Sumpol Bhodisatava (Guveru)

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Object :
Sumpol Bhodisatava (Guveru)
Art style :
Material :
Size :
16  cm. high
Era age :
ca.16th  century BE.
Feature :
Guveru sat one of his feet  dangling down beside from the throne (Lalitasana), on the back has vestige of glory, plum body, round face, wera necklace. Right hand hold a lime, left hand catch a mongoose. Guveru is deity to protect north. In  mention of Hinduism and Buddhism told that Guveru had pain relieved many thousand years until Bramah had benign to nominate as deity of stability. Buddhism in Mahayana denomination told that Guveru was the Justified treatment who equivalent positions with Bhodisatava who had the duty to suppress devils and Mara the enemy of Buddhism   and the Earth treatment named Vessuwan or Visorawan as deity who had duty to protect the north, stay on Khao Pra Sumeru, the center of universe and guarding the entrance to paradise.
History :
Found at Sating Phra district, Songkhla province.
Venue :
Songkhla National Museum
QR code :

b m02

icon360 2

b m02
icon zoom 2