Great strategist. He came up with the plan that destroyed the south. The 2021 … Old Pete made many of Lee's victories possible. Gen. Robert D. Johnston said he “does not think any of our generals comparable to General Lee,” but he believed Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest was the greatest military genius produced by … In 1861, Winfield Scott recommended that Lee be given command of the main Union army outside Washington, the … Lee was a distinguished commander and when the war broke out he was immediately offered a … I remember when he surrendered to Grant. Grant had to conquer a "nation" of traitors, while Lee had to hope the US would tire of a long war. The American Civil War is a source of great fascination to millions of military aficionados. The full entries for these officers are in this list. merl on April 2, 2013 3:32 pm. After his death at Shiloh the Western Theatre went awry and it was all downhill from there. Lv 7. After being paroled with the rest of General John Pemberton’s luckless command in July 1863, Lee was rewarded with a much-deserved promotion to major general and appointment to command all the Confederate cavalry forces in Mississippi and Alabama. Includes bibliographies on each general for further reading. There are several valid reasons for this. 1. Mary Washington House (186) 6 min. Grant realized after Vicksburg that a long war with complete defeat of the South was the only resolution to secession. Possibly the best military tactician in history. Widely considered to be the best defensive general of the war, Sherman and Grant were also of that opinion.He never lost a battle in which he had command and he never lost his portion of a battle no matter who was in command.He was also a force to be reckoned with when he was on the offensive.Only twice in all the war was a major Confederate army driven away from a prepared position in complete rout, at Chattanooga and at Nashville, both times with the blow coming from men under his command.Also, the only general of the civil war to completely annihilate an opposing army (in the battle of Nashville).If he cared about self-promotion (which he didn't, he even turned down a promotion to the rank of lieutenant general), he could have been as well-known as Sherman or Jackson. Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee - General Lee led the Confederate Army of Virginia throughout the Civil War. See more ideas about confederate generals, confederate, american civil war. Some years ago, I went to a conference in Charleston. P.G.T. One of the greatest military minds in history, in my opinion. During a free moment, I strolled down to an old marketplace where I … Best Union Generals Not Named “Grant” and “Sherman” – We Picked 3. The first real modern general. Of the seven major generals … All Confederate generals were enrolled in the ACSA to ensure that they outranked all militia officers, except for Edmund Kirby Smith, who was appointed general late in the war and into the PACS. It is perhaps surprising that there is more than one candidate for the choice of the best Confederate general from Ohio. The Battle of Philippi was fought June 3, 1861, during the American Civil War (1861-1865). He was smart, cared for his men he commanded. Had he lived longer he may have âprolongedâ the war, but he would not enable the confederacy to win the war. This man along with Longstreet were the best generals in the war. Forts named after Confederate Generals could be sticking point for NDAA. Lee also stated on numerous occasions that Old Pete was his best lieutenant. A genius on defense, a bad temper hurt his reputation. at the Crater, and the late pontoon bridges at Fredericksburg. This is a pretty good civil war film, perhaps best remembered for its catchy theme tune and a cast including a very young James Caan and Harrison Ford. 3. 1 decade ago. On day three, his Second Corps bore the brunt of, and successfully repulsed, Pickett's Charge. Always harder to fight an offensive war, Grant won and is therefore the best. The notes mainly show pre-war military education or experience, pre-war political office, ranks and appointments prior to general officer appointments, some major assignments or events, information on wounds, killed in action or otherwise during … See more ideas about confederate generals, confederate, civil war generals. He doesnât get much credit however, because he was an honest man, and never tried to make his reputation something it wasnât, as was the case with many other Generals. With the exception of George Washington, perhaps the most famous general in American history might be Robert E. Lee, despite the fact he led the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia against the Union in the Civil War. Friday marked the first time in over 100 years that the Commonwealth of Virginia did not officially celebrate the former state holiday, Lee-Jackson Day. One of the Civil War’s legendary figures, John Mosby was a