible Ignorance of the Natural Law (Fr. E. Bougaud) – pdf, text, kindle format, Life of Blessed Margaret Mary, and Devotion to the Sacred Heart (Fr. I would greatly appreciate any aid that you could render me, I thank you for your time and your patience. Fulton Sheen) – pdf, text, epub, kindle format, The Moral Universe: A Preface to Christian Living (Abp. I, vol. - The new pedagogical approach of The History of the Catholic Church part of the entire Encountering Jesus series has a number of distinct features. Dina Belanger) – pdf, The Anonymous Sayings of the Desert Fathers (J. Wortley) – pdf; or also here, St. Athanasius: Select Works and Letters – pdf; or also here, Four Discourses Against The Arians (St. Athanasius) – audiobook; or also here, Against Heresies (St. Irenaeus) – pdf, text, epub, kindle format; or audiobook here, Commonitorium (St. Vincent of Lerins) – read online; or epub here, The Holy Rule of St. Benedict (St. Benedict of Nursia) – pdf, text, audio; or read online here, Ascent of Mount Carmel (St. John of the Cross) – pdf; pdf also here; or audiobook here or here, Dark Night of the Soul (St. John of the Cross) – pdf, audio; or pdf here; or audiobook here, A Spiritual Canticle of the Soul (St. John of the Cross) – pdf, text, kindle; or pdf here; or audio here, Poetry of St. John of the Cross – audiobook, Christ in His Mysteries (Bl. Jouin) – read online; or pdf here and here, Read Me or Rue It (Fr. HISTORY OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH FROM THE RENAISSANCE TO THE FRENCH REVOLUTION PREFACE The fifteenth century may be regarded as a period of transition from the ideals of the Middle Ages to those of modern times. Have you come across this format? J. Guibert) – audiobook, Christ in the Home (Fr. James Brodrick) – pdf, text, kindle format; or pdf here, Blessed Robert Bellarmine (Fr. C. M. Carty), The Life of St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori (Fr. Jose Sicardo) – pdf, text, kindle format; or read online here, Life of St. Rita of Cascia (Fr. (Some are in epub format which can be instantly converted online to pdf.) Pingback: Traditional Latin Mass – Luke 24:27, The Best Ever Catholic Site Ever. Trusting in The Lord, I’m afraid without further info it will be difficult to find it. J. Philippe) – pdf, epub, kindle format, The Three Ages of the Interior Life (Fr. Dignam’s Retreats (Fr. J. de Bovilla) + Cure for Scruples (Dom Schram), The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola (St. Ignatius), The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Explained by Fr. J. P. Camus), The Life and Times of St. Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux (J. Cotter Morison), St. Bernard the Wonderworker (Miracles of St. Bernard of Clairvaux), Brother André: The Miracle Man of Montreal (George Ham), Saint Lydwine of Schiedam (J.-K. Huysmans), St. Lydwine of Schiedam (Thomas a Kempis), Maid of France: The Story of Joan of Arc (Andrew Lang), St. Joan of Arc: The Life Story of the Maid of Orleans (Fr. Trinity College, Cambridge, M.A. Another version of CCC was later published which is known as YouCat, a much more simplified version especially for … V, vol. A. Pradel), Saint Vincent Ferrer, His World and Life (P. Daileader), Three Catholic Reformers of the Fifteenth Century: St. Vincent Ferrer, St. Bernardine of Siena, St. John Capistran (M. H. Allies), The Life of St. Bernardine of Siena (Fr. Indeed, the book … Not much is known about him, but you can easily find a short story of his life online (for instance: http://www.praytherosaryapostolate.com/stvalentinesday.htm; http://fisheaters.com/customstimeafterepiphany5.html). A. Groeteken) – pdf, text, epub, kindle format, The Life of St. Leonard, the Solitary of Limousin (Fr. Leopold de Cherance), The Life and Legends of St. Francis of Assisi (Fr. | A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics, Smorgasbord ‘n’ Smidgens III | Finer Femininity, https://archive.org/details/1917CodeOfCanonLawCommentary, http://www.amazon.com/The-1917-Pio-Benedictine-Code-Canon/dp/0898708311, https://archive.org/details/TheEndOfThisPresentWorldAndTheMysteriesOfTheLifeToCome, UNA