Buddha Image

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Object :
Buddha Image
Art style :
Dhavaravati Art
Material : 
Size :
24.5 cm height
Era age :
approximately 13th – 15th Buddhist century
Characteristics :
He has wide forehead and sharp chin, connected eyebrows forming the shape of parenthesis, downcast eyes, large noses, thick lips, and hair with lotus-bud aura as overturned cone-shaped halo. He wears a rope. Both hands are raised as a gesture of giving dharma. In summary, his features look like standing Buddha image in gesture of giving dharma as being seen in Dhavaravati culture in central region.
Current :
History :
found in Muang District, Roi Et, given by Mr.Weera Witthichamnong (171-3 Padung Panit Road, Naimuang Sub-district, Muang District, Roi Et)
Presented at :
2nd floor, Dhavaravati Display Case 2/4, Roi Et National Museum, Roi Et

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