Tenders for The Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport 12 Listed. 07 May - Launch of the Non-State Sector 2009 August This project is in the province of Eastern Cape. The Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport. The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL) invites tenders for the Routine Road Maintenance of National Route 2 Sections 16 to 18 between East London and Mthatha. Get a daily email listing all the latest public sector tenders. 5-day Kruger Park,Panorama Route & Eswatini, Revenue-Collection-System-Bid-Document.pdf, Tender-advert-revenue-collection-system.pdf, 1815-CDC-Mpumalanga-Nature-Reserves-Ablutions-COMBINED-ABLUTIONS-ELEVATIONS.pdf, 1815-CDC-Mpumalanga-Nature-Reserves-Ablutions-COMBINED-ABLUTIONS-PLAN.pdf, 1815-CDC-Mpumalanga-Nature-Reserves-Ablutions-COMBINED-ABLUTIONS-SECTIONS-AND-ELEVATIONS-2.pdf, 1815-CDC-Mpumalanga-Nature-Reserves-ABLUTIONS-ROOM-DATA_FEMALE.pdf, 1815-CDC-Mpumalanga-Nature-Reserves-ABLUTIONS-ROOM-DATA_MALE.pdf, 1815-CDC-Mpumalanga-Nature-Reserves-HANDRAIL.pdf, 1815-CDC-Mpumalanga-Nature-Reserves-PINNCALE-ROCK_SDP1.pdf, 1815-CDC-Mpumalanga-Nature-Reserves-POTHOLES_SDP2.pdf, 1815-CDC-Mpumalanga-Nature-Reserves-POTHOLES_SDP3.pdf, 1815-CDC-Mpumalanga-Nature-Reserves-REST-AREA.pdf, 1815-CDC-Mpumalanga-Nature-Reserves-THREE-RONDAVELS_SDP-WITH-SIGNAGE.pdf, 1815-Mpumalanga-Parks-General-Documentation-VIEWING-PLATFORM.pdf, 1815-Mpumalanga-Parks-General-Documentation-WALKWAY--VIEWING-PLATROFM.pdf, 1815-Mpumalanga-Parks-General-Documentation-WALKWAYS-3D.pdf, 1815-Mpumalanga-Parks-General-Documentation-WALKWAYS.pdf, FINAL-tender-docs-Universal-Access_Three-Rondavels-and-Bourkes-Luck_Draft-Tender.pdf, FINAL-tender-docs-Universal-Access_Gods-Window-and-Pinnacle-Rock_Draft-Tender-Doc_0.pdf, Asbestos-tender-updated-with-functionallity-criteria-and-site-data-with-photographs_.pdf, TOU04-PROVISION-OF-TRAINING-SERVICES--FOOD-AND-BEVERAGES.pdf, TOU05-PROVISION-OF-TRAINING-SERVICES--ACCOMODATION.pdf, Tender-Advert-Cancellation-BIO03-CEO02.pdf, plan-and-implement-a-pilot-project-on-Environmental-Management-and-Socio-economic-Empowerment-to-the-Youth-at-the-Matsulu-Daantije-Luphisi-Mpakeni-a.pdf, Game-Capture-Tender-2018-HARTEBEESVLAKTES.pdf, Game-Capture-Tender-2018-MAHUSHE-SHONGWE.pdf, Game-Capture-Tender-2018-SSSKOSANA-AND-MDALA.pdf, Annexure-A-Zithaniseni-Current-Business-Levels.pdf, Request-for-Expression-of-Interest-Zithabiseni.pdf, Construction-of-office-blocks-at-Mdala.pdf, Dev-of-two-strategic-heritage-Project.pdf, Annexure-A-Zithaniseni-Current-Business-Levels-2.pdf, Terms-of-Reference-for-Conducting-the-MTPA-Skills-Audit-2016-Bidders.pdf, TENDER-NOTICE-AND-INVITATION-TO-BID-appointment-professional-service-Audit.docx, DESIGN-AND-CONSTRUCTION-OF-EXHIBITION.pdf, Application_form_Stewardship_Mpu_May_2011.pdf, Protected Areas Management and Development, MTPA/20202021/COM/01 - OPERATOR TO ERECT, OPERATE AND MANAGE A BUSH CAMP CONCESSION AT MANYELETI NATURE RESERVE, MTPA/20202021/COM/02 - OPERATOR TO OPERATE AND MANAGE BELVERDERE GUEST HOUSE, GROENDAK CONCESSION AT BLYDE NATURE RESERVE, MTPA/20202021/CEO/01 - Provision of Security Services, MTPA/20202021/CFO/05 - REVENUE COLLECTION SYSTEM AT BLYDE RIVER CANYON NATURE RESERVE, MTPA/20202021/FIN/01 - PROVISION OF INSURANCE SERVICES, MTPA/20202021/PMU/01C - UNIVERSAL ACCESS AT BOURKE’S LUCK POTHOLES, (BLYDE RIVER CANYON), MTPA/20202021/PMU/01A - UNIVERSAL ACCESS AT GOD’S WINDOW, MTPA/20202021/PMU/01D - UNIVERSAL ACCESS AT THREE RONDAVELS (BLYDE RIVER CANYON), MTPA/20202021/PMU/01B - UNIVERSAL ACCESS AT PINNACLE, MTPA/20202021/COR/01 - APPOINTMENT OF A SERVICE PROVIDER FOR THE PROVISION OF VIRTUAL NETWORK SERVICES, Invitation to register on the supplier database - Invitation to register on the supplier database, MTPA/1920/PMU/01 - UNIVERSAL ACCESS AT GOD’S WINDOW (BLYDE RIVER