Javanese oboe


           JAVANESE OBOE is a kind of noise from the vibration of the tongue. Presumably that was influenced and adapted from Indian Chani Oboe by taking an active role associated with the ceremonial since the early Ayutthaya as royal route march, weap on traditional dance or mix in to into the Nanghong gamelan orchestra  Jawanese  Obei-Indian Drum Band, clarinet, (Buo Loi Band) etc.
Javanese oboe is a critical component as;
    1.    Body:  made from solid wood or ivory, about 27 centimeters long, hone and  has a machined hole by blowing holes 7 Sort finger like a flute.
    2.    Bell: made from solid wood or ivory like the body, Can be detached from a year have been freed. At the end of the speaker to broadcast a flare.
    3.    Tongue: Made from dried palm leaves Cut four pieces stacked and fastened to a metal rod. (This is called getting a the hook bind) Which is made of alloy, brass or silver called that “Kumpuod” then one end of Kumpuod plugged into the holes on the upstream area of a pipe. Tongue of Javanese oboe is longer than the one of Chani oboe.

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