Confederate colonel whose “hit and run” style of warfare earned him the nickname “the Gray Ghost.” Beauregard was the Confederate hero at Fort Sumter and led the army at Shiloh after the death of its commander, Albert Sidney Johnston. He understood the basics of total warfare before anyone else, One of the worst and only saved by better Generals like George Thomas. Many of the soldiers who served and the men who led them were amateurs, products … To listen to the Federal Newscast on your phone or mobile device, subscribe in PodcastOne or Apple Podcasts. Both the Union and Confederate forces found brilliant military strategists and leaders among their ranks, and the Civil War really became a battle of tr… Grant had to operate offensively, deep in Confederate territory, with hostile residents. Almost … Top 10 Changes that Should Be Made in an Among Us Update, Top 10 Best Things that Have Happened in 2021, Countries With the Most COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Cases, Best Fitness Center Chains and Gym Franchises. for kids 6-12 (for "Teachers"), History for Bored Boys:Civil War Battlefields, Civil War PHOTOGRAPHS Library of Congress, The Civil War a narrative by Shelby Foote, Stars in Their Courses:The Gettysburg Campaign by Shelby Foote, The Beleaguered City Vicksburg by Shelby Foote, Michael Shaara and Jeff Shaara Civil War Trilogy, Ken Burns Civil War Commemorative Edition DVD set, Battle Cry of Freedom by James M McPherson, Hallowed Ground A Walk at Gettysburg by James McPherson, American Heritage The Civil War by Bruce Catton, "Stars in Their Courses:The Gettysburg Campaign, American Heritage "The Civil War" by Bruce Catton. Having only ever lost one fight, he did extraordinary things with very few resources. Not as formally educated, Nathan was a true antebellum gentleman and successful Southern businessman who would become ” Devil Forrest ” to Union forces for his tenacious and often brutal attacks. Even Lee couldn't do that. Rate. The best listening experience on desktop can be found using Chrome, Firefox or Safari. 8. Jefferson Davis was the President of the Confederate States of America. 5. Ron Chernow. See more ideas about American civil war, Confederate generals, Civil war. It's not just his good manners that makes Lee superior to Grant. Lee's legacy: Encyclopedia Virginia puts it this way: "Robert E. Lee was the most successful Confederate military leader during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Jackson was tasked with driving rapidly south through the dense forest, below the … West Point: Graduates 1829 ( 13th in class of 46), West Point: Graduates 1829 (2nd in class of 46), West Point: Graduates 1846 (17th in class of 59), West Point: Graduates 1842 ( 54th in class of 56), West Point: Graduates 1847 ( 15th in class of 38), Februry 6, 1833 – May 12, 1864 (Yellow Tavern,Va. He was not a General. While that army is the most celebrated, several other Confederate generals left their mark, including Joseph E. Johnston, who Lee replaced in command of his famous army. In 1863 a general tax bill was passed, imposing license and occupational taxes, a profits tax, and a 10 percent tax on farm products, collected in kind. This guy fought the Battle of Gettysburg against Lee and won. In his book, Sorrel states that he first met Longstreet in July 1861 right before the First battle of Manassas. Ulysses S. Grant made his Civil War debut at the Battle of Belmont against Confederate Gen. Gideon Pillow. Rate. My opinion may not be popular, but it is more realistic. He sent a survey to 43 surviving Confederate generals asking for their input. Known for his "scorched earth" … Patriot, statesman, warrior and educator! Outstanding commanders such as George H. Thomas, Phil Sheridan, and William Tecumseh Sherman routinely bested their Confederate opponents. Outstanding commanders such as George H. Thomas, Phil Sheridan, and William Tecumseh Sherman routinely bested their Confederate opponents. 10. They couldn't have done it without a fantastic leader. In foreign … We still love you Bobby Lee! Stonewall Jackson - General … Polyhistor. He was a brigadier general, one star general. Whycare had better learn his history as Jackson was a General in the Confederate States Army. I was born in the middle of the largest National Military Park in … It's just for fun and just my opinion. Mr. Warner provides concise thumbnail sketches of each General and best of all he also includes a photo or drawing of the General. He was given the rank of General five months after joining the Confederacy, making him the fifth highest-ranking officer in the CSA. Whycare had better learn his history as Jackson was a General in the Confederate States Army. Others, like P.G.T. His troops respected him. When Lee was asked, who his finest soldier was, he commented "A general I've never met Nathan Bedford Forrest", Sherman echoed the same, The greatest military mind on either side of the war. Summary List of Famous Confederate Civil