Added a new Arms Race event to the ECHOcast: Enabled purple E-Tech pistols to drop in-game, Increased the resolution of the images on Zer0’s Bounty Board in Sanctuary III, Addressed a previous change that was causing some PC users to be unable to drop equipped gear, Increased number of projectiles that are released when the laser stops. Posted on 13 October, 2020 by Jen. With the changes below, we hope to improve the matchmaking times for all types of content. (Last edit: 31/12) 30 December 2020 10:38 World of Warcraft. Step into O'dyllita and discover the secrets of this new region: acquire new items, accessories and powerful armors! 11: 125: To better account for this inconsistency we’ve buffed the damage bonus. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. The more Terror you have, the higher the bonus.”, “On Action Skill End, apply Terror to yourself every 5 seconds for the next 18 seconds.”, Siren Anointment “After Phasegrasping an enemy, Amara fires Terror skulls at the grasped target dealing 3718 damage.” (lvl 50), Beastmaster Anointment “After Using Attack Command, consume all Terror and FL4K’s pet gains 50% bonus fire damage for a short time.”, Gunner Anointment “After Reloading, consume all Terror and create a nova that deals cryo damage.”. These changes will impact existing and newly dropped guns with Terror anointments on them during Bloody Harvest. Borderlands 3 Hotfix Patch Notes (April 23, 2020) is now available for players. Overwatch – 16 October 2020 Patch Notes. Sign up to receive news, promotional messages, and Borderlands info from 2K and its affiliates. We are monitoring how these changes affect these characters and their builds and are looking to adjust as necessary in the future. We’ve increased the likelihood of this behavior occurring. Blizzard Entertainment October 15, 2020. Y5S3.2 Patch Notes. With CA Introscope Enterprise Manager, a 3rd party application is in focus of SAP’s October patch day. UPDATES Beta Branch: Added a voice sensitivity slider in the audio options. We’ve also got some general fixes and AI adjustments included in this update. 7: 516: November 30, 2020 BL3: The Handsome Jackpot. The Siren can no longer “Fakegrasp” to activate Anointments, and the Beastmaster can no longer Gamma Burst while looking at the sky to trigger Anointments. To counter this change, the Seein’ Red passive skill within Zane’s Hitman Skill Tree has been given a buff, effectively giving all players access to additional damage without the requirement of using this Class Mod. Borderlands 3 Update 1.12 patch notes released for PS4, PC, and Xbox One.According to the official bl3 1.12 patch notes, the latest update added the new takedown: Takedown at the Guardian Breach, addresses the first phase of changes to Mayhem … The âPSâ Family logo and âPS4â are registered trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. Stadia, the S logo, and related marks and logos are trademarks of Google LLC. To learn how to check a device's security patch level, see Check and update your Android version. Recommended Posts. All rights reserved. Patch notes - 23rd September 2020. i26 page 5; Prev; 1; 2; Next; Page 1 of 2 . 4: 273: January 15, 2021 Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe Edition problem. As always, please shut everything down to do with Outlands & Run your Launcher as Admin! Certain types of damage were unintentionally being passed to other enemies caught in the Siren’s Phasegrasp. Slay Monstrosities in Torghast’s Twisting Corridors. This is infrequent in the late game, as players generally extend their action skill duration time. Patch notes - 6th January 2021 Check this week's Patch Notes! Home » Patch » GW2 Patch: Game Update Notes: October 13, 2020. October 2020 Game Update [New Feature] Pirates Multiplayer Scenario Warcraft III: Reforged Patch Notes Version 1.32.9 – October 21, 2020 After extensive testing and careful observation of multiple tournaments, we’re happy to release this Version 1.32.9 Balance Update. We have increased the damage bonus to provide more reliable damage. Medjed; 29 Octobre 2020; Discussion fermée Medjed. Published October 5, 2020 | Updated October 6, 2020. The Co-Op Loot Drop event has concluded with the release of the April 30, 2020 Borderlands 3 hotfix. The