WALT DISNEY WAS TOLD A MOUSE WOULD NEVER WORK Before Walt Disney built the empire he has today, he was fired by a … Yea, steal away to Jesus. It’s for this reason, that Paul asked the question to the church of Galatia, “O foolish Galatians! But I am happy today that John did include these words of the Lord. 24/7, 365? 3) When it comes to salvation: the bible says, if you confess the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. And a man that doesn’t truly know the Lord will eventually return to his old ways. You are not the people of my pasture. 2003 Assembly Theme: In the Master’s Hands: Remold, Renew, Rebuild. These word of assurance and hope, these words that let us know just how safe we can be if we would only truly trust in the Lord. So that people will have an accurate understanding and perception about God through these teachings, as well as seeing those who are serving the Lord faithfully, live out their lives before others and show them what Godly living looks like! We all face some troubles in our lives. Way back at the being of last year you were facing a problem and the problem is still there. John didn’t try to tell the whole Gospel story. Now, the human hand is amazing, however it pales in comparison to the hand of God. B. The bible says, “man that is born or woman is of but a few days and those days are full of trouble.” Jesus promised us that in this world and as long as we are in this body we would have trials and tribulation, failures and frustrations, but be of good cheer, for I heard the Lord say he had already over come all that this world could ever bring against us. (slide 11). So I stopped by to encourage you today to put it all in the hands of the Lord. I know a man from Galilee. This feast was called the “Feast of Dedication” or the festival of lights. He thinks more of Jesus than of all the world. Did you know that the book of Psalms, in Hebrew, was originally called. You see God’s hand is so safe, he even prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies. Our Theme comes from the book of Jeremiah, one of the longest books in the Bible. All the sin of the totality of humanity, past, present and future, clung to He who knew no sin. is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. A remote control. Let me ask you only this: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith? Amen" Doxology: 560 Like A River Glorious Sermon. The third thing you must do to have eternal life is follow Christ’s example. Jesus says it’s because you are not my sheep. What hands do you know of that can take nothing and fling it into nothing and every thing that is come into being? But rather, it is the a healthy reverence for God, which draws us to Him! Click here. Over in the 17th chapter of John when Jesus prayed, he said, father none that you gave me have I lost. Prayer of Application . God is in control. Pray Until the Peace Comes 3. It is written that we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.” But I want to know today, what shall separate you from the love of God, what shall pluck you from the hand of he that made you. And because of this he said that religion is based on fear, and that fear breeds cruelty. In other places in the scripture the bible says that there are false sheep, yea, “beware of false prophets which come dressed in sheep clothing, but on the inside (in their heart) they are raving wolves.” But here in this text Jesus is calling every true believer sheep. Abraham followed the Lord even though he didn’t have a clue as to where he was going. After that a fire, but the glory of God was nowhere to be found. If he can use that little small child to destroy you he will. First there was strong wind, but God was not in it; then came and earthquake, still no word from the Lord. But he gave us enough examples of the power of God that we might make up our own minds as to weither or not to trust in the Lord. Sermon Topic Greed. Which, in turn affects how they served, or failed to serve Him throughout the year ending and even affects the way they begin serving Him for the new year. One day the Lord is going to call you, I wonder will you be somewhere listening. For the bible says he goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Just like it did with Martin Luther, as it freed him from a life racked with fear and shame! Matter of fact, he left it on record that the world could not contain it if he did tell it all. In His Hands Series Contributed by David Hughes on Jan 15, 2014 (message contributor) based on 1 rating (rate this sermon) | 7,262 views. And yet there are so many people today who say that they feel as if God is not listening to them and that He never answers their prayers and they question His ever being there for them and because of this, they say that they find themselves beginning to shy away and shrink back from any intimacy with Him. But first and foremost, you got to trust him. A Sermon Delivered On Lord’s Day Morning, May 17, 1891, By C. H. Spurgeon, At The Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington. But we have to stop relying on our own strength and put it all in His hands. If Christ has set someone free from their bondage to sin and works of the law and that person turns back, for whatever reason, and begins trying to do works and a earned justification system to be found right in the eyes of God and to gain His approval, then that person has once again been enslaved to the law and they once again, find their lives bound under shame and condemnation. This produced a state of constant repentance and works to try to justify himself before God. Jesus being who He is didn’t argue or fight with them. Finally a still small voice and it was so. Who has bewitched you? The storms of life may be raging all around me, but somehow, some way, the Lord keeps on keeping me. This holiday is what is commonly referred to in the Jewish community today as Hanukkah, a time of renewal and rededication. It is estimated that the human hand makes over 1,000 different movements in a single day. Turning water to wine, healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, raising the dead. He's Still* Got the Whole World in His Hands. Children still being disobedient, husband or wife still cutting up. 2) When it comes to safety: trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways and he will direct your path. If your children are out of control, put them in His hands. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. By: Wilma Faver - Updated: 3 years ago. What hands do you know that can endure nail and still forgive. 3 The contrast highlights what we believe about being in God’s hand. What is most amazing about that stick, however, is not what it accomplished in Moses’ hands, but what it accomplished in Moses’ hands after he had placed it in God’s hands. Are you so foolish? If you would have security for today and life everlasting there are three things this text tells you to do. And so, for you and I, as Christians, when we read and study God’s Word and pray and seek Him in all areas of our lives and listen to His Holy Spirit speaking to us, we develop true and lasting perceptions about the reality of God and because of this, we are willing to entrust our lives completely into His hands! You see, you will never truly and completely surrender yourself to that which you do no truly believe in. This morning I want us to consider the hand of God and what it means to us. In fact the last 5 chapters in the Psalms, all start with the command, “PRAISE THE LORD”! I would encourage you to put it all in his hand. Theme. In His hands, there is provision. We all experiences some pain, loneliness, disappointments, dejections, rejection, or sickness. God never loses, or misplaces anything and God has a plan and purpose for everything that He creates and allows to be! And the life I now live, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”. That passage was. But it’s not enough for you to hear the voice of God, but then you have to follow God’s instructions as well. Here in this text again we find Jesus attending a feast. What other hands do you know of that can scoop out oceans? I read the other day where the writer of Hebrews in the 10th chapter said, “He is faithful that has promised.” So I’m going to put it all in his hands. At the end of the day, the lad got on his knees and said: "Lord, if it is in Your Sovereign will and in Your Eternal plan that I can get myself a bicycle - in your time and according to your will - would you please get me a bicycle In Jesus name I pray. This understanding of “personal faith in God”, prompted Luther to turn from the heretical teachings of the Catholic church and thus translate the New Testament into German, so that everyone at that time, could have their own copy of the Gospel Message and come to a healthy understanding of the grace and mercy and love of God individually! Your perception of God is no longer like that of the world’s perception of Him and thus, your life should be lived with the confident expectation and assurance of Him being Jehovah Jireh (your provider), Jehovah Rapha (your healer) and Jehovah Shalom (the God of your peace)! The problems we face are not seasonal ones; they don’t just go away with the flip of the calendar page. As he was passing through the hall he saw a statue of the Virgin Mary there on one of the shelves. And those who have been truly set free from sin and shame and self-condemnation, no longer live to self, though they live in the flesh, , but in it none the less, while in this earthen vessel, they are to live solely by their faith and belief in the Son of God. Instead of getting down and depressed over your circumstances, look up and get a vision of God turning that situation around. But you have to have a made up mind. Object. And in chapter 148, the psalmist declares that all of creation, everything created, is to “praise the Lord”. Isaiah 41:10, Philippians 4:13. The Lord promised that he would put no more on you than you could bear. If you want to hear from God, you got to steal away from time to time. Sermon Week Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle C. Scripture Summary Luke 19:9. I tell you today there is security in following the Lord. IT'S IN YOUR HAND SERMON STARTER. Features Pricing Upload Sermon Get started for FREE. Here the text says that not only will God gives us eternal life, from which we shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. Let him deal with your fears and your doubts because he has already dealt with death and with your sins. Yea I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.” You ought to trust Him today. To many people, this is a lifesaver. Everything that concerns Christ touches the great Father's heart. Mother's Day Sermon...Isa 49:15,16...It's All In His Hands - Duration: 1:00:34. If he can use your momma against you he will. Timidity, insecurity and fear of failure hold many of us back. What ever it maybe, addiction and disease, sickness and distress, put it all in the Mighty hand of God. It does not depend on the ability of us as frail, failing sheep, but it rest soully in the Mighty hand of God to deliver us from all our trials and tribulation. What hands do you know can be buried in mortality and raised in immortality? Home Sermons Safe in His Hands « Last Week's Sermon. We all face some setbacks in our lives. In His hands, there is strength. Moreover, beloved brethren, our times are in the Lord's hands, because we are one with Christ Jesus. I am sure there was nothing especially appealing to the eye about that staff of Moses’. And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. tells us, “ For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.”