War Generals during the American Civil War There were many important confederate generals and commanders during the American Civil War. A Godly man. General Beauregard was the first Brigadier General in the Confederate States Army, and one of the most prominent to arise early in the conflict. On day two, his quick decisions maintained the Union position on a number of occasions, most notably when he used the 1st Minnesota Regiment to buy enough time to plug a gaping hole in the Union line. I went to Google and typed “worst confederate generals” I added all the results into a larger list; I looked up each general on that list on Wikipedia; I saw if they were in any major battles; I narrowed it down to battles where they were in charge; I went to the Wikipedia page for that battle; I recorded whether they won, their strength vs. their opponent’s, and their losses vs. … Rate. By Eric White @FEDERALNEWSCAST. America's top general launched an outspoken attack on the Confederacy and signaled his support for the military renaming bases named for Confederate … Peace War Lost. The list usually starts like this: Lee, Jackson, … This Union general is often regarded as a hero, or a villain, depending on who you ask. Pleasonton then led Rosecrans' cavalry during Price's 1864 Expedition, chasing Price across … Rate. 10. Every general had bad days/battles, Lee included. However, many people are also obsessed with it simply because there was some really interesting military stuff that went on. P.G.T. Hill will all be renamed. Confederate General Robert E. Lee transferred several generals, one of whom was Holmes, out of the Army … Got promoted when he was 20 or 24 (something like that). Rate. Lee fought at home the entire war with the exception of Gettysburg. ), West Point: Graduates 1854 ( 13th in class of 46), CSA General Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard, West Point: Graduates 2nd in class of 1838, (“Fired the opening shots of the Civil War on Ft. Sumter on April 12,1861”), West Point: Graduates 1853 ( 44th in class of 52 ), CSA General Nathan Bedford ” Old Bed” Forrest ( “Forrests’ Cavalry Corps ). A total of 73 Confederate generals were killed or mortally wounded in battle during the Civil War, according to William F. Fox in his book Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865 (571-572). He was sent to Missouri in 1864 when Grant replaced him with Phil Sheridan. 35. The list usually starts like this: Lee, Jackson, Longstreet, Forrest…and goes on for quite a while. These generals outranked all other grades of generals… Top 3 all time USA with Patton and Washington. Robert E Lee said of his death "He may have lost his left arm, but I have lost my right." At the Battle of Mill Springs, it was George H. Thomas that gave the Union its … Profitable private blockade running was put under strict supervision in 1864. Very underrated probably because of his being of southern birth. Phil Sheridan The unlovely, unlikable Sheridan was an absolute bulldog on the battlefield, and he excelled at every level. 08/21/2017 04:42 pm ET. He declined twice, and only accepted when he was told it was either him or Hooker, (who also failed). In May 1864, he was elevated to command of the Department of Mississippi and Alabama and did what he could to … He did fine as a core commander, and didnât want command of the Entire army. There's a reason you won't find many monuments in the South to one of Robert E. Lee's most able deputies. Only major defeat was Fredericksburg, maybe not the best, but he wasnât as bad as many people see him. Includes pictures and maps. Interestingly enough, his score is far, far above that of Gen. Douglas MacArthur and Confederate Generals Jubal Early and John Bell Hood. He also managed to launch successful campaigns in North Carolina as well as East Tennessee. Learn more about Shiloh and Corinth. A tank was named after him. See all. The full entries for these officers are in this list. He was a President. Best nearby. 9. That's what I liked about 'For the Confederate Dead;' it has many different tones to it. Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson was a Confederate general during the American Civil War, and one of the best-known Confederate commanders after General Robert E. Lee. Historic Sites. Don't get me wrong, Grant is a fantastic General, but he is nothing compared to Lee. Thomas might be the most underrated General of the entire Civil War. Ezra Warner's Generals in Gray is required for any Civil War library to be complete. You know, a group of writers, included many Confederate generals, began a school of thought called the Lost Cause in which they began to romanticize the Confederacy. The Confederate Army employed hundreds of generals during the Civil War. La Petite Auberge (394) 6 min $$ - $$$ Seafood. