Fax: 406-932-5433. The appointment of a court clerk in each county is part of its original judicial system with seven year term. The passport application, renewal application, and more detailed information on fees and required documentation are available at www.travel.state.gov.. Read Privacy Policy, © 2021 Sweet Grass County | Website design and development by Classic Ink Creative. 'https:' : 'http:') + '//contextual.media.net/nmedianet.js?cid=8CU2YUQM6' + (isSSL ? The Sweet Grass County Clerk, located in Big Timber, Montana, is the official keeper of public records for Sweet Grass County. The primary duty of the Clerk of Court is to receive, docket, index, certify, and preserve court orders, pleadings, and other filed legal documents with the court. Know who and how to contact your Big Timber, Montana Clerk of Court for fast and hassle-free transactions: Big Timber Clerk of Court Sweet Grass County Clerk and Clerk of Court. The Sweet Grass County Court Records (Montana) links below open in a new window and will take you to third party websites that are useful for finding Sweet Grass County public records. Sweet Grass County Court Records https://supremecourtdocket.mt.gov/ Find Sweet Grass County, Montana court records by date, time, case number, and parties. Sweet Grass County - Clerk Of Court 200 West 1 Avenue Big Timber, MT 59011 p (406) 932-5154 f (406) 932-5433 Sweet Grass County Clerk-Court P.O. Fax: 406-932-5433. medianet_crid = "348430511"; var isSSL = 'https:' == document.location.protocol; Court Compliance: 406-932-5150. Sweet Grass County Genealogy Records are kept by a number of different government agencies and departments in Sweet Grass County, Montana. Sweet Grass County Marriage & Divorce Records Databases. Sweet Grass County, Montana Public Records Directory - Quickly find public record sources in the largest human edited public record directory. Population: 3,699. It is the goal and responsibility of the Clerk of Court to serve the public in areas including, but not limited to, case management, marriage licenses, passports, and child support records. Department Directory Clerk Address: 115 W 5th Ave., Big Timber, MT 59011. Sweet Grass County Vital Records Databases. Fax:406-932-5433. We assist District Court judges by providing optimum and efficient management of all District Court records. The Sweet Grass County Court, located in Big Timber, Montana is a government institution where legal disputes are resolved in accordance with the law. County Courthouse [edit | edit source] Sweet Grass County Courthouse 200 W 1st Avenue Big Timber, MT 59011-0460 Phone: 406.932.5152 Sweet Grass County Website County Clerk and Recorder has birth records from 1907, death and burial records from 1900 and land records from 1895; Its county seat is Big Timber. Find your local Clerk of Court to process and access public records for all court-related cases. Jury service is a privilege and can be a most rewarding and educational experience. The Sweet Grass County Vital Records (Montana) links below open in a new window and will take you to third party websites that are useful for finding Sweet Grass County public records. Clerk of Courts is not associated with any government agency or non profit organizations. Jurors are initially called to service by a letter of notification and a request to complete a juror questionnaire. Park County District Court. District court, Justice of the Peace, City Judge and Court Clerk information of Livingston and Big Timber Montana. Montana Court Locator offers free info on all judicial courts. The Sweet Grass County Annex Building Closure Department: Clerk & Recorder , County Commissioners Building closure to public 3-23-20 From the office of the County Commissioners: Beginning Tuesday, March 24th: Until further notice, we are implementing the following process to protect our employees. Phone: 406-932-5150. In Big Timber Criminal Courts, the government brings a case against a defendant who is accused of breaking the law. / How Can I Become a Clerk of Court? INFORMATION NEEDED: Picture ID and Proof of age – Valid Driver’s License, State issued ID, Military ID, Passport or birth certificate. 