The table below provides a detailed list of 2019 public holidays in China. With that said, here’s the list of national holidays in Asia for 2020: Cambodia Banks in India are usually shut on public holidays. Here are some of the major daily holiday events by month. April National Days 2020 - National Day Calendar. That's because you didn't select any holiday types. Given below are brief descriptions for each holiday in April 2021: Odisha Day: The day commemorates the establishment of Odisha as a separate British India province. The countries with the least number of holidays are Singapore with 11, and Vietnam has 12. The following are Japanese national holidays and some of the most important other annual nationwide events. Major 2021 Holidays: Many times, but not always, Good Friday, Easter, and Passover fall in April, other times, the holidays fall in March.And, though rarely considered a holiday for many, the inevitable day your annual taxes are due in the U.S. falls in mid-April, typically on the 15th. National Blue Ribbon Week - April 4-10, 2021 (First Full Week of April) National Infant Immunization Week - April 25 - May 1, 2021 (Fourth Week of April) National Playground Safety Week - April 26-30, 2021 (Last Monday - Friday week in April) National Princess Week - April 18-24, 2021 (Last Full Week of April) Valentine’s Day is a special time to celebrate love, romance and friendship. The official holidays in Turkey are established by the Act 2429 of March 19, 1981 that replaced the Act 2739 of May 27, 1935. Italian Easter week celebrations start during the week before Easter and continue through Easter Monday, La Pasquetta, a national holiday and a day where you may find some very interesting festivals.One of Easter's most unusual events is the Scoppio del Carro, or Explosion of the Cart, in front of the Duomo in Florence. The country celebrates Republic Day on 26 January , Independence Day on 15 August and Gandhi Jayanti on 02 October every year.. Month Wise Government Holidays in 2021 In view of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, which are scheduled to be held on 11th April, Telangana government has declared a public holiday on the day of the election. The Act determines whenever any public holiday falls on a Sunday, the Monday following on it shall be a public holiday. National Holiday: Friday: Apr 03: Children's Day (in lieu) National Holiday: Friday is a holiday as Childrens Day falls on a Saturday: Sunday: Apr 05: Tomb-Sweeping Day: National Holiday: Tomb Sweeping Day: Friday: May 01: Labor day: National Holiday: Private sector workers only: Sunday: May 10: Mother's Day: Not A Public Holiday: 2nd Sunday in May. EU-wide celebrations are indicated in bold. Major 2021 Daily Holiday Calendar There are many daily holidays and special days, with one or more on every day of the year. On these days, most sightseeing areas and central shopping centers will be filled with people. 04553601 Powered by Roeville. National Florida Tomato Month National BLT Sandwich Month National Soft Pretzel Month National Soyfoods Month National Grilled Cheese Month National Garlic Month April 12-18: National Egg Salad Week Daily Holidays April 1 National Soylent Green Day National Sourdough Bread Day April 2 National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day April 3 National Chocolate Mousse Day April… Sometimes,as in this year, an extra day might be declared a holiday to make a continuous break. Here is a short list encompassing all European countries. China has seven legal holidays in a year, including New Year's Day, Chinese New Year (Spring Festival), Qingming Festival, May Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Day and National Day. There are currently 14.5 days of public holiday in Turkey, one of the highest number worldwide. If New Year’s Day is Saturday a substitute holiday is given on 4 January by Royal Proclamation. Good Friday - date varies National … Tax Day April 15, 2021. Shops, restaurants and tourist attractions in Japan are generally open on national holidays, except on New Year.. Coach holidays to Britain. There are as many national days in April as there are flowers, and we're excited to celebrate them all with you! 1 January: New Year’s Day 21 March: Human Rights Day 10 April: Good Friday 13 April: Family Day 27 April: Freedom Day 1 May: Workers' Day 16 June: Youth Day 9 August: National Women’s Day. It is also known as the Tuesday of Carnival, which is a festive occasion among many cultures. To mark the occasion, people indulge in merrymaking and decorating shops. 