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson. A Latin American herder, Páez became a cavalry officer during the continent’s wars of independence in the 19th century. Fahrenheit 132 (229) 6 min $$ - $$$ Seafood. Forty completed and returned the senator’s survey. This being said my vote for best General would be Robert E. Lee for the reason he cared about his men. General Robert E Lee (Confederate) Topping the list of best Civil War generals has to be Robert E Lee. Very generally speaking, most American Civil War professors, informal historians, and novices can easily tick off a list of well-known and talented Confederate generals. Historical via Getty Images Studio portrait of General William Mahone (1826-1895). The general officers of the Confederate States Army were the senior military leaders of the Confederacy during the American Civil War of 1861–1865. There were approximately 425 Confederate generals in the Civil War (Warner xix). 17 Restaurants within 0.3 miles. A few acting or temporary Confederate generals were duly appointed and confirmed as such. Could have been better if he would have gotten mad and showed it when his generals did not do what he wanted done A S A P and with out rethinking orders. Hancock was indispensable to the Union victory at Gettysburg. The holiday traditionally consisted of multiple days of parades and community events to honor … 3rd grade education and not a west pint graduate! Sep 25, 2019 - Robert Edward Lee (January 19, 1807 – October 12, 1870) was a Confederate general during the American Civil War. In May of 1863, Union General Joseph Hooker crossed the Rapidan River to the west of the Confederate army opposite Fredericksburg. I'm surprised that Johnston wasn't already on here. Leaving Longstreet to hold that position, Lee marched west. Rate. In January 1862, Thomas was leading a simple training command in Kentucky but Confederate movements forced him into a fight. I actually think he was one of the best military commanders in history. I was named after Lee, but Jackson was the better commander. Jeb Stuart by Unknown. RICHMOND, Va. (WWBT) - Three military bases in Virginia that are named after Confederate generals will soon be changing. In Virginia, that weekend also featured a holiday that commemorated the lives of two Confederate generals — until now. Hill's famous "Light Division" and was wounded several times. Historic Sites. Holmes had a talent for sitting on the sidelines and finding excuses not to … General in Chief – March 10,1864-March 3,1869 .. his strategy of engaging Lee and continuing contact through attacks and siege effectively “finishes off” the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia .. receiving their surrender on April 9, 1865 at Appomattox .. from noted CSA General Robert E. Lee. Kevin Young. Samuel McGowan (October 19, 1819 – August 9, 1897) was a general from South Carolina in the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War. Beauregard, Jubal Early, Nathan Bedford Forrest and J.E.B. 7. If Lee would have listened to him at Gettysburg and have gone around the left flank of the US Army perhaps we would all be speaking with a drawl. See more ideas about confederate generals, confederate, american civil war. Monash is regarded as one of the best generals of the First World War and the most well-known commander in the history of Australia. A few acting or temporary Confederate generals were duly appointed and confirmed as such. Not so by his contemporaries on both sides! Aug 1, 2018 - Explore Bobby Lawrence's board "Confederate Generals" on Pinterest. Old Pete was a great battlefield strategist. In fact, he was the one Confederate general who came the closest to decisively defeating Grant. Greatly underrated. Aug 1, 2018 - Explore Bobby Lawrence's board "Confederate Generals" on Pinterest. But he was the best west point had to offer in 1860. Kenmore Plantation and Gardens (212) 5 min. These are my top 10 Confederate General blunders. America's top general launched an outspoken attack on the Confederacy and signaled his support for the military renaming bases named for Confederate … Working in a Republican administration after the war had a negative impact on his image in the South; this in turn may have had a negative impact on his rating as a Confederate general. AMERICAN CIVIL WAR; INSTANT ARTICLES; Aug 31, 2018 Matthew Gaskill, Guest Author. Cleburne deserves much more respect and attention. However, as romantic as this story seems, was it really the case? A very capable cavalry general, who engaged Union troops in several battles in the Southern theatre. Nat Bedford Forrest is all time 7-1 in battles as a general of men. Honest God fearing man much maligned by dishonest Yankees of today. Prices of farm products for the army were eventually fixed to check profiteering. Stuart the son of an influential Virginian family, graduate of West Point whose forebears had fought the British in the Revolutionary War whilst Forrest was the eldest of ten children whose father died shortly after … Rate. Beauregard and Patrick Cleburne Paperback – September 5, 2013 They were often former officers from the United States Army prior to the Civil War, while others were given the rank based on merit or when necessity demanded. 