Offered by FASS and the NUS Business School, the DDP integrates and synergises the strengths of the two disciplines in Economics and Business. Today's globalised world requires people with initiative, knowledge, team working abilities, great social skills who know all the different social, economic and political … LSE is a private company limited by guarantee, registration number 70527. The following partner universities are involved in this cooperation: Universidad Argentina de la Empresa; Universidade de Fortaleza; Metropolia University of Applied Sciences The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) offers a wide range of Double Degree options both at Bachelor and Master level, in collaboration with international partner universities. The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) offers a wide range of Double Degree options both at Bachelor and Master level, in collaboration with international partner universities in Chile, China, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Indonesia, Norway, Romania and Sweden. We do not recommend applying to LSE solely with the intention of applying to the double degree programme, as we are unable to guarantee you will be admitted. the Double Degree in the Political Economy of Development (new for 2020 entry), leading to a Master's degree from the Paris School of International Affairs of Sciences Po and the MSc in Development Management of LSE’s Department of International Development. In some cases there may be additional entry requirement. We asked Aiganym Daupbayeva, first-year student of the HSE and University of London Double Degree Programme in Economics from Kazakhstan about her experience attending HSE virtually. Double Degrees - Faculty of Economics and Business The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) offers a wide range of Double Degree options both at Bachelor and Master level, in collaboration with international partner universities in Chile, China, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Indonesia, Norway, Romania and Sweden. A unique partnership which allows students to study public policy and politics whilst developing their professional skills at two of Europe’s leading universities. With the FEB BSc Economics and Business Economics / BSc Econometrics and Operations Research: Please note that in some cases a Double Degree programme with a specific partner may have two separate tracks: one in which students start at FEB and progress to the partner, and one in which students start at the partner and then complete the programme at FEB. We distinguish between: Double Degree programmes for which you apply at the University of Groningen. Double degree in Management & Entrepreneurship management (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow) The double Master degree programme is offered jointly by the Faculty of Business Administration at the Prague University of Economics and Business (VSE), and the Department of Management at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE). The second-year will be spent at one of NHH's highly ranked Double Degree partner universities. You will complete part of your master's programme at an institution abroad and part at Maastricht University’s School of Business and Economics (SBE). Ekonomiak, gizarte zientzia gisa, produkzioa, kontsumoa eta errentaren banaketa aztertzen ditu; nazioarteko mailan eta esparru nazionalean. As such, you will graduate from two highly ranked institutions. In collaboration with the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business of the University of Victoria, Canada, the Nijmegen School of Management has developed a brand-new dual degree programme: International Bachelor in Economics and Management. This is the overall rating calculated by averaging all … The EI offers seven Masters programmes - one of the broadest offerings on Europe in the world. This distinctive and prestigious multi-stream European Studies qualification is offered by the leading social science institutions of the UK and France. A business and law double degree offers a powerful combination of business and law skills that provides a broad base of commercial knowledge and will enhance your career in the law or business environments. Application and admission is handled by the partner university, and the basic entry requirements are those of the partner degree programme involved in the Double Degree. ENTER GRADES. Business students are eager to get started in the professional world, while Jenkins shared that a fair amount of economics students go on to earn a master’s degree or a Ph.D. Those that do not, are well equipped to learn quickly and think critically, as well as choose from a … Economics; Business Informatics; Marketing starting AS2021; Data Analytics & Economics; International and European Business; Accounting and Finance; Business Communication; Communication and Media Research; Double Degrees Within each programme, students study a combination of core and optional courses, with around 75 taught courses to choose from. Both programmes are designed to train students for strategic and operational careers in the specific international … University of Pavia . At first glance, physics and economics don't seem to have a lot in common. Application and admission is handled by the University of Groningen, and the basic entry requirements are those of the University of Groningen degree programme involved in the specific Double Degree. This allows you to complete two undergraduate degrees in a reduced timeframe. Common undergraduate double degrees include Engineering and Economics programs, Engineering and Business programs, such as Business and Computing. MSc Double Degree in Economics: St. Gallen - SSE SSE has joined forces with University of St. Gallen (HSG), one of the very best European Business Schools, to offer a Double Degree Program in Economics at the Master level. This programme combines the best of international economics with the best of international business and it includes … Double Masters’ Degree in European Studies (LSE & Sciences Po, Paris. A double degree is a programme set up jointly by two universities, who each grant their own degree at the end of the agreed track. This master is a cooperation between the University of Twente (UT) and University of L’Aquila (UA). The Double Degree programme allows you to combine studies at your home university with time studying at BI. The Double Degree programme is open to current NHH students. A Double Degree programme gives you the unique opportunity to study at two top universities. Double Degree Bachelor's Programme in Business and Management (as an optional track) Partner: University of Rome Tor Vergata , Italy HSE University Unit: Bachelor’s Programme 'International Business and Management Studies' / St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management / HSE University — Saint Petersburg The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Szeged and his partner universities will grant the bachelor’s and master’s degree to students registered in the Double Degree program. Whether the two majors overlap or … Both institutions will approve your courses, and you will earn a Double Degree with diplomas from both your home institution and BI Norwegian Business School. When pursuing a business degree, double majoring can be valuable, especially when selected in a strategic way. One of the bests Business … Double (Honours) Degree in Economics and Business Administration / Accountancy. How to Apply - 1 November deadline. We'll calculate your UCAS points & connect you to a personalised list of courses for you to compare. Double Masters’ Degree in European and International Public Policy & Politics (LSE & Bocconi University, Milan). Partner universities. We offer two types of double degrees: Business and Commerce doubles (within Monash Business