CANYON), MTPA/1920/PMU/01, MTPA/1920/PMU/02, MTPA/1920/PMU/03, MTPA/1920/PMU/04 - Tender adverts, MTPA/1920/ CEO08 | MTPA/1920/ FIN02 | MTPA/1920/ CEO09 | MTPA/1920/ CEO10 - Tender Adverts, MTPA/1920/CEO08 - PROVISION OF SECURITY SERVICES, MTPA/1920/CEO09 - RFP FOR OPERATOR TO ERECT, OPERATE AND MANAGE A BUSH CAMP CONCESSION AT MANYELETI NATURE RESERVE, MTPA/1920/FIN02 - PROVISION OF INSURANCE SERVICES, MTPA/1920/CEO10 - RFP FOR OPERATOR TO OPERATE AND MANAGE A GUEST HOUSE, GROENDAK AND RANGERS HOUSE CONCESSION AT BLYDE NATURE RESERVE, MTPA/1920/TOU02 - HERITAGE ROUTE CELEBTRATION, MTPA/1920/PMU/01 | MTPA/1920/PMU/02 | MTPA/1920/PMU/03 | MTPA/1920/BIO/01 | MTPA/1920/BIO/02 - Tourism Adverts, MTPA/1920/BIO01 - PROVISION OF GAME CENSUS SERVICES MTPA 2019, MTPA/1920/PMU/02 - UNIVERSAL ACCESS AT THREE RONDAVELS AND BOURKE’S LUCK POTHOLES (BLYDE RIVER CANYON), MTPA/1920/PMU/01 - UNIVERSAL ACCESS AT GOD’S WINDOW AND PINNACLE ROCK, MTPA/1920/PMU/03 - ASBESTOS REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT IN FOUR MTPA RESERVES, MTPA/1920/BIO02 - PROVISION FOR NATURE CONSERVATION AND ATI POACHING AWARENSS PROGRAMME, MTPA/1718/TOU03 - PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE GOD’S WINDOW SKYWALK AT THE BLYDE RIVER CANYON NATURE RESERVE, MTPA/1920/TOU03 | MTPA/1920/TOU04 | MTPA/1920/TOU05 - Tourism Adverts, MTPA/1920/TOU03 - PROVISION OF ACCREDITED TRAINING SERVICE PROVIDERS TO MANAGE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW VENTURE CREATION PROGRAMME IN MPUMALANGA PROVINCE, MTPA/1920/TOU04 - PROVISION OF ACCREDITED TRAINING SERVICE PROVIDERS TO MANAGE THE IMPLEMENTATION HOSPITALITY YOUTH IN NATIONAL CERTIFICATE IN FOOD AND BEVERAGES NQF LEVEL 4, MTPA/1920/TOU05 - PROVISION OF APPOINTMENT FOR ACCREDITED TRAINING SERVICE PROVIDERS TO MANAGE THE IMPLEMENTATION HOSPITALITY YOUTH PROGRAMME NATIONAL CERTIFICATE IN ACCOMMODATION NQF LEVEL 2 IN MPUMALANGA, MTPA/1819/TOU02 - APPOINTMENT OF A SERVICE PROVIDER FOR THE MANAGING AND HOSTING OF PIXLEY KA ISAKA SEME HERITAGE ROUTE CELEBRATION GERT SIBANDE DISTRICT, MTPA/1718/BIO03 & MTPA/1718/CEO02 - Cancellation of tenders, MTPA/1718/CEO02 - MTPA/1718/CEO02 - REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR AN OPERATOR TO OPERATE AND MANAGE BELVEDERE GUEST HOUSE, GROENDACK AND RANGERS HOUSE. Place where goods, works or services … MTPA requests Expressions of Interest for the appropriate commercial use of accommodation and related tourism facilities on the Zithabiseni Holiday Resort within the Thembisile Hani Local Municipality, a public private partnership (PPP) agreement. The Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency in terms of the Control of Access of trained security personnel from the Bidder to perform a twenty-four-hour security services on the premises of the Agency, for a period of one year with the option to renew for a maximum period up to three (3) years on a yearly basis, as defined on the attached schedule. We put new business prospect leads within your reach. public works programme (epwp) driver development programme in various district municipalities towards obtaining learners licences and driving licence for code ec and code c1 for mpumalanga province only bid response documents may be deposited in the bid box situated at (street address) department of environmental affairs; the environment house, Invitation is extended to all service providers who are interested to register in the Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency (hereinafter “MTPA”) Supplier Database. Only tenderers who undertake to subcontract a minimum of 30% of the contract value to an EME or QSE which is at least 51% owned by black people and operate from premises within the Mpumalanga provincial boundaries are eligible to submit tenders. Tenders: Mpumalanga Government. Since websites are usually the first port of call, the Department seeks to maintain a site with