Head of a statue

EN head m17icon360icon zoom

Object :
Head of a statue
Art style :
Material : 
Size :
2.5 cm. width, 4.5 cm. height
Era age :
Indo - Roman or India - Tawaravadee, 12th - 13th Buddhist era
Characteristic :
A statue of a small man wearing cloth on his head and tied his hair as a bun in the middle. He assumed to be similar to Sitian or Persian, that may be one of the Indo-Roman merchants coming for trading. The characteristic of casting found to be from 2 models and attached them together. It is considered to be the most important evidence in the history of the transition to the era of Haripunchai.
Current :
History :
Moved from Wat Phra That Hariphunchai, Lamphun Province
Presented at :
Hariphunchai National Museum, Lamphun Province

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hariphunchai zoom 2017 17
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