is community initiative to help NTU students Make Better University Decisions with Senior Reviews, Study Notes, Latest Happenings and Everything on Campus.. Ahh Electives… Whether it is our UEs (Unrestricted Electives), or our General Education Prescribed Electives (GER-PEs), we are all looking for electives that are: Mature Citizen. If you decided to take it as GERPE, you will have to complete CM8022 Applications of Forensics Science, which is 1AU, in order to fulfil the 3AU requirement for GERPE (STS). (I tried posting this on r/NTU on a throwaway account to no avail because that subreddit is kind of dormant, so I decided to try my luck but alas, there was a minimum karma requirement, so I had to settle with my regular account) 1. share. NTU NBS: NTU ELECTIVES (GERPE/UE) NTU ELECTIVES GUIDE Hi all, I've decided to consolidate all the electives that I've taken into a post. Consisting of 1 Midterms 50% and 1 Finals 50%, it really is not a mod with a huge workload. Share Article. Thank you! I have finished my second semester at NTU! If you decided to take it as GERPE, you will have to complete CM8022 Applications of Forensics Science, which is 1AU, in order to fulfil the 3AU requirement for GERPE (STS). The rest is just class participation. "In reply to #NTUConfessions30065, EE8061 is a very popular gerpe for SPMS students. The first semester of Year 3 was still manageable. If you don’t pass you just retake. And I was told my termination will take place. Let's not put it to waste ya? In conclusion, I do not regret taking this module – the lecturer and classmates were great, and my Korean improved a lot. EE8086 Astronomy. Cannot be SU-ed. NBS is a School of Nanyang Technological University, NTU Singapore. Through degree programmes in Public Policy and Global Affairs (PPGA), the School of Social Sciences (SSS) is an integral provider of public policy education in NTU and Singapore. Let's make this a civil and vibrant place for open discussion! I did not take CM8022 so I am not sure about its content, but I do know that it is a 3-hr weekly lecture in-class, so you have to take it during subsequent semester. Have already gotten used to university life. Thus, I did not had much problems with choosing my modules for the very first semester I had in NTU. Discover cheap promotions and coupon codes in Singapore! Definitely one of my favorite lecturers during my time in NTU. In other words, you can no longer get exempted for CORE modules even if you have gone through something similar in Poly. which gerpe business modules do not have project work or group work? We will be posting information regarding the modules we have taken every semester. And is it boring or interesting? There are some new equations and concepts to take note, but they are not hard. Of those you clear, you have to include one Business GERPE, one Liberal Studies GERPE and one Science and Technology GERPE. Zooming in on the Foreign Direct Investment Landscape in Asian Emerging Markets Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows, an integral component of Asia’s strong economic performance over the last few decades, also facilitated the spread of regional production networks. Should take with friends and the finals is open book. Actually I think his MH2401 Algorithm and Computing III is the most fun among ALL mods I have taken. It was easy for the first few weeks and then it gets harder. Den hor, so far my elective all get B one!! GER-UE(Unrestricted Electives) is basically a wild card. In 2005, the Master of Public Administration (MPA) programme and the undergraduate Minor in Public Administration programme were launched by the School of Humanities and … Exams also did not bad like above average I guess. Anything specific you want to learn from it? Wednesday, November 30, 2016. Cannot be SU-ed. Hi, sure no problem. 3. You will receive an outcome of your appeal by Thursday, 21 January 2021. Year 3 Semester 1 Time flies! Other students who take HE9091 as a GER Elective are also required to replace the AUs with another Economics Electives. NTU Modules/Electives Review by denise. The only thing I felt I should had done was to register an elective so I could took 6 modules instead of 5. Thus, I did not had much problems with choosing my modules for the very first semester I had in NTU. Under no circumstances shall the School of MAE and NTU be liable to you or any other person for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising from your access to, or use of, these web pages. NTU Science, Technology & Society (STS) Elective Module: CM8002 Forensic Science CM8012 Introduction To Forensic Science CM8022 Applications of Forensic Science A blog about Nanyang Technological University overseas exchange GEM Explorer, and download of resources for modules and electives You will receive an outcome of your appeal by Thursday, 21 January 2021. Feel free to ask us questions if you have any. Get All The Latest Updates Delivered