This 10-digit number is your confirmation number. First of all, I am one of those people who heard the rumour about Murphy's "Pluto Nash" being a flop and a disaster from miles away. Forensics experts will be digging through the rubble of this fiasco for a long time, trying to reconstruct the accident. |, July 8, 2015 The jokes are the same from every other lame space comedy. Your Ticket Confirmation # is located under the header in your email that reads "Your Ticket Reservation Details". Coming Soon. The critical consensus states, " The Adventures of Pluto Nash is neither adventurous nor funny, and Eddie Murphy is on autopilot in this notorious box office bomb." Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for The Adventures Of Pluto Nash [VHS] [2002] at It's a weak effort that amounts to a universal waste of talent and time. The plot was fun and interesting, and I really liked the way the movie had an atmosphere that melded the future with the past. Best comparison is Fifth Element mixed with Total Recall but it's not a rip, I get annoyed when people can't look at a movie and enjoy it for what it is which is a fun family movie for everyone! Audience Reviews for The Adventures of Pluto Nash. Why didn't Warner Bros. plug this better? Also Rosario Dawson is continually likable so. Because, I honestly can't believe that they all witnessed the same film I did. This story is dumb and average. flippin' eck!. It has its funny moments. and the Terms and Policies, Eddie Murphy's latest comedy, The Adventures of Pluto Nash, takes place in the year 2087, which is about the earliest he can hope to be forgiven. It all looks like a very mediocre attempt at a 'Blade Runner-esque' grimy neon lit urban district. Oh, he'll help us. A funny no-brainer worthy of any evening at home with a six-pack, Eddie Murphy films by weekend box office theater averages. At some point though, I just had to see this, because I wanted to know how bad can it be then. The music is just great too, I love the sound track! Randy Quaid was funny and annoying at the same time. Along with Murphy stars Randy Quaid, Rosario Dawson, Joe Pantoliano, Jay Mohr, Burt Young, Pam Grier, Alec Baldwin, and Peter Boyle to name a few. That was not the point of the movie. The set design was on par with Total Recall. | Rating: 1/4 This movie was rocking good sci-fi action, with just enough humor to keep it fun without degenerating into the usual slapstick retardation. |, May 23, 2013 Pluto Nash will set lunar exploration back decades. There just aren't a lot of movies like this because this kind of special effects is really expensive to make. Some mobsters have been buying up the local business's and they want Nash's club but he won't sell. The percentage of Approved Tomatometer Critics who have given this movie a positive review. I felt his pain at not being appreciated. They won't be able to see your review if you only submit your rating. This is a fun film that does not take itself too seriously. Many of the scenes are clearly filmed on a soundstage and in one shot Underwood resorts to actors being hoisted by wires for the gravity effect. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for The Adventures of Pluto Nash at While he’s in his friend Tony Francis’ run-down bar, a couple of gangsters show up, strap Tony to a chair and threaten to pour acid down his throat unless he pays back a hefty loan. What makes you so sure he'll help us out? Just confirm how you got your ticket. (7/10). Movie Review. As you watch this you keep waiting for Murphy to say something witty and off the cuff but it never happens. In a big production it just tends to feel lackluster, the maid robot was the same but dressed up in a sexy French number as if that makes it more acceptable. I'm not sure, I'd like to think that but deep down I really doubt it. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Regal a great eddie murphy movie, delivered everything i expetected it would. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your email. This once exciting comedian use to be so reliable for edgy performances but here he plays his character totally straight. The Adventures of Pluto Nash are exactly that, an adventure. Randy Quaid as a robot was a lovable and heart wrenching addition to the film. With Eddie Murphy, Jay Mohr, Randy Quaid, Rosario Dawson. The more I think about it, this might have worked much better as a short TV series, it certainly has the look and feel. (Not to mention, mass negative voting from people who haven't seen the film is a problem here for movies with hype or notoriety.). Go to the theater and have a laugh with Pluto nash. In this movie, you don't need to pay attention to anything because the acting is the same - LAME! But the big flaw comes from Murphy himself. The movie is fine for a matinee