update on PS4 and Xbox will also include the Y5S3.2 patch that was released on October 5th for PC. Patch notes - 7th October 2020. These changes will be live on all platforms by 12:00 PM PT. Updated Anointments to Support Fourth Skill Tree, Added 14 new Action Skill Damage Anointments, Added support Final Form character cosmetics to New-U stations, Updated some loading screen tips for added clarity, Modified audio priority system for player gunshots, Prevented the Countdown at the start of Takedowns from flashing on the screen too quickly, Updated the ECHO device to show the correct character portrait when characters spoke, Addressed a reported concern where the Photo Mode would not activate when accessing it through the Quick Menu, Resetting the camera using the Reset Camera function in Photo Mode will no longer reset to a random location, Loading screens no longer appear zoomed in when in non-standard aspect ratios, Prevented the ECHO Map from rotating unexpectedly, Updated the Citizen Science Machine to prevent it from occasionally not functioning, Addressed a reported concern where enemies did not spawn during the “Defend BALEX” objective during the mission “The Family Jewel” in Voracious Canopy, Addressed a reported concern where the Eridium deposit failed to appear during the “Break Eridium Deposit” objective during the mission “Beneath the Meridian” in The Forgotten Basilica, Fixed a reported concern where the host could crash when a client ended the Iron Bear Action Skill, Fixed a reported concern where the game could crash when viewing Fast Travel Stations on the ECHO Map, Combined Trials and Circle of Slaughters into a single matchmaking pool, Addressed issue where players matching from a Takedown map would be put into a separate matchmaking pool, Updated matchmaking pools to only consider whether Mayhem Mode is enabled or disabled, instead of creating a pool for each Mayhem Level, Swapped the positions of Confident Competence and Distributed Denial on the Skill Tree, Buffed Gun Damage from Confident Competence, Reworked the ability to allow the shield to refill before it is broken whenever an Action Skill is activated, Updated Ties that Bind to only pass weapon and melee damage to enemies, Weapon Anointments that increase weapon or melee damage after Phaseslam now properly increases damage, Updated Muse Class Mod to prevent double-dipping on damage modifiers, Pets will now receive damage buffs from the global grenade anointment, Addressed a reported concern that when dealing critical hits in rapid succession while using the Rakk Attack Action Skill and Headcount Passive, Rakk Attack charges would not be gained properly, and the cooldown timer was reset. As a reminder, you can always access Matchmaking via the Social menu. Community Manager “J’aime” reçus 7 Points 312 Messages 37. Infernal Arms, Aspects, & Abilities • Eternal Spear (Guan Yu Aspect): increased attack damage; improved attack input buffering (you now can Dash between … A Critical Patch Update is a collection of patches for multiple security vulnerabilities. Until now this was done in... October 29, 2020. Borderlands 3 – OCTOBER 15, 2020 | PATCH AND HOTFIXES, Borderlands 3 – OCTOBER 8, 2020 | PATCH AND HOTFIXES, Borderlands 3 – SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 | PATCH AND HOTFIXES, Borderlands 3 – AUGUST 20, 2020 | PATCH AND HOTFIXES, Borderlands 3 – AUGUST 6, 2020 | PATCH AND HOTFIXES, Borderlands 3 – JULY 23, 2020 | PATCH AND HOTFIXES, Borderlands 3 – JUNE 25, 2020 | PATCH AND HOTFIXES, Activates Bloody Harvest, which will be active from October 8 to November 5 at 9:00 AM PT, Oletta will now consistently lead players to the Traitor Weed testing area in the Bounty of Blood DLC, Using the Galaxy Brain Mayhem Modifier will no longer prevent players from talking to Krieg or entering the loot room in the Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck DLC, Increased number of bullets shot per Terror level, Adjusted the text to match what was happening in-game, Increased the burst fire rate of AR, SMG, and Pistol weapons. To help encourage players to consider builds that remove elemental damage, we’ve buffed the damage mitigation to be stronger here. The intent of this class mod is to provide a way to keep Zane’s drone active nearly indefinitely, but at just 5% chance to refill the cooldown and duration, it wasn’t consistent enough. Our goals with these changes are to increase the Skill Tree build diversity as well as remove the reliance on one Class Mod for builds. To the StarCraft community, ... 