. No, no. 'Messed UP, But In The Master's Hands' -- Sermon Preached by the Rev. And when you walk with this understanding and the freedom that comes with it, it changes the way that you see and perceive the world and the people around you and most definitely it forever changes how you perceive and interact with God ! You see, Paul was both, exhorting us, as well as warning us in this passage, that Jesus paid a high price on the Cross to set us free from our bondage to sin, but also to free us from the enslaving bondage of the law and its unattainable requirements. Did you know that this is what all of creation does. 2) In Isaiah 45:12 - His hands spread out the heavens. In His baptism, God placed on Him all our sin, all of Hazel’s sin, all of your sin, and all of mine. Sickness and disease may have come into your house and just made itself at home. In that passage, the word “fear” means, “reverence, a state of piety and respect toward a superior”. By contrast to the enemy who seeks to harm the psalmist, the psalmist is safe in God’s hand. The unhealthy “fear”of the Lord, has plagued many people over the centuries and driven them back into a “works” based salvation process. I n the preface to his commentary on the book of Psalms, ... Patrick Miller notes that there is another hand active in Psalm 31: the hand of the enemy that threatens in verses 8 and 15. So that you and I might be safe, secure and saved. Do you believe it? (All of these Scripture passages with some context are listed at the bottom of this study.) Have you ever wondered why folk then and now don’t believe Jesus is the Son of The Living God? Elim Church 9,084 views. No matter how strong daddy may be, no matter how loving and caring mother is, it does not matter how close you and your best friend are, there is none like Jesus. Sometimes you didn’t know weither you were coming or going, but God kept you. My times are in your hand. Luke 7:19 says, “John called unto him two of his disciples and sent them to Jesus, saying, Art thou he that should come or should we look for another.” Jesus’ response to John is the same as his reply to the Jews that now surround him here in this text, “the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised and to the poor the gospel is preached.” Then like now we have people right in the church that don’t truly believe that Jesus is the messiah. Husband about to walk away from you, put that marriage in God’s hand, boss man told you we don’t need you no more, all in His hand. God: hands of; When a new parish Church was built in an upper middle-class suburb, Sunday mornings in the immediate neighborhood were no longer as quiet as they used to be. Then he will do just what he said. My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. You see you got a lot of folk going around talking about the Lord is my shepherd, You have a lot of folk going around claiming to be sheep but living like dogs or pigs. For God know how to save to the utter most. And at the end of the day, he got on his knees and said: "Lord, I declare my need for a bicycle! Daniel trusted and found safety in a den of lions. You see Jesus was the hottest news in town at that time. No matter what comes our way, it is a sweet relief in knowing, that we as children of God, are still in the hands of the Lord. When it comes to salvation there is no place that I would rather be than resting in the hands of Jesus. If you grew up in England, then this is a biscuit (slide 1), But, if you grew up in the south in the US, this is biscuit (slide 2), If you grew up in the North Eastern portion of the US, this is a toboggan (slide 3), But, if you grew up in the southeastern portion of the US, this is a toboggan (slide 4), In many kitchens across the US, this is a grinder. Do you see what I mean, by the differences in how we look at and view things, based upon what we have been taught and brought up to beleive? Our lives, when entrusted completely and totally into the hands of Jesus Christ, are secure and eternal! To view this message in it's entirety please visit: www.zionchurchonline.com **Original Air Date: 4-5-2015** Have you ever looked at your hands and thought of all of the things those hands have done? You see, our righteousness and right standing with God come only through His gift of grace and by our faith and belief in Jesus the Christ and never from our own doing! Hope. Folks at work still getting on your nerve. Over thirteen (13) times the Lord uses sheep in this 10th chapter of John. What about when it looks like those that don’t know the Lord are doing better than you, will you still follow? ", After several days and still not having received a bicycle. • He finished his star-studded career with an incredible performance. All In His Hands John 10:27-30 As a body of believers we face some serious challenges, some that many of us in the church may not have ever gone through before. These things caused many to wonder if He was indeed the Messiah, so they cornered him, they wanted him to say once and for all weither he was the Christ the anointed of God or not. If we would only have the faith of a little shepherd boy, In 1st Samuel 17:37 David said, “The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear will deliver me out hand of the Philistine.” David was referring to his up coming battle with the giant Goliath. Over in Luke, John sent to his disciples to ask Jesus this very same question that the people wanted the answer to. If we do that, everything will be all right. Satan will stop at nothing to try and steal, kill and destroy you. Will you follow? Martin Luther, whom I talked about a few minutes ago, said this about placing anything we value into the hands of God, he said, “I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess.”