
head m01
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Object :
Art style :
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Era age :
Around 13th – 14th Buddhist Century (or around 1,200-1,300 years)
Characteristic :
It is a sculpture of a man hunkering down and bringing hands together (Anjali Mudra). He wears a crown or head decoration and round earrings. His upper arms are decorated with bracelets, with triangular pattern which are presumed to be the costume pattern of the king at that time. Under the base of the sculpture inscribed “Suddhodana” which refers to the name of King Suddhodana, the Buddha’s father. The sculpture of Suddhodana is regarded as an important piece of Buddhism because it is rare to find such image, especially in Dvaravati culture, and it is found only in this place.
Current :
History :
Excavated from chedi or pagoda No.11, U Thong district
Presented at :
U Thong National Museum, Suphan Buri

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