2. Fort Lee, Fort Pickett and Fort A.P. He fought hard; never gave up; knew the big picture and pressed the enemy into oblivion. His conduct was mutinous and he routinely disobeyed orders. Superb tactician; soldiers General. Very generally speaking, most American Civil War professors, informal historians, and novices can easily tick off a list of well-known and talented Confederate generals. However, in light of the members on the team of Confederate generals from Ohio, Bushrod Johnson can legitimately be considered the best of that group. Sedona Taphouse (435) 3 min $$ - $$$ American. The civil war was won in the western theater, and the primary reason for the union army's success was U. S. Grant. L'état sauvage (2019) 118 min | Western . The first recorded claim of Longstreet as Grant’s best man dates back to a 1905 book entitled Recollections of a Confederate Staff Officer, written posthumously by Gilbert Moxley Sorrel, a Brigadier General who was on Longstreet’s staff for most of the Civil War. General Longstreet belongs at #2 just below General Lee. Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson (January 21, 1824 – May 10, 1863) served as a Confederate general (1861–1863) during the American Civil War, and became one of the best-known Confederate commanders after General Robert E. Lee. His victories include Fredericksburg, Seven Days, and Chancellorsville battles. ÂCough coughâ, Chancellorsville anyone? The Confederate General Who Was Erased. Even though he may not have liked some of the Generals above him he still showed them respect and believed in the cause. The Confederate army had some gifted generals of its own, starting with Robert E. Lee. His most notable fight, perhaps, was the Battle of Brandy Station. TJ "Stonewall" Jackson 1824-1863 Stonewall Jackson was a Confederate General destined for the Badass Hall of Fame. Some, like Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Nathan Bedford Forrest are household names. by editor | Apr 21, 2015 | Archive, Southern Partisan. General Forrest displayed a tactical brilliance vastly superior to his education level and in 4 years rose from private to General; an incredibly brave, strong and fearless man. 4.9. First off, the term “best man” happens to be centuries old. Many of the Confederate failures in the west can be laid at his feet. The most famous of them is General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, probably the best known Confederate commander after General Robert E. Lee. This gallery provides an overview of several of the key Confederate generals who contributed to the Southern cause and helped guide its armies throughout the war. Johnston was the best army builder in the Confederacy, arguably on either side. 4. Crushed the Confederate Army at Nashville.A Virginian who remained loyal to the Union, which caused his entire family, except his wife, to disown him. To me, poetry is spoken - not exclusively, but there's a mix of languages in it. Think about it from a strategic, resource perspective. He though he was not the greatest (That distinction belongs to Lee) he did a good job in command of the Western Theatre considering what he had. #1 not that surrendering coward Robert E Lee for sure or that Sherman stay 200 Miles south of Forrest cause of Fear of him and Transmississippi Huge Army. Good job on bringing hookers to the military camps. However, this fits with Ohio’s tendency to not be uniform in presidential elections. I remember when he surrendered to Grant. Beauregard, had also initially been appointed a PACS general but was elevated to ACSA two months later with the same date of rank. That’s what overcoming the odds does for your WAR score. One day, he established the outline of the entire Union position, from Culp's Hill to Little Round Top, and advised Meade that the site was defensible with good troops. Beauregard commanded his troops to fire the first shots of the Civil War, after his demand that … Rate. A gifted rider and leader, he was known as the Centaur of the Plains. general Grant shows up, with mud all over his uniform, and lights a cigar. He commanded the Army of Northern Virginia in the American Civil War from 1862 until his surrender in 1865. 0. Jackson's death was the result of pneumonia which emerged subsequently after a friendly … An example that makes the war more personal is the claim that one of the most important Confederate Generals, James Longstreet, was the “best man” at Ulysses and Julia Dent Grant’s 1848 wedding in St. Louis. November 19, 2020 11:31 am. He should have been tied to a stake and shot, however a federal bullet eliminated the need for a firing squad. Hard charging relentless supporter of Grant's vision for victory. In determining the worse Generals of the American Civil War, this list will take us from battlefield blunders to portraits on urinals.
best confederate generals 2021