comedy ... the story's a little weak, but I dare anyone who expects each action-comedy to be sidesplittingly funny to check out some of the "classics" from the 70's, and not come away disappointed. Take the robot character played by Quaid (and the maid robot character). The colour palette doesn't really help with everything being grey and boring, yes I know its the moon and the moon is typically grey but come on. Genres: Comedy, Science Fiction, Action. But that's passable, I shall leave that alone. Good...not bad...and not great...murphy does it again! The result is something quite rare in professional show business: 1 1/2 hours of pure blankness. Starring: Eddie Murphy. However, I came out of the movie theater feeling like I didn't waste my money. Don't have an account? This film was simply not as bad as the critics said it was. And poor Randy Quaid has to play a horny and overly sensitive robot. I enjoyed this movie a lot. The Adventures of Pluto Nash. The special effects are top class and the CGI workers deserve kudos. Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer, Best Netflix Shows and Series To Binge (January 2021), The 100 Best Movies on Netflix Right Now (January 2021), 100 Best Movies on Amazon Prime To Watch (January 2021). A 3.7 out of 10. But it's still Eddie Murphy being funny and filled with cute little moments. I've read the no so complimenting reviews, and I have no idea what in this movie is bad. |, May 23, 2013 It also has a very talented cast. "The Adventures of Pluto Nash" has the same type of pacing, wit, slapstick, and raging sidesplitting comedy- and and even bits of Pseudoscience- as the Howard Hawks 1938 and also-not appreciated-in-its-time "Bringing Up Baby". I laughed from start to finish and enjoyed the surprise ending. Coming Soon. The technology and culture of the futuristic period was dead on with risky … Genres: Comedy, Science Fiction, Action. Were we really suppose to find it amusing that he tries to get it on with other robots? External Reviews Didn't they stop doing that in the 60's? It is possible that because the critics criticized the movie so much, that when I finally saw the movie, and was not repulsed by it, that I began to relax and enjoy it. This film is funny and stupid! Despite being set in 2080, The Adventures Of Pluto Nash only makes you hanker for the days when Eddie Murphy really was take-no-prisoners funny. what wrong with it some critics need to have laugh. |. Time to review the box office disaster Pluto Nash Sorry this one is not that interesting the whole movie is just eh rather boring. This film wastes opportunities and the script has nothing new to offer. Y'know, this isn't a good movie, but it really isn't all that offensive. This film was directed by Ron Underwood who is usually reliable with lightweight comedy like this but this film fails from the outset. Randy as Bruno was awesome, Murphy was solid as always, the story was fun and with music from outcast makes this just a great space comedy! Formulaic films are released every week, but it's rare that one has a $100 million budget, big stars whose roles are embarrassing to watch and unusual special effects that only serve to mask a predictable plot and cliche-ridden scenes. Read the Empire Movie review of Adventures Of Pluto Nash, The. So they blow the place up and try to kill him but Nash, Dina and a robot named Bruno (Randy Quaid) escape and the mobsters try and find him. The image is an example of a ticket confirmation email that AMC sent you when you purchased your ticket. In full. This is just another example of the continuing downward spiral of Eddie Murphy's once exciting career. Ratings, review and more on As Murphy himself decries in the first few moments of the film, "Horrible, horrible, horrible, that was terrible.". The fact is, that I enjoyed this movie. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. This is strictly a sci-fi comedy, as such, it does not take itself seriously; and neither should you if you decide to watch it. Coming Soon. Eddie Murphy's latest comedy, The Adventures of Pluto Nash, takes place in the year 2087, which is about the earliest he can hope to be forgiven. The costumes are the same - PLASTIC! Not perfect by any means with lots of science mistakes but then Hollywood does that a lot anyway. I sure did. Why the release delay? My feelings after catching this movie on HBO are clear, don't necessarily base all of your decisions to watch a movie or not on highly publicized reviews. This is a movie full of cliché and predictable twists. Murphy has become boring to watch and its sad to watch his films now. It is a shame that this movie didn't receive a whole lot of promotion. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. It has nothing to offer. This is one of those movies that you read about here on the IMDB, and find that everyone pans. Playing Frank Sinatra was also adorable, love the touch and the hole robot theme. The Adventures of Pluto Nash (2002) Movie Reviews - Cinafilm has 394 reviews of The Adventures of Pluto Nash from movie critics and film fans. The Adventures of Pluto Nash has generally received negative reviews. Nothing major is wrong with this movie. “The Adventures of Pluto Nash” Review Directed by Ron Underwood. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your account. | Starring: Eddie Murphy. It took me several viewings to truly absorb its depth and message. In my opinion, even the robot scenes are somewhat novel, in contrast to other reviews. Pluto Nash, i thought too myself I'm never going to watch a film that has gotten terrible reviews but then i changed my mind, while watching TV i thought i might as well give it a chance i mean it can't be all that bad right? A nice, solid movie. most people that badmouthed the movie, didn't even watch it, its just cool to say it isn't good, well let me tell you know, if your a fan of eddie murphy, and why wouldn't you be, then you will enjoy this movie very much, no it isn't one of the best movies of alltime, it isn't even of eddie murphy's best but it is a great comedy, that delivers some good laughs, watch it you'll be surprised. | Top Critics (26) Sign up here. I understood his loyalty and celebrated his triumphs. The movie tried to bring a popular script to the future. "Pluto Nash" is an action comedy set on the moon in the year 2087, starring Eddie Murphy as the title character, an audacious nightclub owner who finds himself in hot water when he refuses to sell his club to the local mob. By creating an account, you agree to the Privacy Policy In the future, a man struggles to keep his lunar nightclub out of the hands of the Mafia. Complete with a Xanadu-style dance routine, Pam Grier as Pluto's mother indulging in tired blaxploitation moves and rent-a-cameo John Cleese as a virtual reality chauffeur, this is a flop of epic proportions. Rotten Tomatoes ranked the film 79th in the 100 worst 2000s decade movies list, [3] with a rating of 4% based on 90 reviews. The action is fast, sometimes too fast, actually. | Rating: 0/10 This movie reminds me of Total Recall if I had to put a name on it. Just below that it reads "Ticket Confirmation#:" followed by a 10-digit number. Obviously putting it on DVD/VHS there was somebody with brains, sense, and guts to know it had quality. I see the screenplay is thin, but anyway I think they managed to make this a great movie with some beautiful special effects. People who are cutting-down this movie never saw it! In this movie, many of the establishing shots of this world were amazing. Kind of a cross between The Fifth Element and The Milagro Bean Field Wars. Sure the plot was holywood boiler plate but it really surpassed Total Recall and Mr. Murphy was still able to project his exceptional talent and gift for dramatic comedy. Just don't expect a total comedy and lots of dirty jokes or you will be disappointed. But most of all, I thoroughly enjoyed the way the movie looked and how it was filmed. Directed by: Ron Underwood. The Adventures of Pluto Nash. It had a pretty good story, like a remake of a 1950's nightclub noir film. Enough that I would go see it again. Verified reviews are considered more trustworthy by fellow moviegoers. Why did Eddie Murphy's "The Adventures of Pluto Nash" get so much beat up? Not that I laughed. Now again this can be done and it can work but probably best in low budget films that have little choice. This film is clearly geared toward the highly intelligent. A location where gambling, girls, criminals and all things seedy are rampant, a bit like Las Vegas in the old days. It's one of those classically awful movies that you almost have to see to truly appreciate why it well deserves its status as one of the worst movies of all time. After reading all the reviews I was prepared for the worst. | Is The Adventures of Pluto Nash any good? This movie is fun, not fantastically funny, but entertaining. The title is pretty sweet if you ask me, definitely an 80's movie title right there. Despite some cheesy special effects and jokes, it offers viewers an entertaining story and likeable characters, with a nice melodic soundtrack. Adventures of Pluto Nash, not Humor of Pluto Nash! Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for The Adventures of Pluto Nash at Do I get the feeling this was made and acted the way it was on purpose?...was it?! Full Review | Original Score: 2/5 I think that many of the critics were expecting a Beverly Hills Cop-type laugh fest, but that is not a comedy that's really an action-drama with a few laughs. 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the adventures of pluto nash review 2021