Rua Moo

Written by พิพิธภัณฑสถานแห่งชาติ พาณิชย์นาวี on . Posted in Virtual Model 360

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Object :
Rua Moo
Art style :
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Characteristic :
It has the round bottom which is made by teakwood or iron wood. The prow is a bit bent, but the stern is more bent. The prow and stern is inlaid with brass and beautifully weird patterns. The floor of prow and stern has the palanquin which can be open and closed. The middle body has the washboard palanquin. It is used to paddle to join Pha Pa Event, listen to a boating song or catch fish around rice field by using a fishhook or a fishnet. It is commonly used in the central part of Thailand such as Pichit Province, Nakhon Sawan Province and Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya.
Current :
History :
Presented at :
The National Maritime Museum, Chanthaburi Province

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panitnavi model 2017 01
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