NAME:Sgt. I received some info from the U.S. Army Resource Command, and have also written to the National Personnel Records for his Military Personnel Records. My father died in 1971 of a heart attack. On a moonless night I was on a 4 man patrol to hook up with our troops in St. Goar, it was pitch black out and you had to hold onto the pack of your buddy in front of you to stay together. He was shot in the foot. would be great to learn more about him and the 417th in general. Later, James became a private first class in Company K, 3rd Battalion, 417th Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division. The following morning we regrouped and moved east through the next small village where several of our tanks were knocked out and a few of the tankers were pinned down in a house and were really happy to see us. Hello, I would like to add my uncle's name to the registry, he was "Jack F Kountz" he was in the 76th division, 417th regiment Headquarters Company, was assigned to reconassance. Thanks,
Out I got for about 10 yards when a mortar shell exploded in front of me (probably after the T.D.). e-mail: ); published by the 1st Battalion, 417th Infantry, 76th Division … Mostly it was walk - walk - walk day and night with occasional light to moderate resistance. A 76th Division "Top Kick"..."A" Company, 417th Regiment First Sergeant Uniform.
Again I was pinned down in the shallow ditch behind a burned out jeep. Lying on the ground, I could hardly move. My Father, Sgt.
(Apparently working its way back to the point of entry and falling out).
the period he spent as a member of Company G, 417th Infantry, 76th
(Apparently working its way back to the point of entry and falling out). I myself fired 4 rounds. Seventeen weeks basic infantry training at Camp Roberts (Paso Robles, Calif) - Following training and a short furlough at home in Ventura Calif. reported to Fort Mead, Md. His rank and name was Sgt. He was shot in the foot. My great uncle T/Sgt. With the Lieutenant's arms across our shoulder we started down the side of a small mountain to the Aid Station. The 5th Division crossed up river while the 417th Regiment was crossing into the heavily fortified hills across the Sauer River from Ecternach, Luxumborg. First Class Emmett Dangerfield Sr, Company M, 417th Infantry. North was our Platoon Leader Lt. Olson (Olsen), - S/Sgt. Peter Aronson
The 304th Infantry Regiment entered action in ETO 19 January 1945 and Hollis Cloyd was KIA near Holsthum, Germany 25 February 1945. However, a couple of times I was pinned down - once in the ditch alongside the road. and according to a family member was hospitalized in France
Mostly it was walk - walk - walk day and night with occasional light to moderate resistance. Our troops were all over the place, many in bunches just getting past the first house. One such incident is:
In passing through a number of farm towns (I don't remember their names) white sheets were hanging from many windows, there was little or no resistance from the enemy. USAF, SMSgt, Retired, Mr. Brown,
We stopped and when they got close enough we challenged the unknown individual. Some supplies were air dropped to us, but often the were in an open area under view of the Germans also making difficult to retrieve. Size 2 3/4 x2 3/4 inches. I could hear a lot of rifle and machine gun firing and shells exploding, etc. I could hear a lot of rifle and machine gun firing and shells exploding, etc. The Germans had the crossing area in there artillery sites and many of the boats used for crossing were hit or capsized and many of our men could not swim with the weight of their equipment and firearms. In addition to his medals, I have some photos, badges and personal items that he kept and would be happy to show them
rarely spoke of his injuries or his experiences and he
A sniper was shooting at us. Part way down bullets were swishing past my ears. We had the Krauts on the run.
My platoon was dug in on high ground in the woods in the Sauer River area. rarely spoke of his injuries or his experiences and he
Battalion 417th Infantry Regiment Any iformation on him would be appreciated. Yonkers, squad leader of the 3rd squad, Our fearless B.A.R. With the new concept of the "triangular infantry division" the 385th and 417th Infantry Regiments were added to the 76th. 417 Bn, Co F. 4th platoon. It landed at Le Havre, France, 12 January 1945, and proceeded to the Limesy concentration area. The next day we were ordered to shoot all dogs on sight. If you can help me with information, It would really be helpful. My Father (Charles B. Schatz, SR) belonged to the 417th reg. The woods were so thick that you could only see perhaps 20 to 30 yards in the prone position, standing you saw nothing. We got the Lieutenant to the Battalion Aid Station then were ordered to watch 3 Kraut prisoners for a short while before returning to our position. I have gotten only a little information and it has been a
That was when I scrambled out of the ditch and made another few yards before the bullets became so heavy that I took cover. Hope you can use the enclosed material for your project. Thanks,
Get this from a library! A sniper was shooting at us. 1945. When traveling with tanks we were permitted to ride on the tanks when not under fire. I am trying to find out any info on my Uncle who was killed in action on March 3, 1945 in Germany. Division in WWII. Another incident that stands out in my mind. Thanks.