19.2.1 Patch Notes. The Rare Chest Event is also deactivated and replaced with the Extractor Breach Event. This skill only provides extra damage on the first bullet of a weapon swap. For consoles, the Y5S3.2 and Y5S3.3 updates will be bundled together and released when the 3.3 patch is ready. We’ve made this change with that play style in mind. Even the updated notes should be studied carefully as they contain substantial extensions and improvements. We found that the value of this passive skill was limited by the cooldown between each grenade, so we’ve cut that in half. Players will need to be conscious of the cooldown time and type of grenade mod they equipped to get maximum value out of this passive skill. Today we’re releasing several changes to Zane’s passive skills and class mods. The damage bonus for this class mod is dependent on the amount of action skill duration time you have left. The stacking bonus only occurs each time one of Zane’s action skills is activated. This page was last edited on 2 October 2020, at 19:00. Does not affect legendary weapons, Increased damage scaling and magazine size, Initial target will now be hit with the weapon’s extra projectiles, Increased the bonus for each active action skill, Increased movement speed while taking Cryo damage, Increased the chance of recharge to SNTNL cooldown’s and active duration. We’ve buffed each significantly. To apply hotfixes, wait at the main menu until you see a sign that reads, “Hotfixes Applied!” If you are experiencing any issues or want to provide feedback, please submit a ticket to Overwatch – 29 October 2020 Patch Notes. Most of the passive skill buffs changed today are used by class mods that had been underperforming. HERO UPDATES We’re making some max health adjustments in 25 HP increments to allow for more fine tuning of heroes’ power. Fight for your life in a thrilling battlefield of alleyways, ancient stone, towering steel, and cat cafes. Patch notes - 9th September 2020. Patch Notes ; Patch Notes for October 8th, 2020 Sign in to follow this . We’ve also got some general fixes and AI adjustments included in this update. 2: 95: January 5, 2021 ... BL3 Xbox One Patch Update 20th November. This Class Mod has been over-performing, so we have removed some of the power from the mod. Activates Bloody Harvest, which will be active from October 8 to November 5 at 9:00 AM PT; Oletta will now consistently lead players to the Traitor Weed testing area in the Bounty of Blood DLC; Dear community, All servers are back online! By The Curator, October 8, 2020 in Patch Notes. Published and distributed by 2K. For more information on balancing changes, see our Designer's Notes. You can choose to gear up your characters quickly using Mayhem 10 or use Mayhem 11 to gear up more slowly with no modifiers. Your email address will not be published. Like the Hitman Tree, the mid-tier passive and capstone skills of this tree had an inverted value relative to their position. Dev Note: Mayhem 11 is a copy of Mayhem 10 without any active modifiers. PATCH Patch Notes for October 16, 2020. Added support for 4th Skill Trees to Twitch ECHOcast, Added support for Arms Race to Twitch ECHOcast, When watching a streamer using the ECHOcast during Arms Race, the inventory, skill trees, and Guardian Rank tabs are hidden. Gearbox and Borderlands, and the Gearbox Software and Borderlands logos, are registered trademarks, all used courtesy of Gearbox Software, LLC. Sign in to follow this . You will receive a link to create a new password via email. 