Straight Into Your Inbox For Free! This is to ensure that you have adequate number of approved courses prior your arrival at NTU. In other words, you can no longer get exempted for CORE modules even if you have gone through something similar in Poly. Dat elective hor, si bei siong ar, a lot of research is needed but in e end i S/U it also . Posted by 26 days ago. Feel free to ask us questions if you have any. EDIT (6 May 2015): With effect AY2015/2016, polytechnic students can only be exempted up to 12 AUs (instead of 24) for GERPE/UE type courses only. In 2005, the Master of Public Administration (MPA) programme and the undergraduate Minor in Public Administration programme were launched by the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS), the predecessor to … Students in the Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental) degree programme are not allowed to complete the Minor in Environmental Management, but are allowed to take one or more of the following Minor course(s) to fulfill the General Elective requirements of their degree programme: EM9105 Energy Resources Management (GER-UE) Online Appeal System from Tuesday, 12 January 2021 – Thursday, 14 January 2021 (10.00am – 10.00pm daily). most importantly, PULL UP THE CUI GPA!!! I am not too sure about NTU style of teaching for this as I cleared it in Taiwan also ( 2 foreign languages I really kisiao in the end). – Core modules/General core modules (GERCORE): Must take, must pass. – Elective (General Prescribed, GERPE): Some sort like Unrestricted where you need to clear a certain number of it … I heard marketing in the 21st century is not bad and easy? Had I taken a 3AU elective instead, it wouldn't be enough to pull up my GPA. 5. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. NTU; HWZ Forums. Can I appeal to amend my S/U option? Exam is open book but if you don't prepare for exam beforehand, you confirm die. Time for some more module reviews~-----CM1041 - BASIC PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY WITH LABORATORY (4 AU) Type: CORE Grade: A Comments: Most topics were covered in JC physical chem portion. We help you to evaluate your budget and shop smart. For all incoming undergraduates, CBC would have allocated you the core modules that you are required to take. I would have never taken this mod that honestly does not sound the most appealing if not for my friend recommending it to me for an 'easy' A. Alumni, Professors and Admin folks are welcome too! Must take a certain number (depending on major) to graduate. I not sure wad to take for next sem PE and UE. However, I do feel I need to warn students planning to take this that the difficulty is really high for a UE. What's your goal for taking GERPE? Students MUST take at least 1 module from EACH category; and depending on your major, you’re required to take 3 – 5 GER-PEs. In my opinion, UEs make university life interesting. *Note: What I've written here is from our own experiences and the school may change how they conduct the course (e.g. Seminar attendance taken. in October 2021, but can you please give me an immediate termination or atleast send me back the router device so that I can at least you the internet. Through degree programmes in Public Policy and Global Affairs (PPGA), the School of Social Sciences (SSS) is an integral provider of public policy education in NTU and Singapore. In view of the ongoing course registration exercise, some of you may be at a loss of what courses to take. However, something finally clicked so I decided not to waste it and help write a review. Just a heads up, you need to write very quickly. I'm currently planning to write some brief posts about all the modules I've taken over the years and hope that it can benefit more of you. - … IN THE SPOTLIGHT There are several destination-. Grade: A-CS8800 Media and Society In The Digital Age [UE] Can clear as GERPE-LA I think. What do I need to clear? Want to try again this year, a few concerns; no prior education (studied film in poly), a passing GPA of 3.31, application for NTU doesn't ask for work portfolio/testimonials and the only way to be recognised at all (to score a place for INTERVIEW) is through academic records. !. A lot of school offer interesting courses depending on your side interest, and I guess that gotta be your first filter :) ... More posts from the NTU community. Read on to hear my thoughts on the final TWO electives (yeah, shiok hor) I took during my final year in NTU and decide for yourself if you’re the right fit for them 1. A blog about Nanyang Technological University overseas exchange GEM Explorer, and download of resources for modules and electives. This system gives all students, regardless of academic standing, exposure to advanced coursework and project work. NTU Modules This blog is dedicated to those who wish to find out about NTU modules. The course will cover some … The finals is a 2.5h, open-book exam. – Elective (Unrestricted, UE): Electives from other faculties, etc. For all incoming undergraduates, CBC would have allocated you the core modules that you are required to take. I'll write a review for them soon. This is a new module, the first time this module opened was in AY13-14 Semester 2. Find out when and how to apply here. You may refer to Content of Courses for the GERPEs offered in any particular semester. My site can be found at . Updated AY 18/19 Semester 2 . With the prior approval of the Chair concerned, students are allowed to take some courses from another university and transfer the number of AU earned from that university towards fulfilling the degree requirements of NTU. I intend to S/U it so I hope that I won't burden other people or be burdened by other people. 4. Year 2 Semester 2 Hey! Applied last year and failed to get in. In certain cases, substitution for coursework from the Art, Design and Media, Engineering, Communications and Information, or Business disciplines in the University is possible and necessary. Der HiFi-Hersteller AudioNET bietet Artikel aus den Produktgruppen CD Player, D/A Wandler, DAB Empfänger, Digital Streamer, Digital Surround Receiver, DVD Player (inkl. The S/U option that they have/have not exercised for a course(s) is irrevocable. Hence, you should take a proper care of your Internet security. There is no presentation and can be used to clear GERPE-BM. Read compulsory courses physically in NTU. is community initiative to help NTU students Make Better University Decisions with Senior Reviews, Study Notes, Latest Happenings and Everything on Campus.. Ahh Electives… Whether it is our UEs (Unrestricted Electives), or our General Education Prescribed Electives (GER-PEs), we are all looking for electives that are: Hearsay this is a difficult mod in NTU, so I didn't take it in Year 2 and pushed till exchange to take it. Well, wonder no more! Can I amend my choices of S/U during the window period? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Press J to jump to the feed. Pass/Fail (P/F) courses, including courses taken at the host universities during exchange programmes, are excluded from the S/U option. Hi all, I've decided to consolidate all the electives that I've taken into a post. Must take a certain number (depending on major) to graduate. NTU NBS: NTU ELECTIVES (GERPE/UE) NTU ELECTIVES GUIDE . From juniors I have seen that the questions are not reused!! format of exams, etc). The School of MAE and NTU are not liable or responsible for any errors or omissions in the contents of these web pages. Hi, I need help from my fellow NTU peepssss. Slow writers don't take LOL Quiz: 31/40 Final grade under GER-PE(BM): A- Time for some more module reviews~-----CM1041 - BASIC PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY WITH LABORATORY (4 AU) Type: CORE Grade: A Comments: Most topics were covered in JC physical chem portion. The list of vacancies for exchange in AY2021/22 Semester 1 and 2 for Round 1 will be available under student resources nearer to application period. Modules taken this sem: Core: Bs2002 Microbiology B Bs2003 Biochem II B-Bs0001 Biology and Society (pulled from year 3) B+ HW0128 Scientific Communication I (Ger) A Electives: (GERPE and UE) MA8103 Human Resource Management (HRM) (BM) P BS8003 Science or fiction? HY3010, previously HY9310 Philosophy of Science. 5. :) I need to take a BM GERPE mod. GERPE, NIE electives, NTU electives, Unrestricted electives, NIE sports, NTU Centre for Modern Languages A blog about Nanyang Technological University overseas exchange GEM Explorer, and download of resources for modules and electives Thus, each degree … NTU Science, Technology & Society (STS) Elective Module: CM8002 Forensic Science CM8012 Introduction To Forensic Science CM8022 Applications of Forensic Science Description: Provides general knowledge of forensic science, the use of chemicals and chemical technology to commit and to detect criminal offences, and the modern development of crime detection. Business, Accountancy, Economics, Sociology etc.) (Some a bit similar but the major ones like final one is entirely different). Subreddit for the NTU Singapore Community. Online Appeal System for GERPE/UE ... Schools' Registration Instructions Examination Timetable. Altogether, you only write 3 essays- 1 take-home essay for midterms and 2 during finals. Note: Core, GER Core and major Prescribed Elective (PE) courses are listed together under the respective programme in the class schedule. Nanyang Business School: Undergraduate Programmes . Till date, I had taken a total of 21 AUs of electives in total (3 Gerpe & 3 UE) and got A and A+ for all of them. specific funding options available to GEM Explorer students to help defray exchange costs. Students who wish to appeal for GERPE/UE courses are required to apply through the . New syllabus and we were the guinea pigs. nice bloggreat information.Makeup classis an integral part of Cosmetology and is a blooming industry in Beauty and Wellness Industry. Yes, you may do so within the stipulated window period for S/U declaration. Hearsay this is a difficult mod in NTU, so I didn't take it in Year 2 and pushed till exchange to take it. As you can see you need to be careful when you surf the Internet. New site @ Pages . 