3: World Party Day: Fun: World: Apr. National holidays are often accompanied by fireworks, and sometimes processions and official ceremonies. This seems to be a hint that the month has a lot of fun in store for us. Enter our Weekly Contest. For a few days at the end of April, residents celebrate in style with carnivals, festivals, and copious amounts of sparkling wine and sima. We keep track of fun holidays and special moments on the cultural calendar — giving you exciting activities, deals, local events, brand promotions, and other exciting ways to celebrate. Wholesale Options, Corporate Shirts National Holidays in India 2021. This article introduces information on national and consecutive holidays for 2020 and 2021. Upcoming holidays in. Speaking & Appearance Some of the important Regional variations in National holidays in UK latest In Scotland the holiday on 1 January (or 2 January if 1 January is Sunday) is statutory. We keep track of fun holidays and special moments on the cultural calendar — giving you exciting activities, deals, local events, brand promotions, and other exciting ways to celebrate. National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day. Walpurgis Day, or Vappu, is one of Finland’s biggest national holidays. All-India holidays include Republic Day (January 26), Independence Day (August 15), and Gandhi Jayanti (October 2). National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, National Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet Day, National Oklahoma City Bombing Commemoration Day, National Administrative Professionals’ Day, National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day. Free Comic Book Day May 01, 2021. In addition, there are countless local annual festivals. Take advantage of thinner crowds with lazy days on blockbuster beaches – ordinarily packed, pink-hued Elafonisi should be left in relative peace. Includes 2021 Observances, Fun Facts & Religious Holidays: Christian, Catholic, Jewish & Muslim. Become An Ambassador Workers may have to work the … It’s not surprising that many people’s most treasured memories are from holidaying here in Britain – and with so many coach breaks and holidays to choose from, you’re certain of creating lasting memories with National Holidays. Holidays Ltd trading as National Holidays, registered office address: First Floor, 111 High Street, Cheltenham, GLoucestershire, GL50 1DW VAT Registration No. National One Cent Day. India has three national holidays. 15 April (Friday): Good Friday (Goede Vrijdag) – only for government workers – not an official public holiday, however; 18 April (Monday): Easter Monday (Pasen) 27 April (Wednesday): King’s Day (Koningsdag) 4 May (Wednesday): National Remembrance Day (Dodenherdenking) – not an official holiday, however Sundays. 2: World Autism Awareness Day: Cause, International: World: Apr. Tax Day April 15, 2021. Please check at least one of the boxes. Popular upcoming holidays you may be interested in. The following table lists the date and name for select national holidays in countries around the world. Prior to 2007, Vietnamese workers observed 8 days of public holiday a year, among the lowest in the region. If you find a mistake, please let us know. Mardi Gras February 16, 2021. No holidays shown? List of National Holidays and festivals in April 2022 with information on the meaning of the holidays. Your guide to the New Zealand Public Holiday Shop Opening Days. 5: National Burrito Day: Food This list of National Days in April breaks down the month into a day by day account of the national days that will be happening this month to help celebrate in a fun way. In Holland there are a multitude of official and traditional holidays that the Dutch enjoy celebrating. National Burrito Day – First Thursday in April. The First Quarter Moon is a primary Moon phase when we can see exactly half of the Moon's surface illuminated. National Ice Cream Day July 18, 2021. In an effort to simplify this massive list of holidays, I’ve divided … National holiday: Apr 5: Monday: Easter Monday: Observance: Apr 6: Tuesday: The Day Following Easter Monday: National holiday: May 1: Saturday: Labour Day: National