06 January 2021 11:00; Pearl Shop Update: 2021 New Year's Pack Pearl Shop Update: 2021 New Year's Pack 06 January 2021 08:02; Patch notes - 30th December 2020 Check this week's Patch Notes! Please remember the changes require you to save/quit your character once to function properly. Patch Notes - Version 0.20.385 (October 22, 2020) Gameplay Fixed issue with the bouncing impulse of Grenade Launcher grenades being incorrectly calculated … Please close your client and run your launcher. Like Trick of the Light, this damage can feel inconsistent. The latest hotfix addressed various gameplay-related issues and bug fixes. While making these changes, we determined that certain skills should be moved on their respective skill trees to a different position. Paul Tamburro Wednesday, October 14, 2020 The PS4 8.00 update is being deployed today, with Sony revealing patch notes that include updates to … Staff Member. Read on for the full update notes. Oct 9, 2020 #1 THIS PATCH REQUIRES A MANDATORY FILE PATCH. With this change, we are interested to see new builds centered around small magazine sizes, sniper rifles, and more. Dev Note: We’ve added a new series of Action Skill Damage Anointments for all skill trees. Samsung has released an official changelog detailing the many vulnerabilities that have been fixed in the October 2020 security patch. 29 Octobre 2020 #1; Dear Guardians, Another set of Patch Notes have arrived! 10/13/2020—October 13 Release Notes Living World Halloween. 6 / 10 / 2020. Patch Notes - October 2020 Game Update. With today’s patch, we have made several changes to Zane’s Skill Trees and Class Mods. Oct 16, 2020 #1 Heat of Battle. October 16, 2020. If you haven’t checked out our Autumn Harvest event yet, you can find all information HERE! Patch Y5S3.2 will go out to PC the week of October 5th. Security patch levels of 2020-10-05 or later address all of these issues. Skill points that were in the four swapped skills will be refunded when they load their characters the second time. This feels backward, so we have swapped the position of these two skills to better represent their value relative to each other. Kanezaka, nestled beside Hanamura, is our newest Free-For-All Map! 0 GW2 Patch: Game Update Notes: October 13, 2020. Please use a more modern browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge. Bloody Harvest is haunting players in Borderlands 3 until November 5! BUG FIXES GAMEPLAY. October 8, 2020 No Comments. Thanks very much for playing!! This new ECHOcast event will allow viewers an opportunity to win streamer items in a setting that makes sense for Arms Race! Overwatch Retail Patch Notes – January 12, 2021. Y5S3.3 will release the week of October 19th for both PC and PS4, and will release for Xbox the week of October 26th. 2K and the 2K logo are trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. All rights reserved. This change also allows players to get more value out of their shields and Barrier via Distributed Denial being much lower in the tree. Patch Notes; Borderlands 3 – OCTOBER 8, 2020 | PATCH AND HOTFIXES. After investigating community feedback, we developed these changes to make more class mods viable for Zane in the end game. Borderlands 3 Hotfix Patch Notes | April 30, 2020. Borderlands 3 Update 1.17 Patch Notes (bl3 1.17) Advertisement. ACE. Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. The damage from this skill depends on the number of enemies targeting Zane and Zane’s clone and can occasionally be unpredictable. By The Curator, October 6, 2020 in Patch Notes. This change prevents those interactions, but no other changes have been made to this skill. Greetings Adventurers, There is a new adventure on the horizon of Black Desert Online! This update adds support for the new add-on Designer’s Cut, including Arms Race and a fourth skill tree for the Vault Hunters, Mayhem 11, adjustments to character balance, and other reported concerns. Pearl Shop Update: Succession and Awakening Pack. Jan 8. borderlands 3 patch and hotfixes: july 23, 2020 [BL3] Today we will release an update for Borderlands 3 , which will be live on all platforms by 12:00 PM PST (with the exception of Mac, which is planned to go live on July 30). Post-Launch Patch - October 27, 2020 This small patch contains assorted balance changes, fixes, and improvements, following our v1.0 Launch Update.We should have another patch in the coming weeks. Today the land of the Ahib is finally being unveiled. Pearl Shop Update: Autumn Breeze Pack. Players suggested that the stat bonuses provided as a kill skill weren’t strong enough to feel the value. Here is an overview of today’s patch notes: 12: 443: November 30, 2020 Game stuttering on Xbox Series X. This week’s patch includes a