POLKA PARA DESPUÉS DE LA MISA | AMOR DE LA VERDAD, http://angeluspress.org/Backbiting-Tongue?filter_name=detraction, http://www.catholicapologetics.info/morality/general/btongue.htm, http://www.svfsermons.org/Parts%20of%20the%20Mass.htm, https://archive.org/details/hiddentreasureo01leongoog, https://archive.org/details/explanationofthe00maesuoft, https://archive.org/details/holymasssacrifi00mlgoog, http://www.amazon.com/The-Golden-Key-To-Heaven/dp/1896384013, http://www.amazon.com/Manual-Spiritual-Warfare-Paul-Thigpen/dp/1618906534, https://archive.org/details/spiritualcombat02scupgoog, http://patrimoinechretien.com/Bibliothèque/Oeuvres/ScupoliSpiritualCombat2016en.pdf, https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=1vKjUGRz2fYC&rdid=book-1vKjUGRz2fYC&rdot=1, http://www.quies.org/Spiritual-Combat_Scupoli.pdf, https://stjudetheapostleparish.org/pdf/books/spiritual_combat.pdf, http://www.ewtn.com/library/SCRIPTUR/DESTBIB.TXT, https://archive.org/details/thelifeofsaintma00giovuoft, https://archive.org/details/cu31924029423500, https://books.google.de/books/about/Vida_de_la_gloriosa_santa_Margarita_de_C.html?id=sHceEswA7TEC&hl=en&redir_esc=y, https://archive.org/details/St.FaustinaKowalskaDiary_201509, http://www.praytherosaryapostolate.com/stvalentinesday.htm, http://fisheaters.com/customstimeafterepiphany5.html, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-0DrG21g0M, http://www.monasterygreetings.com/product/Saint-Francis-of-Assisi-Omnibus-of-Sources-2-volume-set-paperback/Books_Franciscan_Books, http://www.amazon.com/St-Francis-Assisi-Omnibus-Sources/dp/0819904406, http://www.mycatholicstore.com/stfrofasomof.html, http://media.musicasacra.com/pdf/hymnsofbreviary.pdf, https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Catholic_Church_Lyra_Catholica?id=RCoPAAAAIAAJ, https://ia801507.us.archive.org/17/items/HymnsOfTheCatholicChurch/HymnsOfTheCatholicChurch.pdf, https://archive.org/details/TheStGregoryHymnalAndCatholicChoir, http://www.fatherpeffley.org/docs/StationsBook2011.pdf, http://www.saintanneshelper.com/support-files/stations-of-the-cross.pdf, http://www.scborromeo.org/prayers/soc.pdf, http://ourladyswarriors.org/prayer/stations.htm, http://www.amazon.com/Mental-Prayer-According-Principles-Aquinas/dp/B000AXW2BW, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6UmOLci8kE, http://www.traditionalcatholic.co/free-catholic-books-ii/, http://www.geocities.ws/misa_tridentina08/abandono.html, News Digest June 25, 2015 | Novus Ordo Watch, News Digest January 9, 2016 | Novus Ordo Watch, https://www.scribd.com/doc/131835470/The-Book-of-Destiny-Herman-Bernard-Kramer, https://gloria.tv/text/bFt3GZvRhx8Y2du1SoQ9PnW72, https://isidore.co/calibre/browse/book/4418, How my Reading Productivity went through the roof – Smart Catholic Teacher, http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=20005942776&searchurl=sts%3Dt%26tn%3Dthird%2Bspiritual%2Balphabet%26sortby%3D17, Contentment in Christ, Brings Joy! J. C. Harrington) – pdf, Communism and the Alternative (A. J. Penty) – pdf, Tradition and Modernism in Politics (A. J. Penty) – pdf, The French Revolution (Hilaire Belloc) – audiobook; or pdf, text, epub, kindle format here, The Jews (Hilaire Belloc) – pdf, text, epub, kindle format, Pawns in the Game (W. G. Carr) – pdf, text, epub, kindle format, Freemasonry and the Vatican (Vicomte Leon de Poncins) – pdf, text, epub, kindle format, Judaism and the Vatican (Vicomte Leon de Poncins) – pdf, text, epub, kindle format, The Secret Powers Behind Revolution: Freemasonry and Judaism (Leon de Poncins) – pdf, text, kindle format, The Rulers of Russia (Fr. Henry Suso), Calamities, Chastisement and the Love of God (St. Alphonsus de Liguori), Practice of the Presence of God: The Best Rule for Holy Life (Brother Lawrence), The Holy Ways of the Cross (Henri-Marie Bouden), The Interior Life (Fr. My name is Trisha McPhee God bless. II, vol. E. Bougaud) – pdf, text, kindle: volume I, volume II, Virtues and Spiritual Doctrine of St. Vincent de Paul (Fr. The Backbiting Tongue from Fr. B. O´Reilly), The Spiritual Doctrine of Sister Elizabeth of the Trinity (Fr. Amorth available in free electronic versions: http://www.youngandcatholicng.