holiday: May 9: Sunday: Mother's Day: Observance: May 19: Wednesday: Buddha's Birthday: National holiday: Jun 14: Monday: Dragon Boat Festival: National holiday: Jun 20: Sunday: Father's Day: Observance: Jun 21: Monday: June Solstice: … The 4th month of the year starts with April Fool's Day. Some museums, such as the Uffizi Gallery and Naples Archaeology Museum, are closed on May 1. Comprehensive list of National Public Holidays that are celebrated in Vietnam during 2021 with dates and information on the origin and meaning of holidays. AprilHolidays. Since it's so close to Liberation Day, many Italians take a vacation from April 25 through May 1. Sticker Promo’s National Day of Prayer May 06, 2021. Belgian public holidays during 2022. April 2nd. Holidays and festivals. Some holidays combine with the weekends, creating consecutive holidays. April 25: National Go Birding Day Build bird feeders, bring your binoculars for a walk in the woods, or, if you live in the city, take a little extra time to notice all the pigeons . Find the day, month, and year of inception for independence, revolution, flag, and founding days of more than 100 nations. About National Today. Holidays are normally observed on their calendar date. Carnival Monday is two days before Ash Wednesday and parades are held in many Catholic areas of Germany. Shrove Tuesday is a religious holiday that is on the day before Ash Wednesday. Trademark Licensing This website uses cookies. * Observed only in some communities of this state. Find the holiday dates in 2021 for St Patrick’s Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Early May bank holiday, Spring bank holiday, Orangemen’s Day, Summer bank holiday, St Andrew’s Day, Christmas and Boxing Day. Saturdays. 1 January (Saturday): New Year’s Day 18 April (Monday): Easter Monday 1 May (Sunday): Labor Day 26 May (Thursday): Ascension Day (40 days after Easter) 6 June (Monday): Whit Monday – the seventh Monday after Easter, also known as Pentecost Monday 21 July (Thursday): Belgium National Day (Belgian Independence Day) – commemorates the … May 1, the day of the worker, is another Italian national holiday with more festivals, parades, and special events. These holidays can be grouped in national and religious holidays. National Ferret Day. 04553601 Powered by Roeville. Check 2021 UK Public and Bank Holidays. April 2021 Weekly Holidays *APAWS Pooper Scooper Week: 1-7 *Golden Rule Week: 1-7 *Laugh at Work Week: 1-7 *Medication Safety Week: 1-7 *Testicular Cancer Awareness Week: 1-7 (aka Get A Grip Day!) Japan has sixteen public holidays each year. Detailed introducti… Are you a small business owner or marketer? April; April Fool's Day (Wed., April 1, 2020) ... and President Woodrow Wilson officially proclaimed Mother's Day a national holiday in 1914. If a national holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday is also turned into a holiday. April 2021 Calendar with Holidays in printable format - United States. There are ten annual U.S. federal holidays on the calendar designated by the United States Congress.Unlike many other countries, there are no “national holidays” in the United States because Congress only has constitutional authority to create holidays for federal institutions. Vappu, Finland: April 30 to May 1. You can publish the content on the day in question, but if you’re looking for potential search engine traffic, publish a post ahead of time. Privacy & Terms, Remembrance Day for the Victims of National Socialism, Remembrance Day for Roma and Sinti killed by Genocide. National holiday: Apr 25: Sunday: The Feast of St Mark (Venice) Local holiday: May 1: Saturday: Labor Day / May Day: National holiday: Jun 2: Wednesday: Republic Day: National holiday: Jun 21: Monday: June Solstice: Season: Jun 24: Thursday: The Feast of St. John (Florence, Genoa, Turin) Local holiday: Jun 29: Tuesday: The Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul (Rome) Local holiday: Aug 15: Sunday Many times, but not always, Good Friday, Easter, and Passover fall in April, other times, the holidays fall in March.And, though rarely considered a holiday for many, the inevitable day your annual taxes are due in the U.S. falls in mid-April, typically on the 15th. Atheist Day. Fundraising Program If it is the left or right half, depends on where you are on Earth. Hover your mouse over the region or click