few Autumn Harvest related bug fixes. January 30th Hotfixes: Loot Chest Event, ... Borderlands 3 Patch 5 Notes + Full Week of Gifts We have a whole lot of Borderlands news today, as patch 5 has landed and we get a holiday themed week with gifts! ©2019 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, Radeon, Ryzen and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Epic Games and the Epic Games Store logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. in the USA and elsewhere. Patch Notes - October 2020 Game Update . Patch Notes – October 28, 2020. © 2019 Gearbox. Required fields are marked *, You may use these HTML tags and attributes:
. Death Follows Close is an incredibly strong passive skill, much stronger than the effects of the capstone Seein’ Red. This bonus happens infrequently by nature, so we have massively buffed the damage. Followers 4. issue 26 Patch Notes for October 6th, 2020 - Halloween! Hearthstone. Read this Borderlands 3 guide to learn more about the latest news and info regarding the November 7 hot fix patch notes. This fix was omitted from the beta patch notes due to a related exploit; Added support for next-gen consoles, Microsoft Xbox S/X and the Sony PlayStation 5. Oracle Critical Patch Update Advisory - October 2020 Description. Update 23 Patch Notes; Update 22 Patch Notes; Update 21 Patch Notes; Update 20 Patch Notes; Update 19 Patch Notes; Update 18 Patch Notes [Updated for 18.1] Update 17 Patch Notes [Updated for 17.1] Update 16 Patch Notes; Update 15.1 Patch Notes; Juggernaut Edition Patch Notes! Patch notes - 7th October 2020 07 October 2020 . StarCraft II Update - October 15, 2020. October 28, 2020. This Balance Upda… 84: 23689: 20 December 2020 This update includes the new Pirates multiplayer scenario, as well as some balance tweaks to previously-released New Frontier Pass content. Next Update Changelog October Update Patch Notes 10/28. Today, the ECHOcast also received an update to support the Designer’s Cut! Given the percent chance of Duct Tape Mod proccing, it could spell disaster for Zane in close quarters combat. In this Mayhem level, the quality and amount of rewards from world drops are cut in half. 19.2.1 Patch Notes. Overview; Discussion; This update includes the new Pirates multiplayer scenario, as well as some balance tweaks to previously-released New Frontier Pass content. New Map: Kanezaka. After buffing weapons, we started looking at how class mods were impacting the build diversity of the Vault Hunters. In Arms Race, players must extract dropped gear to keep it to use outside of the game mode. Staff Member. BALANCING. Thread starter Luthius; Start date Oct 9, 2020; Luthius Developer. Please remember the changes require you to save/quit your character once to function properly. Our goal is to make sure that no Vault Hunter has an unfair advantage related to Anointments activating. Now players don’t have to worry about accidentally downing themselves when a grenade is launched. [2020] Patch Notes 30 - October. The Android Security Bulletin contains details of security vulnerabilities affecting Android devices. Patch Notes ; Patch Notes for October 6th, 2020 - Halloween! Mayhem 10 gear does drop in Mayhem 11, so there is no need to re-farm any gear at this level. Now all Vault Hunter Action Skills have Anointments to buff their damage. F1 2020 Update 1.15 is out – Patch Notes January 18 no comments Destiny 2 Server Down on January 19, 2021 – Update 3.0.2 no comments EA Madden 21 Hotfix Update 1.23- Patch Notes on January 15 no comments Does Drop in Mayhem 11, so we have increased the likelihood of new! Allows players to consider builds that remove elemental damage, we hope to improve matchmaking... Also received an Update to support the Designer ’ s action skills have Anointments to buff their.... At 20:19 by Starym trees to a different position 3 Super Deluxe Edition problem now players ’. Publisher and its affiliates Patch and HOTFIXES ECHOcast also received an Update to the. Provided as a kill skill weren ’ t have to worry about downing! As necessary in the late Game, as players generally extend their action skill duration time you have left players! 15, 2020 been made to this skill depends on the first of! 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