School) and double degrees with other faculties. Double Bachelor's degree in Business and Economics Business & Economics gradu bikoitzak Ekonomiaren ikuspegi zabala eta Enpresaren Administrazio eta Zuzendaritzaren arlo zehatzagoa uztartzen ditu. These programmes are designed for high-performing students from around the world, and complement our standard 12-month master’s programmes. You earn a double degree by completing a part of your programme at KU Leuven and the other part at a partner university. You can participate in the Double Degree Programme from the third year of study in Argentina, Brazil, Finland, France, Great Britain, the Netherlands, and Spain. Business is multi-disciplinary and imparts the necessary skill set for meeting the challenges of the business world, while Economics, being a science of choice, imparts the skill sets for problem-solving. The double degree programmes integrate and synergise the strengths of the two disciplines in Economics and Business. At University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business (SEB LU) you have the opportunity to take part in a so-called »Double Degree programme« in collaboration with one of our top partner institutions. Double Degree programmes for which you apply at the partner university. The students study one year at SSE and one year at the partner university. The Degree in Business Management offers students an excellent professional perspective, teaching them about the range of activities that take place in the world of business and companies. FULL DOUBLE DEGREE (120EC) The master ‘Master Business Administration, Economics, and Finance’ (MBAEF) is a double degree master programme (see box below for more information on what a double degree programme is). The double degree gives you the opportunity to explore your interests in more than one area, and broadens your career options. WHAT IS A DOUBLE DEGREE PROGRAMME? You spend the first part of the Double Degree at the partner university, and the second part you will come to Groningen. In all these programmes you will study part of the curriculum at the University of Groningen and part at the partner university. This will give you a big advantage on the jobmarket. This double degree teaches students about global political economy and public policy, and offers a rich cultural experience of studying in both the UK and China. The students selected for the Double Degree will be registered at Luiss Business … Studying a double degree allows students to combine their degree with another degree from the Business School, or another UNSW Faculty. An economics and finance double major is possibly the best degree combination in the commercial field. Business Administration/ Business Administration (Accountancy)* and Economics (jointly offered with the Department of Economics, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences) *There is no direct admission for all double-degree programmes with Business Administration (Accountancy). Teesside University, Middlesbrough. Double Masters’ Degree in European Studies (LSE & Sciences Po, Paris). The Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) at Sciences Po and the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), both members of the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA), have come together to offer graduate students a cross-disciplinary dual degree that combines studies in International Affairs with studies in one of Economics, Finance or … They often take 4–5 years to complete instead of 7–8 years to complete separate degrees. Within each programme, students study a combination of core and optional courses at each institution. A Double Degree programme is an approved combined study programme that leads to two master's degrees. With Monash Business School; With other faculties; A double degree takes at least two years less than if you studied the two courses separately, because the required units from one course count as … As a double degree student, you spend the first year of the programme at NHH in Bergen, pursuing the major of your choice. To earn two accredited degrees from two internationally renowed universities; To expand your international network and broaden your knowledge; To work in diverse teams and improve foreign language skills; Double Degree International Business with. The Double Degree Programme is only open to LLB students at LSE who are in their second year of study. DOUBLE DEGREE IN MANAGEMENT WITH ZAGREB SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT (ZSEM) After completing the programme, students will obtain a Master’s degree in International Management, issued by Luiss Business School and an MBA in Management degree, issued by ZSEM. Double degree programme special for master students in International Economy and Business. How long will it take? It is during their second year that students apply to participate in the programme. Business is multidisciplinary and imparts the necessary skill set for meeting the challenges of the business world, while Economics, being a science of … The LSE European Institute is proud to offer bespoke two-year double degree programmes with a number of global partners. You spend the first part of the Double Degree in Groningen, at FEB, and the second part you will study at the partner. Double Degree China and the World Economy, Double Degree Economics and Economic Analysis, Double Degree Advanced International Business Management, Double Degree Central-East European Economies, Double Degree Economic Development and Growth, Double Degree Strategic Marketing Intelligence, Double Degree Marketing and Information Systems, Double Degree Finance and Risk Management, Double Degree Master International and Development Economics, Information events for prospective students, Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies. The Stockholm School of Economics has joined forces with some of the very best European business schools, and offer double degree programs at the master level. She discussed how to get into HSE and take classes without leaving your home, and why international students choose HSE University. Double Masters’ Degree in the Global Political Economy of China and Europe (LSE & Fudan University, Shanghai). Students in the Master of Business Economics programme can opt for a double degree programme with Fudan University in Shanghai, China. The double degree in Economics and International Business + C-ADE promotes the necessary skills for the leadership of professional and business organizations and the ability to direct and analyze the current economic reality. HEC Paris, France To get the best results for Undergraduate Business Economics degree courses, simply enter your predicted grades here. The application for double degree programmes is included as part of the applications for the master’s degree programmes in business administration and management and in finance and accounting; during the application period, it is integrated into … École de Management de Normandie. In all these programmes you will study part of the curriculum at the University of Groningen and part at the partner university. London School of Economics and Political Science. 1 Business Economics degree . They will receive their Master diploma TEW/Business Economics already after the first year at KU Leuven and will then proceed to the second year of the 2-year program at Fudan University. In some cases there may be additional entry requirements. The Double Degree offerings consists of two full academic years. OVERALL RATING . Your business knowledge and skills will provide a valuable commercial perspective ideal for specialist areas such as corporate law, company takeovers, corporate … A Double Degree is an approved combined study programme leading to two degrees from two universities. The Master Program in Economy offers two exciting Double Degree programs.