8AM-12PM/ 1PM - 5PM. The Sweet Grass County Clerk of Court directory assistance facilitates finding the local court office, the Clerk of Court name and other vital contact information. Sweet Grass County government consists of nine elected officials and eight departments. Office Hours: Mountain June Little (406) 222-4125. If the parties have settled, the case will be marked as such here, and you would not need to appear for service. Jurors will be kept apprised by this web page or by calling the Clerk of District Court during office hours at 406-932-5154. 200 West 1st Ave PO Box 698 Big Timber, MT 59011. ¶9 Following these transactions, Norman K. Starr had the remainder of the property the Starrs purchased in January 1995 surveyed. Deputy: Catherine McKenzie sgclerk3@itstriangle.com. ABOUT JURY TRIAL STATUS: Date and length of trials may vary depending upon the cases. Mailing: PO Box 1432 Big Timber, MT 59011. medianet_width = "728"; Fax: 932-5433. Website: http://courts.mt.gov. County Courthouse(office upstairs)200 West 1st AvenueBig Timber, MT 59011. 414 East Callender St. PO Box 437 Livingston, MT 59047. Sweet Grass County government consists of nine elected officials and eight departments. Please be aware that policies and procedures may change, meeting dates may vary due to scheduling conflicts, and the information contained herein may only be a portion of the information needed for land use activities. })(); The Sweet Grass County Clerk of Court is a vital administrative office in the judicial system of Montana. Can the Clerk of Court Help with a Lost Passport? As Jury Commissioner, the Clerk of District Court is responsible for the management of the lists of names for each court in the county. Learn More You can contact the elected court clerk and administrative staffs in your area for public inspection of public records during normal business hours. Jurors will be kept apprised by this web page or by calling the … county commissioners Big Timber, Melville, Greycliff, and McLeod are located inside Sweet Grass County and is governed by the Board of County Commissioners. medianet_height = "90"; Add to Print List Remove from Print List Notes. The phone number for Sweet Grass County District Court - 6th Judicial District is 406-932-5154 and the fax number is 406-932-5433. As a mandated office, they are responsible for the maintenance of the records for civil actions and criminal felonies. The office of the county Clerk of Court maintains the records and processes according to the orders of the court. Code: 1,855 sq. Our aspiration is to attain these obligations as efficiently and amiably as possible, as would be expected by the citizens of Sweet Grass County. Death Records are kept by Vital Records Offices or Sweet Grass County Clerk's Offices, which may be run by the state or at the local level. Contact Information: Phone Number: 932-5154. Sweet Grass County is a county located in the U.S. state of Montana As of the 2010 census, the population was 3, 651. Fax: (406) 932-3026. Sweet Grass County Marriage License Requirements. Some states may also have paternity registries and affidavits of parentage for children born to single parents. Please visit our directory for specific contact information. Courthouse (office upstairs) The court clerk is available to provide court-related assistance to the public according to their jurisdiction. Call, or visit the court's … 8AM-12PM / 1PM - 5PM, Clerk of Court: Barb Swanson [email protected], Deputy Clerk of Court: Marilyn Wilson [email protected]. Editorial staff monitor and update these links on a frequent basis. Clerk Address: 115 W 5th Ave., Big Timber, MT 59011. The Board of County Commissioners of Sweet Grass County (Board) rejected Jackson's subdivision application. P.O. Box 460 Bigtimber, MT 59011 Ph: 406-932-5154 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. / M – F (except for Court Approved Holidays) Montana Wedding Officiants for your wedding or vow renewal ceremony. The county of Sweet Grass is located in south central Montana. If you have any questions, please email the Clerk of Court or call us at 406-932-5154. Election Administrator: Vera Pederson sgclerk1@itstriangle.com. Submit one form to top-rated marriage officiants in your locality. Code: 1,855 sq. These can include Sweet Grass County birth certificates, birth indexes, and birth databases. Big Timber, MT 59011, Office Hours: Mon - Fri Find property records, vital records, inmate and court records, professional and business licenses, contractor licenses and much more. APPLICATIONS are processed from 8:00 am TO 2:00 pm DAILY. Marriage License Fee: $53. Email:[email protected] Clerk of Court:Barb Swanson [email protected] Deputy Clerk of Court:Marilyn Wilson [email protected] Marriage License Requirements. Search for free Sweet Grass County, MT Public Records, including Sweet Grass County business licenses & records, court records, criminal records & warrants, inmate & jail records, marriage & divorce records, property records, vital records, and voter records & election results. Passports for persons 15 years of age and younger are valid for five years and those for persons 16 years of age and older are valid for ten years. Phone: (406) 932-5152 . Editorial staff monitor and update these links on a frequent basis. ABOUT JURY TRIAL STATUS: Date and length of trials may vary depending upon the cases. All information should be independently verified, and updated/supplemental information requested by an applicant or interested person. The collection consists of images to birth, death, coroner, naturalization, probate (including estate files) and deed records from the Clerk of the District Court, County Clerk, and Recorder's Offices in Big Timber. The court address is 200 West 1st Avenue, PO Box 698, Big Timber, MT 59011. The Clerk's office ensures that public records are retained, archived, and made accessible to the public in accordance with all laws and regulations. County Clerk, Judge, or Other Info: Staff:Deanna Novotny. The Sweet Grass County Marriage & Divorce Records (Montana) links below open in a new window and will take you to third party websites that are useful for finding Sweet Grass County public records. In Montana, Sweet Grass County is ranked 19th of 56 counties in Courts per capita, and 26th of 56 counties in Courts … The new jury laws that became effective October 2007 allow for lists of potential jurors to be derived from all names in the lists of registered voters, licensed drivers and holders of Montana Identification cards. 200 West 1st Avenue Sweet Grass Co. MT Court, Probate Land and Tax Records. Phone:406-932-5154. These can include Sweet Grass County death certificates, local and Montana State death registries, and the National Death Index. Passport Requirements. Disclaimer: While we attempt to ensure the accuracy and suitability of the information on these pages under our control, no representation or guarantee is made as to the suitability or correctness of all information contained on these pages, or linked herein. var mnSrc = (isSSL ? (function() { Population: 3,699. It is the official duty and responsibility of the court clerk to be the record keeper and correspondence between the public and the court. There are 2 Courts in Sweet Grass County, Montana, serving a population of 3,646 people in an area of 1,855 square miles.There is 1 Court per 1,823 people, and 1 Court per 927 square miles.. Deputy: Brooke Metcalf Bare sgclerk4@itstriangle.com. What Do I Need to Give The Clerk of Court For a Marriage License. The U.S. Census Bureau maintains Genealogy Records in the form of census data. http://sweetgrasscountygov.com/government-departments/county-govt/clerk-Clerk of Court/. Website: http://sweetgrasscountygov.com/government-departments/county-govt/clerk-Clerk of Court/ Office Hours: Mountain. Sweet Grass County pulls approximately 850 names for each annual pool and from that group we randomly select jurors for all courts in the jurisdiction. Mailing:PO Box 698. Phone: 406-932-5150. / Privacy Policy / Terms of Service. The Cannabis, a psychoactive plant Sweet Grass County Montana US Sweet Grass Creek, Montana US Sweet Grass Montana US Sweet Grass Edmonton Canada Sweetgrass Sweet Grass Creek is a tributary of the Yellowstone River, approximately 50 mi 80 … The birth and death records have been indexed. We list Clerk of Courts throughout the US.Copyrights © 2021 All Rights Reserved. Contacting the Clerk of Court in Sweet Grass County, Montana … If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact this office. Sweet Grass County Justice Court is located in Sweet Grass county in Montana. The Courts recognize the difficulties jurors face in making themselves available for participation in the judicial process and every effort is made to avoid all possible inconvenience to jurors, their families, and employers. We will do our best to accommodate every juror’s needs. As a result, Jackson filed suit in the Sixth Judicial District Court, Sweet Grass County. Montana, Sweet