In our glorious differences, we reflect the Holy face of God. Our call to worship is based on Genesis 1:27 and Galatians 3:28-29. When we draw our last breath and leave this world, love will be waiting for us. Easter Sunday begins a season of fifty days celebration of Jesus’ new life. Words of Assurance (inspired by Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18). Season After Pentecost, part 2 Let us throw off our distractions, And allow the chaos to settle. Leader: Let us worship Jesus Christ, People: who takes our burdens from us and lives among us. We were knit in your womb. The other printed prayers are from UCC Worship Ways. Our God knows you by name. The Call to Worship. For you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Look for Sunday, festival and special UCC worship services here, organized by seasons of the Church Year. Whoever you are, Wherever you are on life's journey, You are welcme here! We are created by God in the image of God. Amen. People: Out loud, but muted “Rubrics” for virtual services will be noted in red; Leader should speak the lines of the people, along with the Leader’s lines, Office of the General Minister & President, United Church of Christ Board of Directors, Statement of Faith of the United Church of Christ – La Declaración de Fe de la Iglesia Unida de Cristo, Center for Analytics, Research and Development and Data (CARDD), About The Center for Analytics, Research & Development, and Data (CARDD), Faith Forming Publications & The Pilgrim Press, Ministerial Excellence, Support & Authorization (MESA), The Pollinator: UCC Environmental Justice Blog. Category: Calls to Worship Call to Worship: Psalm 30:3-4 This scriptural call to worship is a reminder of our deliverance from death to life and an exhortation to the gathered church to respond by singing praises and giving thanks. Holy One, by your grace, Meet us where we are. Come, O God, so that we can hear you calling our names. Examples: Call To Worship. The twelve days of the Christmas season celebrate the birth of Jesus, Emmanuel, God-with-us. Call to Worship. An empty tomb astonishes Mary Magdalene and the other disciples on Easter morning, and Jesus is soon discovered in the community, alive and present in a new way, especially in the “breaking of the bread”. P: Praise be to God who has heard our cries. Call to Worship: Christ the King Here’s a call to worship for the last Sunday before Advent, known as “Christ the King” or “Reign of Christ” Sunday. November 29-December 24, 2020. Revealed to Us: Prayers for the Second Sunday after Epiphany was written by the Rev. In this hour of worship, help us to grasp the freedom that comes from seeing you more clearly, loving you more dearly, Traditional liturgical colors have suggested light—white or gold—but expanding the festive color palette is appropriate for celebration. Guide our worship this hour. * * * WE GATHER IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD. Advent is the start of the church year, a season of expectation, four weeks looking forward to celebrating the birth of Christ at Christmas. Consecration I. Come to search us. CALL TO WORSHIP – THEME OF LOVE. Was it you that we felt in the beating of our own hearts? Many people come to worship feeling hopeless, empty, and powerless. She writes liturgies and shares her thoughts on God of heaven and earth, we long to be truly free. Intersperse the names on the list so that Prophets, Leaders, Members are all mixed together. The traditional color for Lent is purple; churches may want to adopt subdued colors such as gray or beige or no color at all to signify the starkness of the season. (Invite the congregation to pray for those things that need to be changed. Seasons of Life. O God, you offer us wonderful gifts. Speaker 2: How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity! You will not let us lounge in bed. Calls to Worship on the Body of Christ, organized by topic to help you find beautiful prayers that fit the theme of your worship service. Scripture, Sermon, Prayers of the People