. And the same thing applies to how many people view God and their having a relationship with Him and how much their are willing to give of themselves to Him. David went on the say, “The battle is not mine, but it’s the Lords.” For he alone knows how to truly deliver. (slide 7). So here Jesus is once again attending a feast; and as he is walking through Solomon’s porch, the people of that day cornered him like news reporters after a hot story. When you and I are willing to entrust our lives completely and totally into God’s mighty hands, because we love Him and we desire to be with Him, then we are joining in with all of creation and becoming part of the endless song of praise and worship to Him. The three Hebrew boys believed God and found safety in a fiery furnace. As Paul instructed, “Imitate me, as I imitate Christ!”, “Let your light so shine before others, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.”. An excerpt from "Lessons From The Cross" with Pastor Keith Battle. I did a search yesterday in the Bible for the phrase “praise the Lord” and it is found some 51 times in the Bible. A word of encouragement is due here, don’t beat up yourself if you have ever doubted God, instead your prayer should be, “Lord help my unbelief.”. And baby girl just won’t come home? To say that God has hands is to say He can act with power. The palm of the hand is a well-protected place and that hand can fold into a fist if threatened! ABOUT THIS BASIC SERMON KIT This kit provides all the resources you need to deliver the content of this 3-part series. The interesting thing about it, is that out of the 51 times it appears, 35 of those times is in one book of the Bible. God’s sheep are those that hear His voice; those he knows and has known from the foundation of the earth, those that follow in his footsteps, those that put all their hope and trust in him. Do you believe it? Thelma Chambers-Young at Opening Worship Nov. 4, 2003 -- NCC Annual General Assembly. The Psalmist said, because I follow the Lord, he leads me besides still water. On an individual bases many of us have had to wrestle with a variety of trials and temptations. There is security, safety and salvation in the hands of God. His mother was observing him all the time. Jesus said this of us and with regard to His Father, “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.”, “And this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day.”, “All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.”, “Of those whom you gave me I have lost not one.”. So no matter what the enemy may try to do to pluck you from God’s hand, don’t fret, but trust God. So I want to know, how does it stand between you and God? And because I trust him, I don’t have to want for nothing. Our Gospel Lesson has the answer: put it all in Jesus’ hands. No matter what giant comes your way, no matter what you may be facing right now. Dear Congregation held in the hands of God, This sermon is about God's providence. 1) In Habakkuk 3:4 - rays flash from His hands. Yet as often as apprehension rises in him he moves beyond his apprehension to a knowledge yet more profound: he knows that his times – whether past, future, or present – his times are in God’s hand. As the sheep of God our security is assured. That means complete and total confidence and obedience to the word of God. We are His hands and his feet to be a blessing to all those we come in contact with. And I declare that it will be a nice blue-colored bicycle and delivered to my home within 24 hours. Do you know of any hands that can save all those that want to be saved, solve every problem that you can bring, carry every burden that you can’t carry. Job said, “Thou he slay me, yet will I trust him.” Abraham was a sheep of God’s pasture. Sometimes they are beyond our control, but "He's got the whole world in His hands." Eternal life is a gift from God, the bible says that God loved you and I so much that he gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believe on him shall have eternal life, that my brothers and sisters is security. What about the powers of this world, or the situations that you face now or the ones to come. For He will never lead you astray. Moses’ mother trusted God and put her baby in a basket in the river. A. Those that no matter what come their way, look to the Lord for comfort and care. Jesus says here that he will give us eternal life. If that was not enough to make him hot news the disciples reported that he walked to meet them on the wings of the water. This is why it is so vitally important for the church and its teachers and preachers to teach the TRUTH and the entirety of the Gospel Message to everyone who will listen as well as living out their lives in accordance with the will of God before others. In keeping with Jewish tradition, Jesus observed all the feast days. Children unthankful, you didn’t do like Hannah and ask God for them. The prince of this world will offer you a lot of things to try and pluck you from the hand of God. A little boy wanted a bicycle but he did not know best how to pray for one. The Lord said if you cast all your cares on him, he would exalt or lift you up in due time. Next Week's Sermon » Sermon In His Hands. Our text describes the events of that first Easter Sunday evening. Oil burned for eight days for eight days of renewal and rededication, daddy walks away home... Waiting for you Sermons safe in God ’ s hands: Remold, Renew,.! They shall never perish ; no one can take us from our Father 's hand nothing especially appealing the. A den of lions follow me trust in the Lord are doing better than you, I don ’ have! Left it on record that the world face today the Lord contain if... 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