Grass County Records, 1887-2011 Description Images of birth, death, coroner, naturalization, probate (including estate files) and deed records from the Clerk of the District Court, County Clerk, and Recorder's Offices in Big Timber. We assist District Court judges by providing optimum and efficient management of all District Court records. However, the office became elective with the elected officer given four years in office. / What Do I Need to Give The Clerk of Court For a Marriage License / What Kind of Records Does a Clerk of Court Keep? A jury summons is issued two weeks prior to the trial date for specific trials informing jurors as to the date and time for service and an approximate length of trial. Box 460 Bigtimber, MT 59011 p 406-932-5154; US Bankruptcy Court Court Clerk PO Box 689 Butte, MT 59703 p (406) 782-3354 f (406) 782-0537 US District Court Court Clerk Clerk Address: 115 W 5th Ave., Big Timber, MT 59011, Website: http://sweetgrasscountygov.com/government-departments/county-govt/clerk-Clerk of Court/. Barb Swanson (406) 932-5154 Clerk & Recorder: Vera Pederson sgclerk1@itstriangle.com. All errors should be brought to our attention so they may be corrected. We are able to notify jurors as to any settlement of cases via this web page &/or by calling the jurors on the panel. 6th Judicial District is comprised of Park County and Sweet Grass County. Sweet Grass Clerk of Court: Sweet Grass County Clerk and Clerk of Court. Fax: (406) 932-3026. The collection includes records from 1887-201. Jurors are welcome to call the Clerk of Court office at 406-932-5154. The phone number for Sweet Grass County Justice Court is 406-932-5150 and the fax number is 406-932-5433. Birth, death, coroners, naturalization, probate including estate files and deed records from the Clerk of the District Court, County Clerk, and Recorder's Offices in Big Timber. Please visit our directory for specific contact information. Office Hours: Monday - Friday. To view digital images of these Montana, Sweet Grass County Records, click here.Not available on microfilm. medianet_versionId = "111299"; [+] General Jury Duty Information. Editorial staff monitor and update these links on a frequent basis. Montana Court Records Research Guide; Sweet Grass County Records, 1885-2011 (familysearch.org) Birth, death, coroners, naturalization, probate including estate files and deed records from the Clerk of the District Court, County Clerk, and Recorder’s Offices in Big Timber. Call, email, or visit your local Sweet Grass County Clerk of Court office. Sweet Grass County District Court. In Montana, jurors’ names for all courts are obtained annually from the Secretary of State. Phone: (406) 932-5152 . The court address is 200 West 1st Avenue, PO Box 1432, Big Timber, MT 59011. '&https=1' : ''); Sweet Grass County Criminal Records https://app.mt.gov/choprs/ Find Sweet Grass County, Montana criminal records by … What Kind of Records Does a Clerk of Court Keep. *Not location specific. The Clerk & Recorder department of Sweet Grass County is responsible for the recording, scanning and indexing of deeds, mortgages, surveys, mining work, … miles. District Court jurors number about 500 persons annually and from this group names are drawn randomly to serve on specific trials. The Sweet Grass County Clerk of Court keeps the records for the Courts of Appeals and Common Pleas. document.write(' '); Our aspiration is to attain these obligations as efficiently and amiably as possible, as would be expected by the citizens of Sweet Grass County. Facility Name: Street Address: City: State: ZIP Code: Public Phone: DEER LODGE COUNTY CLERK OF COURT: 800 MAIN STREET: ANACONDA: MT: 59711: 4065634040: FALLON COUNTY CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT Address is 200 West 1st Ave PO Box 698 Big Timber, 59011! ' ) + '//contextual.media.net/nmedianet.js? cid=8CU2YUQM6 ' + ( isSSL duty and responsibility sweet grass county clerk of court the records processes! Read Privacy Policy, © 2021 all Rights Reserved educational experience need to Give the Clerk Court. Starrs purchased in January 1995 surveyed Judge and Court records, inmate and Court Clerk available! Become a Clerk of Court Help with a Lost sweet grass county clerk of court your locality nine... Free to contact this office is 406-932-5433 local and Montana State death registries and! 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