I ain't gonna do, that would fuckin' be illegal! Because my man, who was supposed to be loving me, who was supposed to be makin' love to me, was fucking my baby. You'll lose a precious love...Beautiful & sweet...another great tune by the Temps. 2“ von Dionne Warwick auf Napster Veröffentlicht: Feb 2020 You don't know what real women do! Time Capsule Audio Network : 1: Dionne Warwick quotes My self-imposed mandate is to be the voice for the voiceless. In der folgende Liste sehen Sie als Käufer unsere Top-Auswahl an When you gonna love me now, während die Top-Position unseren TOP-Favorit darstellen soll. Precious: I took that TABE test again. zeichnet die Geschichte von Saar nach, der mit 17 Israel verließ, um nach London zu gehen und dort seine Homosexualität nicht länger unterdrücken zu müssen. Who was gonna make me feel good? Claireece 'Precious' Jones: [to Mary] You know to this day, I never even knew who you was, not even after all them things you did. I'm also trying to be more creative, and I'm trying to be a better writer. Who’s Gonna Love Me Now Cold War Kids. My name is Jordan but people know me as Jordan Genesis on YouTube and Google Plus. Ms Weiss: According to Precious’ files, she has now had two children by your boyfriend, the late Carl Kenwood Jones, who is also her father. Because my man, who was supposed to be loving me, who was supposed to be makin' love to me, was fucking … My website is probably one of the few that has the full transcript of the rant […] November 5, 201012:02 pm Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply. Sadly though she didn’t see any other way to deal with her boyfriend’s abuse other than to shut up and let things happen the way they did, then abuse Precious even further. Label: Power Exchange Records & Tapes - PXL 029 Format: LP, Album Country: UK Released: 1978 Genre: Funk / Soul Media condition: Very Good Plus (VG+) Sleeve condition: Very Good Plus (VG+) Comments: How do we decide the condition? I'm gonna break through or somebody gonna break through to me. Niko Nyyssönen (Sinisterial). Your baby loves you. Someone please help me that’s the only part I heard and I want to find it! You can do that, because that’s what you do. Mary: [to Precious] Oh, so you're going to stand up there and look down at me like you're a woman? Get your team aligned with all the tools you need on one secure, reliable video platform. Who's Gonna Love Me Now? There wasn’t no drugs in my house. After that, college… I, I like you too. Now I really need to know what’s going on in that home. Ultimately, I'm still all about my family, my friends, and my husband. Ms Weiss: What happened? Who's Gonna Love Me. We're Gonna Move Elvis Presley. Who Is Gonna Love Me? Your email address will not be published. Ms Weiss: You shut up and you let him abuse your daughter. … And she made him leave. Auf Napster abspielen. [she starts crying] Ms. Ms. I did not want him to do nothin' to her. Because my man who was supposed to be loving me, who was supposed to be making love to me was f***ing my baby. Mary Jones: … Well what, well what you wanna know? Below the video is the transcript. Who was gonna touch me and make me feel good late at night, and she made him go away. […]. Who's gonna love me, who's gonna love me now? There’s apparently one Brazilian dude/chick who loves the rant so much that he/she visits my page every other day. I did not want him to do nothin' to her. Auf ALDI life abspielen. Ms Weiss: Try and remember how old you think she was. “Who else was gonna love me?…” – Mary Jones,…, “Teenage Dream” – Katy Perry, Darren Criss, “Somebody That I Used To Know” – Gotye feat. That was my man. I’m not sayin’ that. You’ll have to click on the image to view the video, cuz the person who uploaded it disabled embedding. Listen to Who's Gonna Love Me (Like You Did) by Julie Crochetiere, 30 Shazams. Her rant scene is just amazing. Mary Jones: Miss Weiss I understand what you’re discussin’, but I’m just tellin’ you, you said I’ve been callin’ here, and I’ve been wantin’ to see Precious and my grandson, you Goddamn right I wanna see ’em cuz they belong to me. That was my f***in' man. from Mary Jones: … Uhum… Yeah. Who's Gonna Love Me When the Morning Comes Songtext von Carroll Baker mit Lyrics, deutscher Übersetzung, Musik-Videos und Liedtexten kostenlos auf Songtexte.com Precious: [voice breaking] Nobody loves me. Who’s Gonna Love Me Now Cold War Kids. Stock image used Track title Duration A1 Who's Gonna Love Me 5:09 A2 You Better Take . Claireece 'Precious' Jones: [to Mary] You know to this day, I never even knew who you was, not even after all them things you did. […] “Who else was gonna love me?…” – Mary Jones, Precious – ZephyrInTheSky[…] performance as Mary Jones in “Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire”.
who gonna love me precious 2021