Of this, however, there is no evidence, and we are, though most reluctantly, compelled to accept it as his work, together with the equally atrocious letter to Sporacius on the Nestorian heresy. The hall re-echoed with cries and counter-cries which interrupted all proceedings. It excites our wonder at what Dr. Newman calls the "easy credence, or as moderns would say large credulousness," which appears more astonishing as he had been brought up in the most matter-of-fact, prosaic, and critical school of ancient Christendom. To these may be added the Refutation of the Twelve Chapters, and the following given in the Auctarium of Garnerius. This desire he saw in part fulfilled. Theodoret was one of the last to yield. The last of the great biblical commentators of the school of Antioch, Theodoret wrote works on all the prophets during his years as bishop of Cyrus. After some 7 years in the Apamean monastery, he was drawn to assume the cares of the episcopate. He was master of Greek, Syriac, and Hebrew, but unacquainted with Latin. 125, 126, 129; Le Brigandage , pp. (Gal. How the Lord God is long suffering towards those who rage against him, and chastises those who abuse his patience, is plainly taught by the acts and by the fate of Valens. When these documents arrived, Theodoret was at Antioch with other bishops of the province. V. Epistolary .—No portion of Theodoret's literary remains exceeds in interest and value the large collection of his letters. v. ed. he cried. Dioscorus, who seems to have regarded himself as "the lawful inheritor of Cyril's guardianship of anti-Nestorian orthodoxy," wrote to Theodoret's patriarch, Domnus, who c. 442 had succeeded his uncle John in the see of Antioch, informing him that Theodoret was creating a crypto-Nestorian party, practically teaching Nestorianism under another name and striking at "the one Nature of the Incarnate." It was singularly rich in monastic houses for both sexes, some of them containing as many as 250 inmates, and it boasted of a large number of solitaries. "It has been observed that "the Antiochenes were fascinated by prophecy" (Frances M. Young). Controversial , dealing with the anathematisms of Cyril, the Eutychian heresy, and, in a work written towards the end of his life, with heresies in general. Part of a Commentary on St. Luke. Theodoret emerges in this work as a measured commentator and balanced exponent of his school's hermeneutical and theological principles. These works attracted architects and engineers to the city, and afforded remunerative employment to many people, for whose benefit he secured the help of presbyters skilled in medical science ( Epp. THEODORET, b. at Antioch towards the close of the fourth century; d. at Cyrus, or Cyrrhus, the capital of the Syrian province of Cyrrhestica, 457.He was educated in the monastery of St. Euprepius, near Antioch; ordained a deacon by Bishop Porphyrius; and elected bishop of Cyrus in 420 and 423. ed. All was now changed. The East has ever been the nursery of heresy. xv. 728). Their respective titles indicate the line adopted in each. The documents were prior to the council of Ephesus and to the formal condemnation of Nestorius then passed. As throwing light on his personal history and character, and as helping us to understand the perplexed relations of the principal actors in that stormy period of theological strife and their various shades of theological opinion, their importance cannot be over-estimated. by Theodoret of Cyrus | Jan 1, 2007 Paperback Commentary on the Psalms 73-150: Vol. Theodoret appears to have been mentioned by name in the edict of recall. From his "internement" at Cyrrhus Theodoret calmly watched his enemies' proceedings. Though caught up in the theological currents in the period between the Church councils of Ephesus in 431 and Chalcedon in 451, he could claim in a letter late in that period to have commented on "all the prophets, the psalter, and the apostle. Feodorit. To these may be added a discourse on Charity, περὶ θείας ... together with Garnier's 5 learned but most one-sided dissertations on (1) the life, (2) the writings, (3) the faith of Theodoret, (4) on the fifth general council, and (5) the cause of Theodoret and the Orientals. 