on the holiday for details. Among this group, Myanmar has the most holidays with a total of 26 holidays. There are certain bank holidays that are state-specific and some where banks throughout the country are shut. Use National Holidays on Social Media and in Content Marketing: Create content for your blog highlighting a national holiday, national week or national month relevant to your business. Public Holiday: Saturday: Dec 26: St. Stephen's Day: Zweiter Weihnachtsfeiertag: Public Holiday: Second day of Christmas: Notes. Tue, April 6: National Tartan Day Observance: Wed, April 7: National Beer Day: Multiple Types: Thu, April 15: Tax Day: Observance: Wed, April 21: San Jacinto Day: Texas ... Popular upcoming holidays you may be interested in. Mardi Gras February 16, 2021. The data source for public holidays and school holidays, since 2003 We keep track of fun holidays and special moments on the cultural calendar — giving you exciting activities, deals, local events, brand promotions, and other exciting ways to celebrate. The country with the longest consecutive holiday is China with 8 consecutive days of holidays. National Sourdough Bread Day. For the April Holidays, after all the April Fool's Jokes and Pranks are pulled, one of the important Holidays that we all should be paying attention to is Earth Day.One of the most popular and relevant Religious Holidays in Christianity is Easter which falls in April 12th in 2020. Public Holiday Thu, April 15: National Take a Wild Guess Day - Weird: Thu, April 15: National … Ascension Day (Thurs., May 21, 2020) The Ascension of Jesus took place in the presence of his apostles 40 days after the Resurrection. Christian, Common local holiday: Brandenburg: Apr 4: Sunday: Easter Sunday: Silent Day: All except BB: Apr 5: Monday: Easter Monday: National holiday, Christian : Apr 22: Thursday: Girls' Day - Career Information Day: Observance : Apr 23: Friday: German Beer Day: Observance : Apr 30: Friday: Walpurgis Night: Observance : May 1: Saturday: May Day: National holiday : May 5: Wednesday National Burrito Day - first Thursday of month. Most shops are required to be closed on Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Christmas Day, and the morning of Anzac Day (until 1pm). April Fool's Day. Sweepstakes & Contest Rules Holidays Ltd trading as National Holidays, registered office address: First Floor, 111 High Street, Cheltenham, GLoucestershire, GL50 1DW VAT Registration No. Learn about 30 holidays and other special days in April, including fun food holidays, national days of celebration, and other notable events. International Tatting Day. Monday-ised. The government informed this through a statement and has asked all private companies to comply with the order. In order to allow individuals, exercise their democratic right Tamil Nadu government has declared April 18 as a public holiday. 3: National Find a Rainbow Day: Fun: U.K., U.S. Apr. On the first of January, some Dutch people greet the New Year by taking an invigorating plunge into cold water, for instance the traditional New Year’s Day ´Dip in the Sea´ on the beach in Scheveningen. Easter, Pasqua, often falls in April. April makes a great shoulder season – outside of the Easter school holidays, of course – with the mercury rising amiably before summer’s sweltering peak. April 2021 Calendar view of national and regional public holidays observed by countries around the world. 801963340, Registered in England No. The state declared the holiday under negotiable Instruments Act, 1881. All public holidays are also a bank holiday and all authorised deposit-taking institutions will be closed on bank holidays. This page contains a calendar of all 2021 public holidays for Australia. April 2. Free Comic Book Day May 01, 2021. Site Advertising Includes 2021 Observances, Fun Facts & Religious Holidays: Christian, Catholic, Jewish & Muslim. Holidays in April 2021. List of April 2021 Holidays. April 1st. April 2021 Daily Holiday *April Fools or All Fools Day: 1 *Atheist Day: 1 Link *Boomer Bonus Days: 1 Holy Thursday: 1 (Thursday Before Easter) *International Tatting Day: 1 Link *Library Snap Shot Day: 1 *Myles Day: 1 National Burrito Day: 1 (First Thursday) *National Fun Day: 1 About National Today. 