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/An-Exorcist-Tells-His-Story-Gabriele-Amorth.pdf; http://www.youngandcatholicng.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/An-Exorcist-Gabriele-Amorth.pdf; https://isidore.co/calibre/browse/book/6012. I feel so different from them. J. J. Wynne), The Martyrs of New France (W. S. Herrington), John de Brebeuf, Apostle to the Hurons (Fr. God bless. G. Boero), St. Antoninus and Medieval Economics (Fr. Ottaviani, Card. A. Berger) – pdf, text, kindle format, The First American Sister of Charity: Elizabeth Bayley Seton (J. C. Reville) – audiobook, The Life of Father De Smet, Apostle of the Rocky Mountains (Fr. P. P. Gastaldi) – pdf, text, epub, kindle format, St. Charles of Sezze: Autobiography – pdf, Ramon Lull: A Biography (E. A. Bernard Schmid) – pdf, text, kindle format, A Handbook of Patrology (Fr. B. L. Conway) – pdf, text, epub, kindle format, History of the Christian Church (Eusebius of Caesarea) – audiobook, A Compendious Abstract of the History of the Church of Christ (Fr. History of the Christian Church, Volume II: Ante-Nicene Christianity. R. H. Benson) – pdf, text, kindle format; or audiobook here, The Path which Led a Protestant Lawyer to the Catholic Church (P. H. Burnett) – pdf, The Catholic Church and Conversion (G. K. Chesterton) – read online, Everlasting Man (G.K. Chesterton) – pdf; or audiobook here, Orthodoxy (G. K. Chesterton) – pdf, text, audiobook; or pdf, epub, kindle format here, Heretics (G. K. Chesterton) – pdf, text, audio; or pdf, epub here, What’s Wrong with the World (G. K. Chesterton) – pdf, text; or audiobook here, Eugenics and Other Evils (G. K. Chesterton) – audiobook, The Superstition of Divorce (G. K. Chesterton) – audiobook, The Ball and the Cross (G. K. Chesterton) – pdf, epub, kindle format, The New Jerusalem (G. K. Chesterton) – audiobook, Mere Christianity (C. S. Lewis) – pdf; or audiobook here, Catholic and Anti-Catholic History (Chesterton, Belloc, Walsh) – audiobook, War: A Moral Analysis (E. Lodge Curran) – pdf, Considerations on France (Joseph de Maistre) – pdf, St. Petersburg Dialogues or Conversations on the Temporal Government of Providence (Joseph de Maistre) – pdf, English Recusant Literature: One God One Faith – pdf, English Recusant Literature: A Consultation on What Faith and Religion Is Best Embraced – pdf, English Recusant Literature: Qui Non Credit Condemnabitur – pdf, English Recusant Literature: The Rock of the Church – pdf (on the primacy of Peter and his successors), English Recusant Literature: A Treatise of the Images of Christ and of His Saints – pdf, English Recusant Literature: Mercy and Truth, or, Charity Maintained – pdf, English Recusant Literature: An Admirable Method to Love, Serve and Honor the Blessed Virgin Mary – pdf, English Recusant Literature: The Most Glorious and Most Blessed Virgin of Loreto – pdf, English Recusant Literature: The Treasure of Vowed Chastity – pdf, English Recusant Literature: Nicetas, or, The Triumph over Incontinence – pdf, English Recusant Literature: A Three-Fold Mirror of Man’s Vanity and Misery – pdf, The English Catholics in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth (Fr. A. M. Townsend), The Concept of Sacred Theology (Mons. God bless. Joseph Umpery #17933176 (Helpful Reminders for Catholics Living in the Modern Confusion) – pdf, The Catholic Educator: A Library of Catholic Instruction and Devotion, Masterpieces of Great Spiritual Masters, with Illustrated Explanation of the Doctrines, Liturgy, Rites and Ceremonies of the Church – pdf, text, kindle, On the Passion of Jesus Christ (St. Alphonsus de Liguori) – pdf, text, kindle format, The Passion and Crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the Seven Last Words (St. Alphonsus) – pdf, text, kindle, The Passion and the Death of Jesus Christ (St. Alphonsus de Liguori) – pdf, text, kindle; or pdf here, The Love Shown to Us by Jesus in His Passion (St Alphonsus) – audio, Visits to the Most