3 AUs HE9092 Economic Theory Students are advised to take … Definitely one of my favorite lecturers during my time in NTU. A good free antivirus is able to protect you from many different attacks. Anything that you can pass/'easy' to get an A? Is it a lot of memorizing? CM8003 From Alchemy to Chemistry. If you’re looking to clear and easy GERPE-BM, don’t take this. If you are into machine learning, it may be better to take the machine learning course instead of just Neural Networks by itself.----- Protect yourself against malicious software. Contrary to what # NTUConfessions30065 says, it is very easy to score an A if you put in at least 50% effort. EDIT (6 May 2015): With effect AY2015/2016, polytechnic students can only be exempted up to 12 AUs (instead of 24) for GERPE/UE type courses only. Academic Units System (AUS) and other NTU jargon I would be in my last semester next semester. If you don't want to deal with numbers, I suggest fundamentals of business law :). This is the 3rd time I take a lesson under Prof Chua. We’ll talk about those in a minute. A lot of practice needed to get used to doing the problems cause got a lot different kinds -.- I did all the homework, never get full marks but at least get some marks. Well, it is my final registered module in NTU, and I have 1 more S/U left. Since I started uni, I’ve always been mediocre and below average. However, I do feel I need to warn students planning to take this that the difficulty is really high for a UE. It has been 3 months and you are deducting the amount every month but not giving me the router WLAN device. I guess ... NTU NBS: Year 2 Semester 2. How hard is fundamentals of business law? 5. Have already gotten used to university life. – Core modules/General core modules (GERCORE): Must take, must pass. There are a few cases when you do not need to subject match, which would be for electives, or if you want to propose an untitled GERPE or PE course. It allows you take a module without worrying about the grade, as long as you pass it. After about 3 years in uni I finally Got It. Detailed Module Review Semester 2, Academic Year 2018/19 BU8401: Management Decision Tools Overview: BU8401 is a Business Management GERPE course taken by many non-business students in NTU. Luckily for you there are tons of various good programs which are going to protect you from a potential attack. Please note that some NTU courses (eg. But compared with other computing mods (e.g. I would reccomend BU8501 Marketing in the 21st Century. At VLCC Institute, aspiring Cosmetologist can enroll into different Aesthetic Courses as per their requirements. Of the 35 AUs, at least 20 AUs must be upper-level PEs, as opposed to lower-level ones. In lieu of the existing prerequisites, HQ8010 Introduction to Gender and Diversity will serve as a co-requisite to all GD students.Students who have declared their intent to read the Minor will then be able to take GD courses even if they do … Um yeah they all are supposed to involve a bit of work. I got a bad experience from asian film history. Students who wish to appeal for GERPE/UE courses are required to apply through the Online Appeal System from Tuesday, 12 January 2021 – Thursday, 14 January 2021 (10.00am – 10.00pm daily). GERPE, NIE electives, NTU electives, Unrestricted electives, NIE sports, NTU Centre for Modern Languages. 8. Just do give credit back to me will do :) Thanks! Students who matriculated in Academic Year 2014/2015 are required to complete a total of 35 Academic Units (AUs) of Core Electives/Prescribed Elective, within the duration of the four year degree programme. Reclassification . The 20% CA consists of a tutorial presentation, and that's about it! Can students appeal for the course(s) that they have opted to take on S/U basis to be changed to graded basis (and vice versa) after the exercise for S/U option is over? Hope that it'll b... NTU NBS: Year 3 Semester 1. If you are a person who dislike maths, don't wanna take BU8201 like the others, wanna clear Business PE or just want to have an open book exam, then this mod is for you! Updated AY 18/19 Semester 2 . In conclusion, I do not regret taking this module – the lecturer and classmates were great, and my Korean improved a lot. X-Rated Linguistics: Language, Sexuality And Desire (HG2024) What it’s about: Analysing the … Please send the internet Router if you cannot do the termination. It was easy for the first few weeks and then it gets harder. If you don’t pass you just retake. I didnt understand what I was studying (Sociology) and just somehow didn’t fail. This blog is dedicated to those who wish to find out about NTU modules. You can choose to take module offered by any other major, other than your own,in NTU. level 1. It will also be available in ... 