It is not necessary to include any, and many applicants do not include addenda. Such approval is granted only in unusual circumstances. Yale Law School requires only one LSAT writing sample. Chronologically, we particularly examine: (1) antebellum immigration policy in the context of forced migration, settler colonialism, and slavery, (2) the rise of a federal “gatekeeping” immigration regime in the post-Civil War era, and (3) transformations in immigration policymaking and policies during the long twentieth century. It pays particular attention to the sociology of actors, as well as to historical, political and social conditions of emergence and development of human rights mobilizations. Search form. This seminar examines women’s and men’s reproductive health in the United States from the 19th century to the present. AFST 486/HIST 374J/HSHM 486 – African Systems of ThoughtNana Osei QuarshieT 1:30-3:20pFall 2020. 2 units per term, graded or credit/fail at the student option. Yale Law School accepts results from the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) and the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) General Test. We suggest that you allow at least six weeks for a transcript to be processed by LSAC. Information about the joint degree program with Medicine can be obtained from the web site of the Yale Medical Scientist Training Program Office in the School of Medicine and from the web site of the History of Medicine. In the first term, all classes are ungraded. What relationship exists between social practices and culturally shared categories of knowledge? Introduction to the study of politics and political life in the world outside the United States. At the same time, it strives to illustrate the various attitudes of the Poles towards the Jews and their proposed solutions to the “Jewish Question” in the Second Polish Republic. This class examines the process of democratic backsliding, including its causes, and consequences. HIST 384J – The Theory and Practice of the Struggle in South AfricaDaniel MagazinerMW 11:35-12:50pFall 2020. You can also sort the table by LSAT, GPA, Status and important dates relevant to Yale Law School. However, some are less visible such as the forced evacuations of the poor from urban centers, increasing state surveillance, and new forms of relationships between people and places enabled through digital communications. In their senior year, Scholars complete a capstone project informed by their coursework, extracurricular activities, and summer internships or research. At the heart of the course is the role of racial and economic justice—in healthcare, and in the world more broadly—in mitigating the health and healthcare disparities between transgender and non-transgender patients. EP&E 244/ECON 449/PLSC 374 – The Economic Analysis of ConflictGerard PadroTh 9:25-11:15aSpring 2021. The life and work of anthropologist/dancer/choreographer/activist Katherine Dunham (1909–2006) provides the framework through which we think through the strategies contemporary scholar-artists employ in their social justice practices, while the concept of movement is our theoretical and methodological foundation for engaging with the work of historical and contemporary Black women change agents. Second, we examine the nature of rationality. degree, students must: successfully complete at … Topics include the conditions under which individuals coordinate and start protest actions; what favors individual participation in protests; and when do protests succeed. In the twentieth century, we consider some of the most salient analyses of the growth of state power, including dictatorships, in multiple sites. Democracy, liberty, and the sustainable use of natural resources. Readings from Bentham, Mill, Marx, Burke, Rawls, Nozick, and others. Conducted as a production workshop, the course explores the use of archives in constructing real and fictive narratives across a variety of disciplines, such as—participants create and develop autobiographies, biographies, or fiction-based projects, tailored to their own work in film/new media around Natalie Goldberg’s concept that “our lives are at once ordinary and mythical.”, AFAM 227/AMST 227/ER&M 349/ HIST 137J – From the Voting Rights Act to #blacklivesmatterStaffW 9:25-11:15aFall 2020. HIST 243J – The Jewish Metropolis: Warsaw before the HolocaustKarolina KolpakM 1:30-3:20pFall 2020. Yale Law School (often referred to as Yale Law or YLS) is the law school of Yale University, located in New Haven, Connecticut.Established in 1824, it has been the top-ranked law school in the United States by U.S. News and World Report every year since the magazine began publishing law school rankings in the 1980s.. The study of political protest, with discussion of theoretical approaches explaining the origin and decline of social movements and protest. Yale Law School Career Development Office The Truth About the Billable Hour One important aspect of law firm life that is nearly impossible to avoid is the “billable hour.” Most law firms make their money by billing their clients by the hour. Average GPA: 4.14. Historical survey of feminist and queer theory from the Enlightenment to the present, with readings from key British, French, and American works. We begin with theoretical readings that help us situate the major debates about socialism in general and socialism in Africa. We ask how movement functions in the work of Dunham and these contemporary scholar-artists in terms of: the moving and/or dancing body; movement and migration across geographic territories and imagined space; and participation in social movements. This survey class introduces you to the historical circumstances that have contributed to the contemporary landscape of global health. AFAM 220/FILM 434 – Archive