3 Theodoret of Cyrus. He wrote against Cyril of Alexandria's 12 Anathemas which were sent to Nestorius and did not personally condemn Nestorius until the Council of Chalcedon. We have also a few scanty fragments of speeches and homilies of Theodoret at this period, characterized by distressing acrimony (Theod. For the nature of these documents and for the objections urged by Theodoret and his friends, which, with much that is illogical and inconsistent, contain much that is prima facie Nestorian see CYRILLUS. Theodoret of Cyrus (c. 393-466), the wise and zealous bishop of Cyrus, a small town near Antioch, was the last great theologian of the school of Antioch. To do this (Theodoret writes to his friend Andrew of Samosata) would be to anathematize godliness itself. The interposition of Pulcheria and of the Western princesses was employed in vain. He was unwearied in preaching, and his acquaintance with the Syrian vernacular enabled him to reach the poorest and most ignorant. On their way home from Ephesus the Orientals, Theodoret among them, held a synod at Tarsus and renewed the sentence of deposition on Cyril in conjunction with the seven orthodox deputies to Theodosius II., which they published in a circular letter. His style of commentary, the hermeneutics of his school and the distinctive Antioch text of the Old Testament are of particular interest to modern scholars and readers.åÊ. ; the first in 4 vols. His writings may be divided roughly into I. Exegetical , on the Scriptures of O. and N. T. II. Literatur Zeitung (1890), p. 502. of the new Rome, a personal friend of long standing to both of them, was no less offensive to Theodoret than to John. He was also accused on theological grounds. His care for the temporal interests and material prosperity of his diocese was no less remarkable. 619–624). Theodoret's entrance was the signal for outrageous violence on the part of the adherents of Dioscorus. But for his complete satisfaction an oecumenical council was necessary, and to bring that about he laboured with all his might. Being their sole heir, he immediately proceeded to distribute his inheritance among the poor (Ep. After serving as a lector, he withdrew to a monastery in 416. His life as bishop differed as little as possible from that he had lived in his monastery. $ 19.95. Kyros, Theodoretus von 393-466. The coldness arising between him and John after John's reconciliation with Cyril had been much increased by John's uncanonical intrusion into the province of Alexander in the ordination of bishops. The commander in verse 18 ? of this remarkable series of letters, arranged according to date and subject, is much to be desired. Chapter 1. of Cyrus (Moscow, 1890, 2vols. of T. Gaisford is pub. 31). II. books having been burnt under Manasseh and other godless kings, or destroyed during the Captivity, Ezra was divinely inspired to rewrite them word for word on the return from the Captivity. iv. 130 ff.). Only a few fragments remain. of Cyrrhus, or Cyrus, in the province of Euphratensis, was born at Antioch probably c. 393 (Tillemont). The reconciliation, however, was by no means acceptable to Theodoret. The parents of Theodoret were both dead when he was 23 years old. III. Episcopate at Cyrus. He is considered blessed or a saint by the Eastern Orthodox Church. The work on the Octateuch consists of answers to difficult points, for the most part characterized by the sound common-sense literalism of the Antiochene school, with but little tendency to allegory. 44; Baluz. He controverts the opinion that this book contains the story of the earthly loves of Solomon either with Pharaoh's daughter or with Abishag, or that it is a political allegory, in which the bridegroom represents the monarch and the bride the people, and adopts the spiritual interpretation by which the bridegroom stands for Jesus Christ and the bride for the church. His chief theological teacher, to whom be never refers without deserved reverence and admiration, was Theodore of Mopsuestia, "the great commentator," as he was called, the luminary and pride of the Antiochene school, but one who undoubtedly prepared the way for the teaching of Nestorius by his desire to provide, in Dorner's words, "for a free moral development in the Saviour's manhood." The city of Cyrrhus, though the winter quarters of the tenth legion, could boast little dignity or architectural beauty. 81, 113, 116, vol. at Constantinople, representing his metropolitan Alexander ( ib. The council exclaimed that they had heard enough to warrant the immediate deposition of Theodoret, as the emperor had already ordered. All eventually yielded to combined entreaties and menaces save Alexander and a small band of irreconcilables, who were banished from their sees. Copyright StatementThese files are public domain.Text Courtesy of BibleSupport.com. Tag: Theodoret of Cyrus Sola Scriptura in the Early Church. pp. I. Exegetical .—These include works on (1) the Octateuch, (2) the books of Sam., Kings, and Chron., (3) the Pss., (4) the Canticles, (5) the Major Prophets, (6) the Twelve Minor Prophets, (7) the Fourteen Epistles of St. Paul, including that to the Hebrews. Cf. Theological , including the Graecarum affectionum Curatio, Orations on Divine Providence , and sundry orations and lesser treatises.