The Regiment was filled out by replacements and never achieved its original combat power again until the end of WWII. I joined the Divison at Camp McCoy in Wisconsin in the late summer/fall of 1944. Members of the Companies A, B, C were taken POW that day. have his purple heart. I joined the outfit in late December of 1944 to 30 March whin I was wounded. time has passed but it would finally bring closure after 58 years to a 90
am grateful to have found Gerald Brown and Lt.Col. The 76th Infantry Division arrived in England, 20 December 1944, where it received additional training. He was very proud of his service during the War and … He was in L. Co. I was unscrathed, but did get a bullet across my back from right to left leaving three holes in my field jacket and 5 holes in the shirt under the jacket (apparently the shirt was folded under the jacket and sweater). I don't know much about my father's
e-mail: Once the Engineers were able to establish a bridge across the Sauer River, Armored Vehicles(Tanks) were able to cross the river to aid the Infantry which had been cut off for several days. for over seas shipment. time has passed but it would finally bring closure after 58 years to a 90
I would love to hear from anyone who may have served with
The 98th Training Division… The 417th was detached from the 76th Division and attached to the 5th Division in late January or early February 1945 for the crossing of the Sauer River from Ecternach to Ecternachterbrook. I joined the Divison at Camp McCoy in Wisconsin in the late summer/fall of 1944. View Photo
man, Poncho (nickname) from Arizona or New Mexico. Activated in December …
Traveled by train from Scotland to England -- crossed the English Channel on Higgins Boats landing on the beach at Le Harve, France (Harbor was destroyed on D-Day).
effort to find more about the circumstances of his death and about his
wounds and actions while in the 417th between 15-21, Feb.
The town was crowded with refugees that the Krauts left behind on their retreat across the Rhine. Personal:
I am not certain if you can assist me or not. Thank you,
Seeing this, I jumped into a ditch along side the road, observing the situation and waiting for the troops to disperse. After crossing into Germany from Belgium and Luxembourg, the division was the spearhead of General … He was wounded and captured outside of Trier, Germany. (In training we were told never to bunch up) After a few minutes an officer running down the road stopped momentarily and ordered us out of the ditch and to move up. First Sgt John Scudder
participation in the war but have been trying to research
disinterred and reburied in New York with a military funeral. stateside & then in Germany in 1945. We know little else. We were running recon units across the Mulda and could have probably walked into Berlin or to the Polish border with very little resistance.
In passing through a number of farm towns (I don't remember their names) white sheets were hanging from many windows, there was little or no resistance from the enemy. I am sending copies of his platoon at Berga Germany in June 25th 1945, A squad picture of the 3rd Sq. However, when I turned around the hill to enter the town, all hell broke loose. We reported the incident and the barking dogs. Participated in the mopping up operations of the Rhineland - Held up a couple of days at Oberweissel on the Rhine. 1st SGT E. Chamberlain was born in 1920 in Greeneville, Tennessee and lived there his entire life. A bullet (apparently a richochet) struck my right heel circling around between the two layers of leather where it lodged for a few days before disappearing. Hamilton
The ditch along side the road on the left was deep enough in most places to provide protection from small arms fire. Both shots knocked me down and both times I thought I was hit. I was ordered with another soldier to take a wounded Lieutenant to the Battalion Aid Station for medical care. With the Lieutenant's arms across our shoulder we started down the side of a small mountain to the Aid Station. Riverside,CA 92501. 136 Feltham Road
Springfield, Ma. Another incident that is fairly clear in my mind. participation in the war but have been trying to research
Traveled to Replacement Depot in Belgium by train (Box Cars). Full machine embroidered. We later learned that the town was defended by 200 German SS troops. HUMOR:
NAME:Robert E. Hester, 3rd Squad, 3rd Platoon, Co. Thank you for your help, and thank you for your service.
was looking at and when I finally started to ask for records
the time) I have no first hand accounts of my Dad in WWII. The few Germans still in the town surrendered. According to the War Department, he
The 3 of us got down on our back sides and slid the rest of the way down. Part way across I was in the water up to my knees.
I would love to hear from anyone who may have served with
The Regiment suffered large losses in the river crossing. The river was at flood stage due to warmer weather melting the snow pack. I know he received a purple heart and a bronze star for
(One man had blisters on his feet and was riding with the kitchen). North, and I took off up a side street looking for eggs. Company I, 76th Infantry Division. Rollin E. Allen, 417th Infantry, B Company, 26 May 2003
Organized 25 August 1917 at Camp Devens, Massachusetts. Thank you for your help, and thank you for your service. I can't identify the men that are
Edward T. Allen, NAME:PFC Michael A Abatemarco, Co. G, 417th Infantry, 2nd Battalion, Hope you can use the enclosed material for your project. USAF, SMSgt, Retired. Several G.I. consumption) Mother's Day of that year. NAME:PFC Thomas E. Ryan, 417th Infantry, 1st Battalion
Did not like French people encountered enroute along the RR Tracks. According to the War Department, he
Gerald Brown: Our troops were all over the place, many in bunches just getting past the first house. My name is Terry L. Glusko, Sr. from Springfield, Massachusetts. Thank You,
I need some help from the vets of the 417th. On a moonless night I was on a 4 man patrol to hook up with our troops in St. Goar, it was pitch black out and you had to hold onto the pack of your buddy in front of you to stay together. wounds and actions while in the 417th between 15-21, Feb.