Aesthetics and Community StorytellingThomas HarrisM 3:30-6:20pSpring 2021, This production course explores strategies of archive aesthetics and community storytelling in film and media. ANTH 324/ANTH 384 – Politics of MemoryYukiko KogaW 9:25-11:15aFall 2020. The course also focuses on various empirical case studies on highly mediatized human rights issues: political prisoners, protest-related trials, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, prison and penitentiary institutions. Focusing mostly on Sub-Saharan African countries, it looks at international economic relations (focusing on aid but also addressing trade, investment, and debt); peacemaking and peacebuilding; and regional governance institutions. How political actors and social movements engage the law to shape visions of freedom, democracy, and political life. EP&E 362/PHIL 462 – The Morality of ReparationsStephen DarwallMW 1-2:15pFall 2020. Each Human Rights Scholar is required to take four electives, drawn from existing Yale courses. Readings consist of a mixture of philosophical and literary works from the Soviet Union, East Germany and the lands in-between. We analyze how these writers use their professional expertise to craft work for the public arena, and what it means to create a history of the present. Fueled by new digital technologies; environmental change; globalized economies, politics, human rights, and religion—Southeast Asia is experiencing a rapid transformation. Facets of contemporary economic globalization, including trade, investment, and migration. The personal statement should help us learn about the personal, professional, and/or academic qualities an applicant would bring to the Law School community. A survey of the principal modes of thought that have animated decolonization and life after colonialism, as seen in both theoretical and literary texts. Paper required. It especially probes the degree to which policies governing U.S. citizenship have been employed to incorporate access to rights for some while restricting access to others. Are there types of truth that any regime would—or should—find dangerous? There are six required courses in the Multidisciplinary Academic Program in Human Rights: a gateway lecture course, four electives, and a senior colloquium. The course also taps into the expertise and experience of professors and staff from various disciplines and schools, as well as practitioners directly from the field. Learn what it takes to get into each of the 203 ABA-accredited law schools with these comprehensive admissions statistics. AMST 235/ENGL 354 – Language, Disability, FictionJim BergerTh 1:30-3:20pSpring 2021. To qualify for the LL.M. Yale University is an Ivy League research university with an acceptance rate of 6.1%. Yeats, Virginia Woolf, Federico Garcia Lorca, Pablo Neruda, Czeslaw Milosz, Wislawa Szymborska, Audre Lorde, Seamus Heaney, Milan Kundera. Each term, including the final term in residence, a student must enroll for no fewer than 12 and no more than 16 units of credit, unless approval is given by the appropriate dean and the registrar. Located in New Haven, Connecticut, the school was founded in 1824. It begins with the end of the First World War and the establishment of the state of Poland and ends with the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in 1943 when the Jewish metropolis ceased to exist. In addition, Yale Law School fosters an environment of collaboration rather than competition. The course focuses on three broad themes covered across four units. The average GPA at Yale is 4.14. In their first year, students take a mandatory two-term seminar on the foundations of legal scholarship, legal theory, and methods (or its equivalent) and as many as four additional courses. Our readings turn to Caribbean slavery, where studies of gendered experiences of enslavement and resistance have grown considerably in recent decades. Use it to compare your profile to others by checking on individual user names. The student to faculty ratio remains low at eight to one, and most classes contain no more than 20 students. Course will be capped at 25. The arrival of Spanish colonialism brings tremendous and complex transformations to the societies that we consider; we analyze discourses of honor, as well as how various subjects navigated the violence and the transforming colonial state. Yale College's academic requirements, together with a student’s major requirements, comprise the foundation of an undergraduate education at Yale. The rigorous and highly competitive admissions process might make some high school students wonder if they have what it takes to get into Yale. How did this come to pass? Yale Human Rights & Development Law Journal, Consumer Information (ABA Required Disclosures). An interdisciplinary, thematic approach to the study of race, nation, and ethnicity in the African diaspora. How might a more just, free, and equal society allow us to relate to literature and the arts? With a rich history, a vibrant academic community, and an accomplished student body, Yale Law School offers an unmatched environment of excellence and educational intimacy in the form of world-renowned faculty, small classes, opportunities for independent research and writing, and student-organizedreading groups. Topics include the correlates of war; the economic legacies of conflict on human capital, local institutions, households’ income, and firm performance; and the causes and impacts of forced displacement. Pocock, Michael Walzer, and Iris Marion Young. Topics include: sexology as a medical and disciplinary practice; decadence and theories of degeneration; the criminalization of homosexuality in the Wilde and Pemberton-Billing trials; cross-dressing and drag balls in Harlem; transsexuality and sex-reassignment surgery; lesbian