801963340, Registered in England No. These dates may be modified as official changes are announced, so please check back regularly for updates. We take online security seriously and do the utmost to protect your details - find out more. We diligently research and continuously update our holiday dates and information. Marketing your business on social media just got a lot easier with this complete list of holidays, observances, and special dates for April 2021. Scroll down to view the national list or choose your state’s calendar. 4: National Walking Day: Fun, Health: U.S. Apr. For: Select All Clear All Reset to Default Federal/National Holidays (13) Local Holidays (87) Important Observances (14) Common Observances (39) Other Observances (30) Local Observances (31) Seasons (4) Clock Change Dates (2) Worldwide Observances (31) United Nations Observances (134) Major Christian (6) More Christian (20) Major Jewish (7) More Jewish (17) Major Muslim (7) Major Hinduism … Looking for holidays or special dates to celebrate on social media? Europe is extremely rich in festivals and holidays, be them Christian, pagan or non-religious. National … Not a public holiday: Thursday: Jun 25 2021 National Day CALENDAR PACK ON SALE!! At National Today, we love celebrating 102 April holidays. April 18 to be a public holiday in Tiruchi . Children's Book Day. When 1 January, 26 January, 25 December & 26 December fall on a Saturday the public holiday transfers to the following Monday (or Tuesday in the case of 26 December) however the Saturday is still a bank holiday. © Time and Date AS 1995–2020. About National Today. April 2021 Calendar with Holidays in printable format - United States. Gianni Pasquini/EyeEm/Getty Images. Public holidays in Vietnam are days when workers get the day off work. 1: April Fools’ Day: Fun: U.S. Apr. We take online security seriously and do the utmost to protect your details - find out more. On 28 March 2007 the government added the traditional holiday commemorating the mythical Hùng kings to its list of public holidays, [1] increasing the number of days to 10. 2: National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day: Food: U.S. Apr. If they fall on a weekend, the next working day becomes a holiday. 4: National Hug a Newsperson Day: Career: U.S. Apr. As of January the 1st 2014, Anzac Day and Waitangi day became "Mondayised" which means if they fall on a weekend, the following Monday becomes a day off work. National holiday: Apr 29: Thursday: Shōwa Day: National holiday: May 3: Monday: Constitution Memorial Day: National holiday: May 4: Tuesday: Greenery Day: National holiday: May 5: Wednesday: Children's Day: National holiday: Jun 21: Monday: June Solstice: Season: Jul 7: Wednesday: Star Festival: Observance: Jul 22: Thursday: Sea Day: National holiday: Jul 23: Friday: Sports Day: National holiday: … Week 4 National Karaoke Week April, 2021 Daily Holidays, Special and Wacky Days: April 1. Make sure to mark them on your calendar, and celebrate every one, big or small. Except for German Unity Day, public holidays in Germany are determined by the federal states. April Fool’s Day. Contact Us, Register a National Day Top Cookies. The statement added that action will be taken against those companies who fail to pay the employees … Hope it can help you make a good tour plan. 11th April Declared as Public Holiday in Telangana . The state came into being on 1 April 1936. Holiday: Category: Region: Apr. If you’d like to avoid the crowds and enjoy sightseeing comfortably, we suggest avoiding these holidays. BANK HOLIDAYS IN INDIA 2021. Comprehensive list of National Public Holidays that are celebrated in Taiwan during 2020 with dates and information on the origin and meaning of holidays. Reunification Day is 30th April and May 1 is International Labour Day. 2020 2021 2022 2020. Comprehensive list of National Public Holidays that are celebrated in Romania during 2020 with dates and information on the origin and meaning of holidays. International Fun at Work Day. 1 January: New Year’s Day21 March: Human Rights Day19 April: Good Friday*22 April: Family Day*27 April: Freedom Day1 May: Workers' Day8 May: Elections (as proclaimed in Government Gazette 42250 of 26 February 2019)16 June: Youth Day17 June: Public holiday**9 August: National Women’s Day24 September: Heritage Day16 December: Day of Reconciliation25 December: Christmas Day26 December: Day of Goodwill* The dates on which Good Friday and Easter Sunday fall are determined according to th…