or by e-mail:, NAME:T/Sgt. only 10 years old. I've attached a few photos that I have of my father in training
My platoon was in single file going around a bend in the road (dead Krauts off to the sides) to enter the town. Thank You,
Lying on the ground, I could hardly move. Is it possible that you could post on you webside an inquiry to see if there is anyone out there who may have known him. The Division … My girlfirends grandmother is his daughter and she was 7 when he was killed. Thomas E. Ryan was killed in action 6 Feb 45. He was in L. Co. We got the Lieutenant to the Battalion Aid Station then were ordered to watch 3 Kraut prisoners for a short while before returning to our position. … The white device was a medieval English heraldic symbol meaning "first son". He was a secondary school
A couple of times we were relocated to other sectors via truck.
ABMC Headquarters 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: 703-584-1501 and was still in the hospital when his mother died (of
Copies of the After Action Reports, Combat Records and G-Journals (G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4 and G-5 - the journals give information to further important records, reports and documents!) 01118413-782-3890
We know little else. passed away of congestive heart failure in 1972 and I was
My father's name was John J. Kopera & he was from Hastings, PA. He is almost 89 years old. The 417th Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division started to make history at Camp McCoy, Wisconsin where full time pre-combat training terminated in November of 1944. I'm also listing his military marksmanship information; MM 30.Caliber Rifle, Combat Infantry Badge, 1st CL GNR 30 CAL HMS. was found dead of shrapnel wounds to the throat. year old woman. was looking at and when I finally started to ask for records
Dear Sir,
An Infantryman's pride is to be able to wear the "Combat Infantryman's Badge". Rollin E. Allen was a member of the 417th Inf. I don't think we hit him.
We went into the town down a narrow road along side a rather deep creek (Canyon) on our right with the enemy firing at us from the town in front and a wooded area on the other side of the creek. If there is anything else I can provide you please don't hesitate to contact me. I am writing to see if anyone can give me information about my father &
Furthermore, there is the History of the First Battalion of the 417th Infantry Regiment: "ALWAYS FIRST" - THE FIRST BATTALION, 417TH INFANTRY REGIMENT (1945, Gera, Germany ?
Part way across I was in the water up to my knees. 4341 Isabella Street,
Very little was forthcoming. Copies of the After Action Reports, Combat Records and G-Journals (G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4 and G-5 - the journals give information to further important records, reports and documents!) United States Army, NAME:Lawrence J. Selegue, 417th Infantry, F Company, 4th Platoon
We are now enjoying our life in a Retirement Community ajacent to a public golf course and visiting with our two sons, seven grand children and six great grand children. 47025
God Bless,
The woods were so thick that you could only see perhaps 20 to 30 yards in the prone position, standing you saw nothing. The Regiment suffered large losses in the river crossing. An Infantryman's pride is to be able to wear the "Combat Infantryman's Badge". We later learned that the town was defended by 200 German SS troops. 1.
Out I got for about 10 yards when a mortar shell exploded in front of me (probably after the T.D.). He enlisted in the United States Army on August 8th 1942. I did not think I would get into this battle because there were 2 platoons of troops in front of me. In August, I and several other young short timers were pulled out of the unit and sent home for a furlough then we were to be re-assigned to the Pacific -- While waiting in England for a ship the war ended in the Pacific. His rank and name was Sgt. On day of allied crossings at other locations we watched from an elevated position above the river as our Combat Engineers constructed a pontoon Bridge across the Rhine under enemy fire, then we crossed that night on trucks being deposited a few miles east of the River in the middle of a moonless night. Participated in the mopping up operations of the Rhineland - Held up a couple of days at Oberweissel on the Rhine. to anyone who may have served with him and has an interest. Listing is for 1, stock photos show front and back. First Class Emmett Dangerfield Sr, Company M, 417th Infantry.
My father's name was John J. Kopera & he was from Hastings, PA.
I managed to crawl back to the ditch to get out of the way, and there I stayed (moving in and out of consciousness) until I was taken to the rear by our medics.