periodical cultures; nightlife and cruising; gay Berlin and the rise of fascism; colonial narratives of same-sex desire in Arabia and the South Pacific; Caribbean sexual morality; and the salon cultures of expatriate Paris. What political, social, economic, and cultural ends did socialism serve in Africa? Academic Requirements There are six required courses in the Multidisciplinary Academic Program in Human Rights: a gateway lecture course, four electives, and a senior colloquium. This course is co-taught by Greta LaFleur (American Studies) and Ronica Mukerjee (School of Nursing). Throughout we maintain an eye for principle questions about representation, reproduction, inclusion, political consciousness, sexuality, migration, kinship, and revolutionary struggle through a gendered lens. Introduction to transgender studies, an emergent field that draws on gender studies, queer theory, sociology, feminist science studies, literary studies, and history. Topics include the rise of media culture and its impact on art; the global reception of Pop; Black Power and the Black Arts Movement; art and activism of the New Left; the counterculture and new media; the aesthetics of Third Worldism and the anti-war movement; 1968 and the Society of the Spectacle; and gay liberation at Stonewall. Arab Spring, Arab Winter, and US Policy in the Middle East and North Africa: Seminar WGSS 352 – Feminist and Queer Literary MethodsMargaret HomansM 1:30-3:20pSpring 2021. Consideration of critical race theory, political discourse analysis, intersectionality and women of color feminism, and American political development. All students fulfill disciplinary area requirements by taking a minimum of two course credits in the humanities and arts, two course credits in the sciences, and two course credits in the social sciences. Ways in which anthropologists studying women’s health issues have contributed to social and feminist theory at the intersections of race, class, and gender. Students must be simultaneously enrolled in the seminar and fieldwork sections. The class explores the relationship between law and colonialism, the functioning of law under the authoritarianism and democracy, and in conflict-ridden societies. What are Yale Law School Admission Requirements? AMST 439/ER&M 439 – Fruits of EmpireGary OkihiroW 1:30-3:20pSpring 2021. Organized thematically and comparative in scope, topics include labor migrations, community formations, chain migrations, transnational connections, intergenerational dynamics, interracial and ethnic relations, popular cultures, and return migrations. Other laws protect rights of secrecy, property, speech, confidential business information, free trade, worker protection, equal opportunity, and freedom from discrimination. Topics include migration, politics and political activism, urban development, environmentalism, labor, violence, religion, popular culture, gender, and relationships. AMST 317/ER&M 353/HIST 323J – Race, Radicalism, and Migration in Latinx HistoryStephen PittiTTh 4:00-5:15pFall 2020. The course also draws on more recent texts and visual works that arose from the earlier contexts that the primary texts helped to illuminate and shape. What is Yale 2021 Acceptance Rate for the class of 2025 and Requirements. Based on careful study of primary sources, students develop familiarity with the intricacies of South African history as well as a deeper understanding about what it has meant to build and sustain movements for social change. ER&M 214/HIST 146/HLTH 280/HSHM 212 – Historical Perspectives on Global HealthJoanna RadinTTh 11:35a-12:25pFall 2020. Students should submit one—and only one—application per admissions cycle. Spatially conceived as a world-system that enmeshes the planet and as earth's latitudes that divide the temperate from the tropical zones, imperialism as discourse and material relations is this seminar's focus together with its implantations—an empire of plants. The GPA requirement that really matters is the GPA you need for a real chance of getting in. ECON 468 – Institutions and Incentives in Economic DevelopmentMark RosenzweigW 1:30-3:20pSpring 2021. How have colonialism and post-colonial power relations defined the tasks of an African science? We encourage all applicants to make decisions about grading schemas based on their needs, and the Law School will be flexible in recognition of these unprecedented challenges. Yale Law School, PO Box 208329, New Haven CT 06520-8329; or by telephone, 203.432.4995. Topics include the management of reproduction in U.S. slavery and empire, reproductive medicine and concepts of race, practitioners and professional authority over childbearing and pregnancy, eugenics and sterilization, movements for reproductive rights and healthcare, reproductive biotechnology, and present-day disparities in access to and quality of reproductive care. The course moves thematically to consider topics including, decolonization and nation building in the global south, crises of nationalism and recurrent authoritarianism, the politics of aid, humanitarianism and neo-liberalism, technophilia, environmentalism and networked societies, climate change and ‘free trade,’ new religious fundamentalisms and imagined solidarities, celebrity, individuality, and consumerism in China, the United States, and beyond. EP&E 354/PLSC 300/PLSC 623/LAW 20118 – Rethinking the Political EnlightenmentIan ShapiroM 1:30-3:20pFall 2020. degree in six terms in residence or the equivalent thereof. In this seminar, we explore how medical practices and institutions have been involved in establishing, structuring, and challenging historical systems of incarceration. WGSS 206 – Transnational Approaches to Gender & SexualityEvren SavciW 3:30-5:20pFall 2020. 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