Holy Sacrament and the Blessed Virgin Mary (St. Alphonsus) – read online; or pdf here, The Glories of Mary (St. Alphonsus de Liguori) – pdf, text, kindle format; pdf also here; or audiobook here; audio also here (in various parts), The Secret of Mary (St. Louis M. G. de Montfort) – audiobook: part 1, part 2; or pdf, text, kindle format here, True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary (St. Louis de Montfort) – read online; or audio here; or pdf here, here and here, The Admirable Heart of Mary (St. John Eudes) – pdf, text, epub, kindle format, The Mother of the Savior (Fr. XI, vol. A. J. O’Reilly), The Sufferings of the Church in Brittany During the Great Revolution (E. H. Thompson), Was Savonarola Really Excommunicated? May God bless you and reward you for this good service you rendered to us. B. Pranaitis) – read online; or also here; or epub here, Waters Flowing Eastward: The War Against the Kingship of Christ (Fr. T. F. Ward) – pdf, St. Anthony of Padua, His Life and Miracles (M. Farnum) – pdf, text, kindle format, St. Anthony of Padua (Fr. I’m afraid the book is not available for free (it can be purchased on Amazon). F. G. Faber), Growth in Holiness, Or The Progress of the Spiritual Life (Fr. G. Rossi) – pdf; or here, The Prophets and Our Times (Fr. L. Gainor), Legends of the Monastic Orders…in the Fine Arts (A. Jameson), Understanding Teaching and Learning: Classic Texts on Education by Augustine, Aquinas, Newman and Mill, Cana Is Forever: Counsels for Before and After Marriage (Fr. L. G. Lovasik) – pdf, Good Saint Joseph (Fr. May God Bless You! by doing everything we do (no matter how small or insignificant!) Saint Mary's Press, 2008 - Religion - 337 pages 1 Review The Catholic Church: A Brief Popular History is an engaging and informative survey of the major people, periods and events in Church history. We will of course remove any title that archive.org (or any other publisher we link to) takes down or acknowledges as having breached copyright. John Ogilvie – pdf, text, kindle format, The Venerable Sir Adrian Fortescue, Martyr (Fr. Fulton Sheen) – pdf, epub, kindle format, “Behold Thy Mother” – Immaculate Heart Revelations (Fr. B. Mackinlay), The Life and Miracles of St. William of Norwich (Thomas of Monmouth), Victories of the Martyrs or The Lives of the Most Celebrated Martyrs of the Church (St. Alphonsus de Liguori), The Martyrs of the Coliseum (Fr. G. F. Dillon), The Present Crisis of the Holy See [or: The Pope and the Antichrist] (Cardinal Manning), The Christian Trumpet: Previsions and Predictions about Impending General Calamities, the Universal Triumph of the Church, the Coming of Antichrist, the Last Judgment, and the End of the World (Fr. Not sure whether it has been translated. P. de Jaegher) – pdf, text, epub, kindle format, The Groundwork of the Christian Virtues (Bp. A. Walsh), Life of J. Theophane Venard, Martyr of Tonquin (M. E. Herbert), The Life of Venerable Mons. M. Mueller) – pdf, text, kindle format, The Religious: A Treatise on the Vows and Virtues of the Religious State (Fr. Francis Trochu) – pdf, The Cure of Ars (Kathleen O’Meara)– pdf, text, kindle format, The Blessed John Vianney (Joseph Vianney) – pdf, text, kindle format, The Life of Bl. Isidore O´Brien), The Life of St. Anthony of Padua (Fr. A. Gallonio) – pdf, The Wonders of God in the Wilderness: Or, The Lives of the Most Celebrated Saints of the Oriental Deserts (Bp. Here are various hymn books: http://media.musicasacra.com/pdf/hymnsofbreviary.pdf; https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Catholic_Church_Lyra_Catholica?id=RCoPAAAAIAAJ; https://ia801507.us.archive.org/17/items/HymnsOfTheCatholicChurch/HymnsOfTheCatholicChurch.pdf; https://archive.org/details/TheStGregoryHymnalAndCatholicChoir. T. J. Gerrard), For Souls Called to the Holy State of Matrimony (Mons. Thank you for your comment. hoped, also, that the book may serve as an incentive to some to make a systematic study of church history, and may aid them in so doing. MARY - MOTHER OF CHRIST, MOTHER OF THE CHURCH nn.
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