up to date content that is of value to our diverse audiences. eTender Publication Portal Contacts Please forward your query to: eTenders@treasury.gov.za for eTender Publication Portal Queries CSD@treasury.gov.za for Central Supplier Database Queries GCommerce@treasury.gov.za for online Tender Submission Queries (Only RT Contract Queres) For any Tender Specific Queries, please contact the contact person as inicated in the relevant Tender Advert … ENQUIRY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION WORKS AND SERVICES REQUIRED FOR THE ALTERATIONS, DEMOLITIONS AND UPGRADES AT MDALA NATURE RESERVE, Appointment of a service provider for the Development of two strategic heritage projects (Pilgrim's Rest & Waterval Boven), Invitation for the service provider for the Capacity building for natural resources use. MTPA/1718/GM/01 - INVITATION FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A SERVICE PROVIDER FOR THE GAME CAPTURE AT NOOITGEDACH & VERLOREN VLEI NATURE RESERVE. Filter Filter Tenders By; Search. The Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve is a major source of revenue collection for the Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency. tender adverts: bid no. Bid Documents collected are available at a cost of R 200.00, non-refundable.Please Note: No Faxed or emailed documents will be allowed. The construction of Leeufontein 132kV Traction Substation contract required within Mpumalanga Operating Unit. Site visit is schedule for the 18/11/2019 at 11:00am at Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve Boardroom, Appointment of a service provider for the managing and hosting of Pixley Ka Seme Heritage Route Celebration at Gert Sibande District Municipality, APPOINTMENT OF A SERVICE PROVIDER FOR THE MANAGING ANDHOSTING OF PIXLEY KA ISAKA SEME HERITAGE ROUTE CELEBRATION AT GERT SIBANDE, PROVISION OF GAME CENSUS SERVICES MTPA 2019, UNIVERSAL ACCESS AT THREE RONDAVELS AND BOURKE’S LUCK POTHOLES (BLYDE RIVER CANYON), UNIVERSAL ACCESS AT GOD’S WINDOW AND PINNACLE ROCK, ASBESTOS REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT IN FOUR MTPA RESERVES. MTPA/1617/BLYDE RESTAURANT - SERVICE PROVIDER TO PROVIDE AFRICAN CUISINE AND FAST FOOD AT BLYDE BOURKES LUCK RESTAURANT, MTPA/1617/TOU/TRA01 - RE-ADVERT SERVICE PROVIDER FOR TRANSACTIONAL ADVISOR, MTPA/1617/COR/UNIFORM - PROVISION OF UNIFORM FOR MPUMALANGA TOURISM PARKS AGENCY, MTPA/1617/BIO/BUFFALO SALES - SERVICE PROVIDER FOR THE CORRIDOR BUFFALO SALES AT LOSKOPDAM NATURE RESERVE FOR TWO PACKAGES, MTPA /1516/CEO003 - GOVERNANCE,FINANCIAL AND ACCOUNTING INTERVATION AS WELL AS ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FOR THE 2015/2016 YEAR-END AUDIT AND BEYOND, MTPA/1516/COR01 - WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE, MTPA/1516/TOU02 - DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF EXHIBITION, MTPA/1516/BIO01 - PROVISION FOR RATION PACKS BIDDERS, MTPA/DB/2014 - Supplier Database Registration, Invitation to register on the supplier database, MTPA/1920/PMU/01, MTPA/1920/PMU/02, MTPA/1920/PMU/03, MTPA/1920/PMU/04, MTPA/1920/ CEO08 | MTPA/1920/ FIN02 | MTPA/1920/ CEO09 | MTPA/1920/ CEO10, MTPA/1920/PMU/01 | MTPA/1920/PMU/02 | MTPA/1920/PMU/03 | MTPA/1920/BIO/01 | MTPA/1920/BIO/02, MTPA/1920/TOU03 | MTPA/1920/TOU04 | MTPA/1920/TOU05, MTPA/1718/FIN01, MTPA/1718/FIN02, MTPA/1718/BIO03 & MTPA/1718/CEO01, MTPA/1617/PMU02 to PMU04 & GPAA04 & DPE11. Head: Public Works, Roads & Transport Private Bag x 11302 Nelspruit 1200. GOVERNMENT TENDER BULLETIN, 5 JULY 2019 No. MTPA/1718/GM/01 - INVITATION FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A SERVICE PROVIDER FOR THE GAME CAPTURE AT MAHUSHE NATURE RESERVE. INVITATION FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A SERVICE PROVIDER FOR THE GAME CAPTURE AT NOOITGEDACH & VERLOREN VLEI NATURE RESERVE.
mpumalanga public works tenders 2021