2. – Elective (Unrestricted, UE): Electives from other faculties, etc. I want to clear biz but they all seem like a lot of work. Hi YZ, would it okay if I linked your post on electives from my site? This page lists the approved GER Prescribed Elective courses offered by the University. The School of MAE and NTU are not liable or responsible for any errors or omissions in the contents of these web pages. Since upper-level courses are 4 AUs each, this means you will have to take a … Core/Ger-Core^ Specialisation PE/2nd Spec PE: UE: GER- PE *AB0301: Legal & Ethical Issues in Sustainability: 3: NIL. A lot of practice needed to get used to doing the problems cause got a lot different kinds -.- I did all the homework, never get full marks but at least get some marks. Login: Register: ... Posts: 82 BM GERPE. We will be posting information regarding the modules we have taken every semester. Elective suppose to help u rite, but well it doesnt for my unlucky case . I have finished my second semester at NTU! =P That being said, this is an interesting module to learn, but definitely not easy. The compulsory course is designed to provide students with essential knowledge under this Minor in Gender and Diversity (GD) Studies. Will talk about it later. *Note: What I've written here is from our own experiences and the school may change how they conduct the course (e.g. I hope and I'm glad that fellow NTU friends and exchange students from overseas have benefited from my opinions and reviews on the electives I've taken to make their STAR wars fight and school life less painful (haha). 10 Easy to score Electives in NTU. The degree programme also allows for the student to take a substantial amount of additional coursework in other areas of the University to satisfy the minor area of study. Take my word for it. The cohort size is usually around 250, and there are usually 5 Seminar sessions to choose from, each lasting 3 hours on paper, although sessions mostly end in 2.5 hours. However, I am hoping to find one without group work or at least without group presentations. NBS Course Catalogue (Semester Course Offering) NOTE: Courses with * are NOT OPEN to Inbound Exchange Students - please … Subject matching is when you propose to replace a course you will take at the overseas university with a course you are required to take in WKWSCI or NTU. Academic Units System (AUS) and other NTU jargon Report Save. Hope that it'll be useful for reference. OMG!! This is a 2AU module, and you can choose to take it as UE or GERPE (STS). I will recommend if: You can write fast. The compulsory course is designed to provide students with essential knowledge under this Minor in Gender and Diversity (GD) Studies. The course duration is only 9 weeks and the only deadlines to take note are the 4 components. Course requests will be considered based on prerequisites, availability, vacancies and clashes in timetable. Nanyang Technological University Nanyang Business School. Under no circumstances shall the School of MAE and NTU be liable to you or any other person for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising from your access to, or use of, these web pages. Mutually exclusive with AB0501, AB0502, AB0603 1. HY1002 Logic and Paradoxes. My friend who took it S/U in the end as in order to secure an A, you must get full marks in each dictation and listening tests, … ... NBS students who are exempted from AB0901/AB106 or who have taken AB0901/AB106 as a major core are required to replace the AUs with another Economics Electives. You must prepare beforehand if not you will not be able to finish the paper.---TL;DR: Ok even if you don't have any biz background. As most of my cores are 4AU, it would take an A- for a 4AU module to 'balance out' a B for my core to an average B+. format of exams, etc). 2 years ago . The only thing I felt I should had done was to register an elective so I could took 6 modules instead of 5. : A-CS8800 Media and Society in the 21st Century is not bad and easy... NTU:! Offered in any particular semester to include one business GERPE, one Liberal Studies GERPE and one and... Note, but they all seem like a lot of work the GERPEs offered in any semester! Something finally clicked so I could took 6 modules instead of 5 and... Semester of Year 3 was still manageable module in NTU, and was! Dat elective hor, so far my elective all get b one!!!! To register an elective so I could took 6 modules instead of.... An interesting module to learn, but definitely not easy, including courses taken at the host universities during programmes. 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Will take place electives, NIE sports, NTU Centre for Modern Languages courses, including taken... Decided not to waste it and help write a review Economics electives back to me will do: Alumni.