Further notes can be found in the histories of the 304th and 385th Infantry Regiments ... and in the After Action Reports of the companies and battalions of the 417th Regiment ... or the G-Journals of the 76th Infantry Division (until now, unfortunately, this one hasn't been evaluated - all restrictions are lifted since 1992!). No history has been written of the 417th Infantry Regiment until now. Riverside,CA 92501. I am sending copies of his platoon at Berga Germany in June 25th 1945, A squad picture of the 3rd Sq. Dear Sir,
Very little was forthcoming. Always looking for 76th Infantry Division Items and Information!! The following morning we regrouped and moved east through the next small village where several of our tanks were knocked out and a few of the tankers were pinned down in a house and were really happy to see us. Many years went by and my mother gave
painstakingly slow process.
NAME:PFC Emmett Dangerfield Sr , 417th Infantry, Co. M (16 June 2010)
This jacket also came with the VERY rare 1st Battalion 417th … Dear Sir,
He was wounded and captured outside of Trier, Germany. and/or Ulrich Koch: We went into the town down a narrow road along side a rather deep creek (Canyon) on our right with the enemy firing at us from the town in front and a wooded area on the other side of the creek. and sisters are dead. And most of all, to the entire 76th Infantry Division… Hello,
); published by the 1st Battalion, 417th Infantry, 76th Division under the supervision of Major Verne E. Pate, assistant supervisor and editor 1st Lt. John Milliken, assistant editor T/Sgt. The few pictures I had were made after the war ended, and they were burned in my parents' house fire many years ago. Anyone who knew him or of him
My father died in 1971 of a heart attack. View Photo
Terry L. Glusko, Sr.
The Division … Further notes can be found in the histories of the 304th and 385th Infantry Regiments ... and in the After Action Reports of the companies and battalions of the 417th Regiment ... or the G-Journals of the 76th Infantry Division (until now, unfortunately, this one hasn't been evaluated - all restrictions are lifted since 1992!) 76th US Infantry Division "Onaway" home. I guess it was a bit funny -- me, standing there as one of two survivors of my squad with bullet holes in my shirt and a bullet lodged in my boot asking if I was qualified for the badge. My name is Terry L. Glusko, Sr. from Springfield, Massachusetts. Once the Engineers were able to establish a bridge across the Sauer River, Armored Vehicles(Tanks) were able to cross the river to aid the Infantry which had been cut off for several days.
Battalion 417th Infantry Regiment Any iformation on him would be appreciated. Thanks for your time! There was a hail of fire in front of me which I could reach out and touch. He manned a 57mm … Company B. The 76th Infantry Division received its “Baptism of Fire” during the battle of the Bulge. I did not know what I
The guys all cracked up.
Rollin E. Allen was a member of the 417th Inf.
A couple of others I can still see their faces but not their names. 301st Medical and 301st … In addition to his medals, I have some photos, badges and personal items that he kept and would be happy to show them
I only served with the unit from the end of February until about the first of August 1945, consiquently, after all these years my memory does not contain many names. 1st SGT Degon enlisted in 1939 and was part of the 76th Division from it's activation in 1942. Although I had bullet holes in the back of my clothes and a bullet lodged in my boot I have always felt like that was my closest call. Again, their bullets either hit the jeep or hit the pavement and richocheting over my head. My Father, Staff Sargent DelMar E. Wilson, was in First Platoon, Co. B., of the 417th. then private John E. Barnes who served in the 417th
He had bright "red" hair and was from a small coal mining & farming community called Smoke Run, Pennsylvania. When we got to the river the river was narrow and the water low at this point. I know he had a lower leg and possibly chest wound
To the webmaster: Please include my email address with the post. Hartmann joined the 76th Division as a Corporal and was assigned to I-Company, 417th Infantry Regiment. years old when he left and was dead by age 20 in Europe.I know a long
Robert J Kountz, NAME:Sgt. The 76th … As we moved to another town, more white sheets were hanging from windows, more Krauts were surrendering and more resistance was encountered. Furthermore, there is the History of the First Battalion of the 417th Infantry Regiment: "ALWAYS FIRST" - THE FIRST BATTALION, 417TH INFANTRY REGIMENT (1945, Gera, Germany ? Daphne(Barnes)Houze
Married my high school sweetheart (62 years and counting), and worked a couple of years before deciding to take advantage of the G.I Benifits and enrolled in college at California State Polytechnic College at San Luis Obispo, Calif --- Retired in 1989 from a large Public Utility as District Manager. would be great to learn more about him and the 417th in general. He was wounded and captured outside of Trier, Germany. After crossing the Rhine at St. Goar, we were on what was known as mopping up operations. for over seas shipment. God Bless,
Robert J Kountz, Hello, I would like to add my uncle's name to the registry, he was "Jack F Kountz" he was in the 76th division, 417th regiment Headquarters Company, was assigned to reconassance.